Wednesday, 05 March 2025
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Revisiting Spira: My first impressions from playing through Final Fantasy X Remastered

Added: 03.01.2014 6:24 | 2 views | 0 comments

Games in Asia: "Its no secret that I love Final Fantasy X. I was in high school when the game first released for the PlayStation 2, and, seeing how I was under my fathers roof, I had to live with a primitive form of torture that restricted video games to a weekend activity. This left me with nothing but my imagination during the weekdays, and I have far more memories of my daydreams in Spira than I do of what happened in my Earth and Space science classes. I say all of that to say this: I openly admit a bias. I love this game. I would have found myself ecstatic with a straight up port, let alone remastered in HD. So when I say these first five hours of playing through FFX has been my favorite gaming experience in the past decade, take it with a grain of salt."


No Mans Sky Developers Flooded Again; Talk About Hiring New People In Spite of Adversity

Added: 02.01.2014 22:16 | 10 views | 0 comments

No Man's Sky developer Hello Games had a streak of bad luck lately, first their office in Guildford UK has been flooded, destroying all their equipment. Then they discovered that insurance will not pay for the damage. Unfortunately it seems there are more problems incoming, as a second flood is threatening the studio even if the team seems to be keeping a positive attitude.


The Best Gaming Memes And Gifs Of 2013: Xbox One, Kaz Hirai And More

Added: 26.12.2013 7:16 | 21 views | 0 comments

VB writes: "We found that gamers love Sony boss Kaz Hirai. We learned that the Animal Crossing villager is a killer that feels nothing, and we all shrieked at the horror that was Joel McHale hosting the Spike VGX award show. Gaming fans also had a lot to say about the Xbox Ones early digital-rights management issues, Nintendos Wii U problems, and the busted launch of SimCity."


Galaxy Run Review - OmniGamer

Added: 19.12.2013 14:16 | 13 views | 0 comments

OmniGamer reviews the space-based endless-runner, Galaxy Run from Spiel Studios.


Bravely Default Voice Cast Unveiled

Added: 16.12.2013 12:43 | 5 views | 0 comments

Spike Spencer fops it up as Ringabel in the Final Fantasy spin-off


Titanfall Weekly: Episode 8 - Ogre and Stryder titans detailed

Added: 15.12.2013 23:00 | 7 views | 0 comments

Tons of news came out of the Spike VGX's on Titanfall, including two brand new titans...


Nintendo Had International Spotlight and Announced Cranky Kong?

Added: 15.12.2013 19:16 | 11 views | 0 comments

CraveOnline: "In case you didn't watch the VGX gaming showcase on Spike last week, or you've been living under a rock since then, Nintendo took up airtime during the entire show to announce a new playable character in the upcoming Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for Wii U."


weeaboos with a podcast ep. 88: Oh, the Humanity

Added: 15.12.2013 17:17 | 2 views | 0 comments

WWC: "On this weeks episode - We have an interview with Xtian Bretz, aspiring writer/director and creator of the web series Apocalypse DayZ. We also discuss Spike TVs 2013 VGX Awards, Final Fantasy VIII arriving on Steam, Destinys release date being revealed, PSN users getting robbed by hackers, and the wonders of Oculus Rift."


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