Review: Watch Dogs (Console Monster)
Added: 06.06.2014 18:13 | 15 views | 0 comments
Console Monster writes: "When it was first unveiled during Ubisofts press conference at E3 2012, Watch Dogs created a buzz like no other. From that initial reveal, the hybrid of Tom Clancys Splinter Cell, Grand Theft Auto and Assassins Creed excited gamers and looked set to revolutionise gaming.
Despite numerous delays, there was still a lot of hype surrounding the title, which finally launched on May 27th, 2014. But is Watch Dogs the title gamers have been yearning for, or is this one dog that has already had its day?
The plot in Watch Dogs focuses on Aiden Pearce, a grey hat hacker and vigilante who is seeking revenge on those responsible for the murder of his niece, following a failed robbery eleven months ago. Using a backdoor into Chicago's central operating system (ctOs), Aiden is able to hack into the electrical infrastructure in the city, allowing him to discover information about its citizens using his smartphone."
Tags: When, Creed, Watch, There, Monster, Down, Console, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed, Splinter, Watch Dogs, Despite
| Splinter Cell Movie "A Great Take" on Series
Added: 01.06.2014 23:14 | 15 views | 0 comments
Doug Liman has revealed that his forthcoming Splinter Cell movie will deal with a younger Sam Fisher, and stated that hes looking forward to bringing a stripped down version of the character to the big screen.
| Splinter Cell Movie "A Great Take" on Series
Added: 01.06.2014 9:05 | 11 views | 0 comments
Doug Liman discusses having a younger, strpped down Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell movie, and says he's working on script with star Tom Hardy.
| Watch Dogs: Less GTA, More Swordfish Meets Blues Brothers
Added: 30.05.2014 19:15 | 4 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn writes: "But that isn't entirely fair, because if you expect Grand Theft Auto and play it like Grand Theft Auto, of course Watch Dogs will remind you of Grand Theft Auto! Conversely, if you go in with an open mind and try to rid yourself of as much hype as possible, Ubisoft's anticipated hybrid feels more like a crazy mash-up of Swordfish, Blues Brothers, Splinter Cell, Paranormal Activity, Dark Souls and even a little Defendor for good measure. So without further ado, here are my current impressions of Watch Dogs both good and bad... and what it reminds me of most."
Tags: Daly, Watch, There, Down, Souls, Most, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Splinter, Watch Dogs, Dark Souls, Leaf
| Death to Spies 3 Demo Released
Added: 27.05.2014 13:14 | 16 views | 0 comments
From "Overall it's a social stealth with open levels, where you can change clothes, use various weapons, hide and sneak. It's like Hitman+Splinter Cell+Commandos".
| Project Stealth Kickstarter Campaign Underway, Screens Released
Added: 26.05.2014 19:30 | 3 views | 0 comments
Inspired by legendary titles such as Thief 2 and Splinter Cell
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