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MMOs - Star Wars Uprising Review

Added: 20.09.2015 0:17 | 98 views | 0 comments

Star Wars Uprising game review with screenshots. A look at the mobile dungeon crawler RPG developed and published by Kabam.


Star Wars Battlefront Players Can Wreak Havoc With Luke Skywalker

Added: 19.09.2015 23:43 | 163 views | 0 comments

Star Wars Battlefront will allow players to become several legendary heroes and villains from the series. A new preview from DICE explains what players can expect when they become Luke Skywalker.


MMOs - Star Wars Uprising Review

Added: 19.09.2015 22:17 | 89 views | 0 comments

Star Wars Uprising game review with screenshots. A look at the mobile dungeon crawler RPG developed and published by Kabam.


Feature: Eyes On with PlayStation VR at Canada's Largest Gaming Expo

Added: 19.09.2015 22:17 | 114 views | 0 comments

Push Square: "In early September, I was fortunate enough to experience Sony's first endeavour into the virtual reality space with Project Morpheus, now officially known as PlayStation VR. While attending Fan Expo Canada, a celebration of all things pop culture in downtown Toronto, the Japanese giant showcased many titles hitting store shelves soon. Of the various titles ranging from Star Wars Battlefront to Street Fighter V, the highlight of the show for many fans was the then codenamed Morpheus demo available to the public through appointment."


Nintendo Voice Chat: A New Nintendo President and Star Fox Zero's Delay

Added: 19.09.2015 21:00 | 106 views | 0 comments

IGN's Nintendo show has a LOT to talk about this week! Join host Jose Otero, Peer Schneider, and Kallie Plagge, as the crew discusses Nintendo's new president, the internal changes happening within the company, Miyamoto's decision to delay Star Fox Zero, and more.


NVC: A New Nintendo President and Star Fox Zero's Delay

Added: 19.09.2015 20:21 | 61 views | 0 comments

Some big changes are happening at Nintendo. Join IGN charismatic crew as they discuss Kimishima's appointment as the new head of Nintendo, Star Fox's delay, and more.


Disney Infinity 3.0 is a Star Wars Game For Nerds of All Ages - Up At Noon

Added: 19.09.2015 20:00 | 135 views | 0 comments

Disney Interactive's John Vignocchi joined us to chat about what's involved with adding Star Wars characters to Infinity's big goofy cartoon toy box.


Nintendo Life Weekly: Star Fox Zero Delayed Until 2016

Added: 19.09.2015 19:00 | 107 views | 0 comments

Article: Nintendo Life Weekly: Star Fox Zero Delayed Until 2016

"Oh man, I'm gonna have to back off"


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