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Shenmue 2 Distracts Us With Capsule Toys, Arm Wrestling, Street Crime

Added: 08.08.2015 13:18 | 10 views | 0 comments

OX: "With the funds mustered by a record-breaking Kickstarter, the formerly mythical Shenmue 3 is on the way at last. The time is ripe therefore to revisit Hong Kong in 2001's revered Shenmue 2, where we step off the boat from Japan and are immediately sidetracked from our mission to find our father's killer by capsule toy machines, arm wrestling matches and thieving urchins."


Beta: I Don't Think You Think it Means What I Think it Means

Added: 08.08.2015 5:18 | 8 views | 0 comments

In defence of Capcom and Street Fighter V, this article looks at the way games like Destiny and Evolve are created a false understanding of what a beta is, whether it is on PC or consoles.


Street Fighter V: Gamescom 2015 Vega Reveal Trailer

Added: 07.08.2015 15:21 | 24 views | 0 comments

Street Fighter elsewhere: 'Like' on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: http://...


Street Fighter 5 is a Bolder Reinvention Than Looks Suggest | Gamespot

Added: 07.08.2015 11:18 | 11 views | 0 comments

Gamespot: "To the untrained eye, Street Fighter V may look like last years model with a fresh lick of paint. But for those who know the difference between QCF and HCB, the latest entry in the series will feel like the most aggressive shakeup of Street Fighter fundamentals since Third Strike."


Street Fighter V - Vega vs Cammy Gameplay - Gamescom 2015

Added: 06.08.2015 22:00 | 10 views | 0 comments

Watch Vega in action in this new clip from Gamescom 2015.


Street Fighter V Gameplay Demo - IGN Live: Gamescom 2015

Added: 06.08.2015 15:10 | 9 views | 0 comments

Capcom's Matt Dahlgren gives us some tips on fighting with these new characters.


XSplit Gamecaster 2.5.1507.3011

Added: 06.08.2015 8:58 | 9 views | 0 comments

Stream your gaming sessions over Youtube or record them on your PC all with the push of a button

Tags: Street

Street Fighter V: Gamescom 2015 Vega Reveal Trailer

Added: 05.08.2015 15:20 | 19 views | 0 comments

Street Fighter elsewhere: 'Like' on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: http://...


The Gamesmen, Episode 81 The Feast

Added: 05.08.2015 1:18 | 69 views | 0 comments

Join Amras89 and SolidAlcohol for game talk and fun! This time, The Gamesmen talk about Microsoft to stop getting third party deals, no more free Microsoft Solitaire, PS4 owners can vote for future PS Plus games, Titanfall being free-to-play in Asia, Yager being in trouble, NVIDIA Shield tablet recalls, Razer proposes solution to Free The Games, Yooka-Laylee is getting a publisher, Fallout 4 mods this fall, and League of Legends killing a character off. Games discussed are Sight Line, Dirt 3, Alien Isolation, Mortal Kombat 9, Batman: Arkham Knight, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Orcs Must Die 2, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, Assassins Creed Chronicles: China, and Minecraft.


Street Fighter V gamescom 2015 Vega Reveal Trailer

Added: 04.08.2015 21:07 | 52 views | 0 comments

Vega brings with him a brand new set of tricks, as well as a new appearance. Still possessing his trademark speed and quickness, he now has access to two distinct fighting modes: claw or no-claw. With the no-claw style giving him access to command grabs as well as new attack properties, players will need to toggle between both styles to pull off that winning KO at the end of the fight. Vega’s powerful V-Trigger is the Bloody Kiss, which sees him throw a rose at high velocity towards his opponent, before he charges at full speed right behind it, delivering a series of brutal attacks. This Spanish matador is definitely a fighter to keep your eye on, if you can.


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