Link's Hylian Shield, Built In Real Life
Added: 24.03.2015 19:53 | 50 views | 0 comments
Link's trusty sword and shield are among the most recognizable in all of video game history. So, it was only a matter of time until the master blacksmiths that run the Man At Arms Reforged YouTube series tried their hand at recreating the pair. The smiths at Baltimore Knife and Sword built the Hylian Shield complete with real amber for the Triforce symbol and an intricate paint job. To accompany the shield, they also made the original Master Sword from .
| Game of Thrones Episode 3 - The Sword in the Darkness Review | IncGamers
Added: 24.03.2015 18:18 | 6 views | 0 comments
Episode Three resolves little, but does nudge up the urgency and shuffles some more plot pieces as the series crests the half-way mark. IncGamers' Peter Parrish reviews the latest portion of Forrester misery in Game of Thrones.
| Game of Thrones "The Sword in the Darkness" review for Xbox One, PS4, PC | Gaming Age
Added: 24.03.2015 18:18 | 2 views | 0 comments
If you think that House Forrester had it rough in the last episode of Telltales Game of Thrones, well, things dont get much better for the remaining members of the Ironwood cultivators. Outside of the misadventures of the exiled brother Asher, just about everything that can go wrong for the Forresters does go wrong here, much to my delight. Dont get me wrong, I certainly feel for the plight of Rodrik, Mira, and the others, but this episode does make for some fantastic decision making moments in the conflict between House Forrester and House Whitehill.
| Game of Thrones Episode 3 - The Sword in the Darkness Review | IncGamers
Added: 24.03.2015 17:18 | 3 views | 0 comments
Episode Three resolves little, but does nudge up the urgency and shuffles some more plot pieces as the series crests the half-way mark. IncGamers' Peter Parrish reviews the latest portion of Forrester misery in Game of Thrones.
| Video: Watch the Original Master Sword and Hylian Shield Come to Life
Added: 24.03.2015 14:30 | 3 views | 0 comments

Hyut, hyat, heyyyarrggh!
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