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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Review | GodisaGeek

Added: 20.05.2013 17:17 | 7 views | 0 comments

GodisaGeek: "Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a great little shooter that I will happily be dipping into again for a dose of sunshine over the rainy summer months. There is enough here to keep you entertained for quite a while and, for the price, I cant think of a way to get more bang for your buck. A tremendous little surprise, Techland should be commended for finally finding the formula for success."

From: n4g.com

Review: Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (Xbox 360)

Added: 20.05.2013 17:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

Techland returns to the Old West, but should it have hung up its spurs?

I'm happy to say I was wrong. Gunslinger's not the greatest game ever made, and nor does it have to be. Instead it's a fun – and at times surprising – little take on everyone's dad's favourite genre.

Gunslinger's tale is told by Silas Greaves, a washed-up gunfighter drinking his way to the grave. He narrates his (your) actions as you go about them, taking players – and the disbelieveing drinkers of the saloon he's chosen to tell his story in – through a potted history of western fables; famous faces, a lifetime of revenge and tales that couldn't be more unbelievable if...

From: www.videogamer.com

Dead Island: Riptide Review - PlayDevil

Added: 16.05.2013 15:22 | 13 views | 0 comments

PlayDevil has posted an in depth review of the new Dead Island game, "Dead Island: Riptide". Is it R.I.P for Dead Island? Here's a snippet: "Riptide baffles me. The first-person zombie slaying original, seemingly came as such a shock to Techland that they felt the need to rush out another. Unfortunately they seem to have learned nothing from the first Dead Island and, in a few cases, they have taken steps backwards."

From: n4g.com

El33tonline Review: Dead Island: Riptide

Added: 14.05.2013 9:17 | 11 views | 0 comments

El33tonline writes: "Dead Island is a fantastic game for all it does right and even for what it still does wrong post-patch, and Techland has finally rewarded our die-hard loyalty with the release of the sequel, Dead Island: Riptide, and I can happily say reward us, they have."

From: n4g.com

Dead Island: Riptide Review | Analog Addiction

Added: 12.05.2013 15:19 | 6 views | 0 comments

Analog Addiction writes: "Dead Island: Riptide doesnt feel like a fully fledged sequel to the original 2011 release; it feels more like an expansion on what the first game offered. With that being said, if you didnt enjoy the original for whatever reason, chances are Riptide wont sweeten you on the franchise. The original Dead Island had its problems, but above all, it offered a fun RPG experience, emphasising brutal melee combat and weapon customization. All of that is present Riptide, but the problem is that most of those original flaws are also here, alongside the fun that was originally provided. Techland has offered some new additions to the formula throughout, though nothing feels significant enough to separate Riptide from the original. What we have left, is something that feels very much the same as the franchises first outing. Techland missed their chance to really improve an enjoyable formula, instead choosing to ship Dead Island 1.5."

From: n4g.com

Hellraid Gameplay Vid Shows Techland's Creative Range

Added: 12.05.2013 1:19 | 6 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn writes: Ubisoft went super 80s retro (but in the future) with Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, but Techland look set to roll back the clock even further to the Medieval times with Dead Island: Hellraid. Wait, what, this isn't a Dead Island game? But, there are zombies, and co-op and first-person melee weapons, hell it even looks a bit rubbish? Still no? Ok, start again. Here's some debut gameplay footage for you from Techlands BRAND NEW SUPER DUPER IP, Hellraid. There will be a single-player campaign and a separate co-op mode, which should hopefully allow the former to be teresting than Techland's other famous first-person zombie slasher. It looks rather interesting to be fair, until they put health bars on weapons made of solid steel again at least. Enjoy the groundbreaking trailer after the jump!

From: n4g.com

Dead Island Riptide Review | Press Start Australia

Added: 10.05.2013 6:17 | 21 views | 0 comments

Shannon at Press Start Australia writes: "To put it simply, if you enjoyed the original Dead Island then you will enjoy Riptide. Its clear that Techland were short of time and opted to stay true to the original rather than trying to achieve more and failing. If you never got to play the original then you will definitely have a heap of fun with this game. As long as you go in knowing that there are some small bugs and a pretty lame story then you will enjoy the mindless fun that the gameplay has to offer."

From: n4g.com

Dead Island: Riptide Review | Xboxer360

Added: 10.05.2013 6:17 | 25 views | 0 comments

Xboxer360: "Dead Island Riptide is a complete mixed bag for me, there are times where I love the game; playing in a team of four wiping out zombie after zombie creating weapons that will take down the toughest of enemies and then there are all the problems which make me want to just put the game in the back of my cupboard. The truly awful voice acting and the fact that the game is almost exactly the same game as the original despite the brilliant opportunity Techland had to make this an even better game."

From: n4g.com

Hellraid Teaser Trailer

Added: 10.05.2013 4:20 | 6 views | 0 comments

The game is developed by Techland and scheduled for a 2013 release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Hellraid is a...

From: megagames.com

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