EA and Comcast Team Up for New Game Streaming Service
Added: 14.07.2015 16:32 | 7 views | 0 comments
The from the affairs blog The Consumerist.
| Rocket League Is 2015's Resogun
Added: 14.07.2015 2:15 | 11 views | 0 comments
Richard Drummond of Gaming Tech United writes:
"Resogun was known for a handful of things: free with PlayStation Plus, great art direction, easy to pick up hard to master, game of the year candidate, and very tight controls. There is one title that just recently hit gamers that is easily interchangeable. That game? Rocket League. Let's take a look as to why that is."
| Thank You Mr. Iwata
Added: 13.07.2015 22:15 | 9 views | 0 comments
RIchard Drummond of Gaming Tech United writes:
"In a relatively young medium, its always hard to see a figurehead pass. This was just the case when Nintendos own Satoru Iwata passed away due to his battle with bile duct cancer. From Gaming Tech United, we thank you Mr. Iwata."
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