SOMA Review | Destructoid
Added: 21.09.2015 14:17 | 119 views | 0 comments
What makes us human? Is it our physical body, our intellect, our spirit -- or all of the above? These questions permeate an underwater world where everythings gone mad. The machines have lost it, taking over all that was once run by mankind -- including the very nature of being human.
| The Swindle (Wii U) Review | NWR
Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 128 views | 0 comments
Grand Theft Rogue-Like
In Size Five Games The Swindle, players are tasked with controlling one of a great number of swindlers, or thieves, as they attempt the ultimate heist. Taking place in a reimagined, Steampunk version of London in the Victorian era, the plot begins as Scotland Yard has acquired a device that will make all security flawless. Seeing as this threatens your way of life, you and your ragtag band of compadres decide to steal the device before its activation, which will take place in exactly 100 days.
| Tatsumi Kimishima Is A Safe Pair Of Hands In Changing Times
Added: 21.09.2015 9:17 | 109 views | 0 comments
Despite Kimishima's suitability for the role, it's hard to shake the impression that this is very much a stop-gap appointment. At 65 he's no spring chicken, and it may be that Nintendo is looking to inject some stability into the company during turbulent times before locating a younger, more dynamic successor. Still, it's unfair to see Kimishima as little more than a band-aid - in the next 12 months the company will need his experience and wisdom as it seeks to launch a new home console which - if rumours are to be believed - will unify its domestic and portable interests. Add to this the evolution of its smartphone game business - a business which could very well result in never-before-seen profits for the firm - and Kimishima's appointment makes even more sense. These are exciting times for Nintendo and it now has a sensible and experienced veteran at the helm - and one who may well have the interests of western players at heart.
| 14 Epic Video Game Romances That Will Level Up Your Heart
Added: 21.09.2015 7:19 | 165 views | 0 comments
Buzzfeed: "These video game couples best represent our relationship goals."
| Sekai Project Gets Aggressive With Witch boy Magical piece Kickstarter
Added: 21.09.2015 4:17 | 101 views | 0 comments
Marcus Estrada writes:"Those of us who are both fans of crowdfunding and visual novels know that Sekai Project is an extremely strong presence in both scenes in the West. They've successfully raised funds for seven visual novels so far, and have just added an eighth! That newest game is Witch boy Magical piece, which we told you about when it was announced at Otakon earlier this year. In case you missed that, let's recap the basics. In this title, a group of charming young men are the only ones capable of stopping a dastardly alien menace. How? Their power allows them to turn into magical girls!"
| 14 Epic Video Game Romances That Will Level Up Your Heart
Added: 21.09.2015 4:17 | 103 views | 0 comments
Buzzfeed: "These video game couples best represent our relationship goals."
| Sekai Project Gets Aggressive With Witch boy Magical piece Kickstarter
Added: 21.09.2015 3:17 | 89 views | 0 comments
Marcus Estrada writes:"Those of us who are both fans of crowdfunding and visual novels know that Sekai Project is an extremely strong presence in both scenes in the West. They've successfully raised funds for seven visual novels so far, and have just added an eighth! That newest game is Witch boy Magical piece, which we told you about when it was announced at Otakon earlier this year. In case you missed that, let's recap the basics. In this title, a group of charming young men are the only ones capable of stopping a dastardly alien menace. How? Their power allows them to turn into magical girls!"
| Until Dawn: My Worst Decisions
Added: 21.09.2015 2:17 | 113 views | 0 comments
Stu at Sushimonster85 writes 'The following article contains spoilers for Until Dawn. Naturally, it being a game where different choices have different outcomes, they may not be things you saw in your play-through, but still, be warned.
Having just completed my first play-through last night, I am looking forward to diving back in and making the completely opposite decisions to the ones I made the first time round. Partly to see what happens, partly to try and rectify some of the, frankly awful, choices I made first time through. These are the choices that scarred me the most, the ones that made feel bad for these fictional, video game characters.'
| BBC documentary asks "Are video games really that bad?"
Added: 21.09.2015 2:17 | 84 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn: The Horizon documentary series turns its gaze to the world of videogames this week in an episode called 'Are video games really that bad?'. The most recent (August 2015) reports are discussed, where psychologists claim to have found a link between gaming and aggression/violence. These same arguments are then refuted by other experts. teresting is how games have been studied with the approach that they might actually be beneficial to players of all ages and even how they can improve the cognitive abilities of seniors.
It's certainly worth a watch and thankfully provides a balanced approach rather than pegging gamers as psychos just waiting to explode or nerdy basement dwellers waiting to explode.
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