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The Best Classic Games Available on Archive.Org

Added: 21.09.2015 1:17 | 113 views | 0 comments

The Internet Arcade collection available on Archive.Org is a treasure trove of awesome coin-op games from the glory days of arcade gaming. With so many legendary titles to play and choose from, where does one begin? These four games should be at the top of your playlist!


Arslan: The Warriors of Legend Horses-On Preview [TGS 2015] - GR

Added: 21.09.2015 0:17 | 91 views | 0 comments

"What button kills a guy? Every button kills a guy. Everything I touched in Arslan: The Warriors of Legend was killing people. Much like that time everybody was allegedly kung-fu fighting, I was chopping them up and chopping them down. This type of war can indeed be seen as an ancient Chinese art, and all those stooges definitely knew their part. Their part was to get killed by me." -GR


The Best Classic Games Available on Archive.Org

Added: 20.09.2015 23:17 | 53 views | 0 comments

The Internet Arcade collection available on Archive.Org is a treasure trove of awesome coin-op games from the glory days of arcade gaming. With so many legendary titles to play and choose from, where does one begin? These four games should be at the top of your playlist!


What Gamers Want for the Week of 9-20-15: New Video Game Releases

Added: 20.09.2015 18:17 | 125 views | 0 comments

EB: There may be only a few big name releases this week, but there are plenty of smaller ones that may be worth your time and money too. Skylanders fans can now pick up SuperChargers for multiple platforms, as its now available. Sports gamers can grab FIFA 16, the Early Tip Off Edition of NBA 2K16, and Blood Bowl 2.


Fancy a laugh? The BBC's 'factual drama' about GTA is online now

Added: 20.09.2015 17:17 | 101 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn: The BBC recently aired a film of theirs called The Gamechangers. This 'factual drama' aimed to tell the story about Grand Theft Auto and the controversy surrounding the series around the release of San Andreas. Daniel Radcliffe starred as one of the game's creators, Sam Houser, and Bill Paxton played the infamous Jack Thompson, the lawyer hellbent on suing Rockstar and destroying the game.


Arslan: The Warriors of Legend Horses-On Preview [TGS 2015]

Added: 20.09.2015 16:00 | 384 views | 0 comments

What button kills a guy? Every button kills a guy. Everything I touched in Arslan: The Warriors of Legend was killing people. Much like that time everybody was allegedly kung-fu fighting, I was chopping them up and chopping them down. This type of war can indeed be seen as an ancient Chinese art, and all those stooges definitely knew their part. Their part was to get killed by me.


The Shame Game - Grand Theft Auto V

Added: 20.09.2015 8:19 | 123 views | 0 comments

Join our writers as they attempt to knock games off the dreaded "Pile of Shame." This edition sees them take on GTA V.


Korean Girl Group MAMAMOO Release 'Girl Crush' As Theme For New Online Game 'Innisia Nest'

Added: 20.09.2015 5:17 | 82 views | 0 comments

Rookie girl group sensation, MAMAMOO, has just released a new single, "Girl Crush," for a soon-to-be-released online game. The funky retro-pop track was created specifically for the soundtrack for online and mobile game development and marketing company, Entermate's, newest online game, "Innisia Nest." In addition to creating a track specifically for the "Innisia Nest" soundtrack, the lovely ladies of MAMAMOO have signed on as models for the upcoming game.


The Shame Game - Grand Theft Auto V

Added: 20.09.2015 4:17 | 55 views | 0 comments

Join our writers as they attempt to knock games off the dreaded "Pile of Shame." This edition sees them take on GTA V.


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