Konami ID, Server Hosting, Konami/Kojima Kerfuffle's effect on Metal Gear Online 3
Added: 29.04.2015 11:17 | 1 views | 0 comments
Metal Gear Online has in two occasions, been shut down and then revived back in the forms of private server. Third times a charm, right?
| What I Think of the PlayStation Now Beta
Added: 27.04.2015 10:17 | 6 views | 0 comments
A reader gives his verdict on the PlayStation Now streaming service, despite using less than the recommended Internet speed.
| The Third Last Batman: Arkham Knight Teaser Trailer. Nightwing
Added: 26.04.2015 20:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
Rocksteady / Warner Bros. Entertainment has released the last Batman: Arkham Knight teaser trailer today, this time teasing that Catwoman will be in the new game. Tomorrow's trailer titled All Who Follow You is supposedly the big one, showing off new gameplay, characters, and features.
| GTA 5: Your Best Moments
Added: 25.04.2015 1:00 | 9 views | 0 comments
Think you have something awesome to share from Grand Theft Auto V? Give it to us.
| Microsoft Revenue Was Up In Third Quarter 2015
Added: 23.04.2015 21:51 | 1 views | 0 comments
Driven in part by Xbox's online service, phone and tablet sales also helped the company's numbers.
| PS Vita Version 3 - Third time lucky?
Added: 22.04.2015 23:17 | 5 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn: Have you recently heard rumblings a new version of the PS Vita handheld could be in the works? While only a few diagrams have appeared, the validity of which are highly questionable, it got me thinking that maybe a third version of the Vita could be third time lucky for Sony. Here's how they could turn things around.
| EU LCS Final and Third Place Recap
Added: 22.04.2015 12:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Crowd favorites Fnatic and Uol faced off in the final while we battled H2k for a chance at third place.
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