Taking Your Time in Everybodys Gone to the Rapture
Added: 18.09.2015 19:17 | 56 views | 0 comments
Reviews for The Chinese Rooms Everybodys Gone to the Rapture have mostly been favourable when it comes to the games narrative and audiovisual design. But, a common complaint runs through many of them: the player characters fairly slow movement speed.
| 100 Crazy Tiny Details in Metal Gear Solid 5
Added: 18.09.2015 17:01 | 74 views | 0 comments
From easter eggs to gameplay tricks, we examine the astonishing amount of detail in Kojima and Konami's MGS5.
| There Has Never Been a Better Time to Return to Destiny
Added: 18.09.2015 11:17 | 75 views | 0 comments
Mick Fraser: "The Taken King is the update that has finally allowed Bungie to redeem themselves for a year of near-misses, disappointments, odd decisions and outright missteps. Im not simply talking about the fundamental changes, either, but the small touches that should have been there from the start, that actually now make vanilla Destiny look like the unfinished extended beta that the naysayers have been calling it for the last twelve months."
| 20 Beginner Tips for The Phantom Pain | New Gamer Nation
Added: 18.09.2015 0:19 | 58 views | 0 comments
Since Metal Gear Solid released, everyone has been going crazy over it, including New Gamer Nation. New Gamer Nation doesnt consider ourselves experts, but we have made plenty of discoveries that have made playing a million times better. Many of these tips are simple and quick. Some will save you time, some may save your life. Check them out and see if there were any you didnt know. And dont worry there are NO SPOILERS in this post.
Tags: Paul, Games, Mask, Gear, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Phantom Pain, LEGO, Time, Gear Solid, The Phantom, Chevy, Soul
| Super Mario Maker Directors Give Five Tips To Make Your Levels Better
Added: 17.09.2015 10:17 | 76 views | 0 comments
Super Mario Maker gives you all the tools you need to design, test, play, and share the Super Mario levels of your dreams. While many Wii U owners have already jumped in, publishing a ton of levels since its launch on September 11, most Super Mario Maker players went into the experience with no prior level-design experience.
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