New Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Trailer Shows John Malkovich as a Zombie
Added: 27.07.2015 18:09 | 21 views | 0 comments
Activision has announced the first details and published the debut trailer for . They discover that the character actor John Malkovich plays, Oz, becomes a zombie. Presumably, things get ugly. Descent is set on a "survival facility" in the middle of the ocean, and also includes new "fused" zombie enemies (briefly shown in the trailer) and an all-new Trident Reflected Energy weapon. This gun is also on display in the video--it looks totally crazy. The expansion, as well as the previous three, are available to buy for $15 each. They are also available at a discount through the $50 Advanced Warfare DLC pass.
| New Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Trailer Shows John Malkovich as a Zombie
Added: 27.07.2015 18:09 | 17 views | 0 comments
Activision has announced the first details and published the debut trailer for . They discover that the character actor John Malkovich plays, Oz, becomes a zombie. Presumably, things get ugly. Descent is set on a "survival facility" in the middle of the ocean, and also includes new "fused" zombie enemies (briefly shown in the trailer) and an all-new Trident Reflected Energy weapon. This gun is also on display in the video--it looks totally crazy. The expansion, as well as the previous three, are available to buy for $15 each. They are also available at a discount through the $50 Advanced Warfare DLC pass.
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