Assassins Creed Syndicate: Devs Explain Level Design, Railroad System And More
Added: 24.08.2015 7:18 | 10 views | 0 comments
Assassins Creed Syndicate has already earned the title for most hyped Assassins Creed game in the last few months. The game is said to be the first to really take advantage of what the current generation consoles can do and Ubisoft has long talked about the size and scope of the game, that includes a number of different side missions. There really has been some serious work putting the world of Syndicate together. Jonathan Dumont recently sat down for a rather extensive interview with Gizmodo and talked about his approach.
| Rainbow Six: Siege is All About Rockin' Guns and Having Fun
Added: 23.08.2015 12:18 | 43 views | 0 comments
Rainbow Six: Siege might have been recently delayed, but we're happy to wait a little longer for a return to the classic tactics of the original games, if it's as polished and finely tuned as we're hoping.
For Gamescom, Ubisoft Montreal was showing off the game's new Spectator Mode, which dedicated players can use as a handy learning tool. We grabbed a quick chat with Art Director Scott Mitchell to talk guns, destruction, Spectator Mode and loads more.
| GT Time The Disappearance of Rainbow Six Siege
Added: 22.08.2015 5:00 | 90 views | 0 comments
Press Play makes a contest out of a tough decision, PS4 gets some unusual backwards compatibility, and Ubisoft is surprisingly open about Rainbow Six Siege’s delay.
| Ubisofts For Honor Gets New Trailer; Explains the Vision Behind the Game, Shows Gameplay
Added: 22.08.2015 0:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
Ubisoft just released a brand new trailer of its upcoming game For Honor, coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC.
| Ubisoft Announces Just Dance: Disney Party 2 Is Coming To The Wii U This Holiday Season
Added: 21.08.2015 8:30 | 36 views | 0 comments

Also arriving on the Wii
| TrackMania Turbo on PS4 Gets $10 Knocked Off Its Price Tag
Added: 20.08.2015 7:18 | 10 views | 0 comments
Earlier this year, Ubisoft presented TrackMania Turbo and announced its release for the PS4, Xbox One and PC. Pre-orders went live more or less straight away and the game was priced at a reasonable $39.99.
Today, Amazon has decided for reasons unknown to slash the price of the PS4 edition down to an even more palatable $29.99.
| New story and lore details emerge for Tom Clancy's The Division
Added: 20.08.2015 7:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
It feels like we know a lot of things about Tom Clancy's The Division, when in reality, there are still a lot of unknowns. Ubisoft Massive has purposefully tried to keep as many details about the game secret in the hopes that players will ultimately be surprised when they first step into the world of The Division.
| Assassin's Creed Cockneys: How Ubisoft is Recreating Victorian London for Syndicate
Added: 19.08.2015 12:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
"Unlike most who live in our fair lands capital, Im a Londoner born and bred and, for my sins, a genuine cockney to boot. Born within earshot of the chimes of Bow Bells, Ive got the best pie and mash shop (G. Kellys) on speed dial and remember Brick Lane as the Mad Max-like, tarpaulin-sprawled junk shop free-for-all that it was before the hipsters took over."
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