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News with tag Ubisoft  RSS
Assassin's Creed Cockneys: How Ubisoft is Recreating Victorian London for Syndicate

Added: 19.08.2015 11:18 | 5 views | 0 comments

Gizmodo: "Unlike most who live in our fair lands capital, Im a Londoner born and bred and, for my sins, a genuine cockney to boot. Born within earshot of the chimes of Bow Bells, Ive got the best pie and mash shop (G. Kellys) on speed dial and remember Brick Lane as the Mad Max-like, tarpaulin-sprawled junk shop free-for-all that it was before the hipsters took over."

From: n4g.com

Zombi PC Crashes, Black Screen, Lens Effect Issues and Save Problems

Added: 19.08.2015 9:18 | 22 views | 0 comments

GamingSoFar: Here are the detailed guide of PCs new game, Zombi from Ubisoft that brings some technical issues such as Black Screen after Ubisoft Logo, Lens Effect missing, save problem, crashes and others major problems.

From: n4g.com

Why Rainbow Six: Siege's Delay Will Be Good For the Game

Added: 19.08.2015 7:18 | 8 views | 0 comments

So as of the last couple of hours, we have found out that Ubisoft have decided to delay their next big first person shooter, Rainbow Six: Siege. Siege was slated for an October release but the developers have decided they have bitten off more that they can chew for that release window and have instead decided to release the game on December 1st of this year. Lets talk about why this will mean that Rainbow Six: Siege will be a better game.

From: n4g.com

Rainbow Six Siege Delayed - IGN News

Added: 18.08.2015 20:50 | 8 views | 0 comments

Ubisoft has announced that Rainbow Six Siege has been delayed to December 1st.

Tags: Ubisoft
From: feeds.ign.com

Rainbow Six Siege Delayed

Added: 18.08.2015 19:00 | 14 views | 0 comments

Delays have become commonplace in video games nowadays, and Rainbow Six Siege joins the long line of games to be pushed back by a few months. Now the game will come out on December 1.

Ubisoft announced the delay in an update post on its blog. According to the company, it needs to extra time for notable improvements such as weapon balancing and menu design.

From: www.gamerevolution.com

Ubisoft Delays Rainbow Six Siege

Added: 18.08.2015 18:49 | 15 views | 0 comments

We’ve got some bad news and some good news for folks eagerly anticipating the launch of Rainbow Six: Siege. The bad news is that the game has been delayed. The good news is that the delay is a pretty short one, coming in at just under two months.

Tags: Ubisoft
From: www.cinemablend.com

Rainbow Six Siege delayed to December

Added: 18.08.2015 18:18 | 10 views | 0 comments

Rainbow Six Siege has been delayed to December 1, 2015, Ubisoft has announced.

Tags: Ubisoft
From: n4g.com

Rainbow Six Siege Delayed

Added: 18.08.2015 17:01 | 11 views | 0 comments

Ubisoft has confirmed the upcoming tactical shooter will miss its October 13 release date due to further adjustments and improvements.

Tags: Ubisoft
From: www.ign.com

Rainbow Six Siege Delayed

Added: 18.08.2015 17:01 | 11 views | 0 comments

Ubisoft has confirmed the upcoming tactical shooter will miss its October 13 release date due to further adjustments and improvements.

Tags: Ubisoft
From: www.ign.com

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