Lego City: Undercover First Thoughts
Added: 31.03.2013 11:18 | 15 views | 0 comments
Vince of writes,
Travelers Tales has brought forth a Lego game that for once doesn't feature licensed characters. Instead there are characters made up from Legos own City universe. We haven't seen an original franchise Lego game since Lego Racers 2 and the likes of Lego Island 2 as well. In my circle those games and their predecessors, such as Lego Creator and Lego Rock Raiders, are held in high regard for all of their childhood memories they hold with us...
| Lego City Undercover review - The Gaming Vault
Added: 31.03.2013 9:18 | 25 views | 0 comments
Connor White says: "A cracking script and moments of bliss in freedom cant hide an ultimately mundane title, which is what the colourful Lego product should never be.
Its just a really boring game."
| Video Game Releases For April 2013
Added: 31.03.2013 3:18 | 28 views | 0 comments
Now there aren't too many good games coming out this month, but there are a couple ones worthy of buying. For instance, Injustice: Gods Among Us looks to be badass, Star Trek looks promising, and the 3DS version of LEGO City Undercover looks to be fun. Check out all the video game releases for April 2013 here.
Tags: Gods, Among, Gods Among, City, Star, Trek, Gain, Video, LEGO, Undercover, City Undercover, LEGO City, Video Game, Released, April, Star Trek, Chevy
| Crash Time 5: Undercover Confirmed for UK Release
Added: 30.03.2013 13:18 | 23 views | 0 comments
PQube has announced that Crash Time 5: Undercover will be smashing onto Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC Q2 this year. The Crash Time franchise is focused on huge crashes and smashes, and the success of Crash Time 4: The Syndicate has resulted in huge demand for a fifth instalment.
| LEGO City Undercover (Wii U Review) | GoozerNation
Added: 30.03.2013 5:18 | 26 views | 0 comments
Ryan Johnson | GoozerNation
Erik Kubik at GoozerNation recently wrote an article lauding the praises of the LEGO game franchise. His key points involved the general inexpensiveness of the titles, the fun in catching references in the licensed games, and the joy of a solid multiplayer experience. Now, Traveller's Tales has released LEGO City, a single-player, non-licensed game as a spearhead for the Wii U, which would mean that we won't see it drop below full retail price anytime soon. With all of those key points that make a LEGO game appealing gone, is it still worth picking up?
| LEGO City: Undercover Review | Trendy Gamers
Added: 30.03.2013 1:18 | 36 views | 0 comments
LEGO City Undercover has been on my radar ever since it was announced for the Wii U, mostly because of the fact that a LEGO inspired version of Grand Theft Auto seems like a very fun concept. And amongst most of the other Wii U titles that either are ports or uninteresting originals, LEGO City seemed to be the perfect exclusive.
- Trendy Gamers
Tags: City, LEGO, Undercover, City Undercover, LEGO City, There, Review, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Trendy
| LEGO City Undercover (Wii U) Review | SuperPhillip Central
Added: 29.03.2013 21:18 | 30 views | 0 comments
"LEGO City Undercover single-handedly made my Wii U purchase worthwhile. As I stated already, the amount of activities that can be done, places to see, and secrets to find are staggering. Several dozens of hours in and I still have a long ways to go. Content is king, and LEGO City delivers in that aspect. The game also delivers in presenting a story with levels of humor that all ages can enjoy, a city that is well designed with stuff to accomplish at every corner, and a popular Miiverse community that is full of people to talk with, LEGO City Undercover is without question, in this reviewer's opinion, the best reason to own a Wii U currently."
| USA Weekly Chart ending Mar 23rd 2013
Added: 29.03.2013 1:22 | 28 views | 0 comments
Gears of War: Judgment (X360) 454,123
God of War: Ascension (PS3) 87,721
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (X360) 87,666
Lego City Undercover (WiiU) 76,854
Monster Hunter Tri (3DS) 45,997
Tags: City, Survival, Walking, The Walking, Instinct, Survival Instinct, Undercover, City Undercover, Ascension, Lego City, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Gears, Judgment, Chart, Leaf
| Exclusive LEGO City Undercover Item Unlock Codes
Added: 28.03.2013 20:56 | 34 views | 0 comments
Read on for special codes to unlock new costumes and vehicles in Chase McCain's Wii U adventure.
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