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The long, convoluted story of the Metal Gear Solid saga (so far)

Added: 07.08.2015 18:32 | 42 views | 0 comments

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is almost upon us, and with it comes closure to a decades-spanning saga. While the series has amassed a huge following over the years, for many people, The Phantom Pain will be their first exposure to a convoluted world filled with walking battlemechs and genetically-enhanced supersoldiers. It's not exactly the easiest story to keep track of, as characters and organizations often go by multiple names and are usually double- or triple-crossing one another. To make matters worse, the story is told out of sequence, so there are plenty of instances where series creator Hideo Kojima has retconned important events from past games in order to fit into the current, overarching plot.

But you don't need to fret, because I've compiled a timeline detailing the series' most important events. There's even a glossary at the bottom in case you get your Snakes mixed up (it happens to the best of us). If you're hopping into Big Boss' shoes for the first time (or simply need a refresher), and you don't want to watch hours upon hours of cutscenes to get the big picture, this will get you properly up to speed. The events of the Metal Gear saga cover over a century of world history, so strap in and enjoy the ride. Oh, and if anything doesn't make sense to you, just remember: nanomachines probably did it.

Big thanks to the and the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database on PS3 for helping me keep my dates and names straight while I wrote this.

Metal Gear's story truly begins in the aftermath of World War 1, as the wealthiest and most influential members of the US, the Soviet Union, and China form a secret organization known as the Philosophers. With their vast reach and near limitless resources, the Philosophers aim to influence world events so we never have to experience another global conflict on the scale of WW1. As its members die off, the group begins to splinter, and by the 1930s, the true purpose of the organization had distorted from its original ideals, eventually giving way to the Cold War, an era of nuclear tension that began thanks to the infighting between members of the Philosophers.

Before their nasty break-up, the Philosophers pooled together vast sums of money to stop World War 2 in its tracks, gathering over $100 billion (or over $1.6 trillion, in 2014 dollars) to develop nuclear weapons and genetically-enhanced supersoldiers. The money-laundering records needed to store this amount of cash were kept on microfilm - called the Philosophers' Legacy - along with the names of all of the organization's members. The Cold War started because each of the world's three major superpowers fought over this massive chunk of change, until a Soviet commander and Philosopher agent named Boris Volgin stole the microfilm and passed it on to his son after his death.

The Philosophers may have lost their slush fund and they may be fractured, but they haven't lost their teeth. Before the events of Metal Gear Solid 3, President John F. Kennedy goes against the will of the Philosophers during the Bay of Pigs invasion and is subsequently assassinated - such is the power of this shady organization.

A Soviet rocket scientist by the name of Nikolai Sokolov wants to defect to the US, so the government calls upon FOX, a CIA covert operations unit formed by Major Zero (a British SAS officer) and The Boss (head of Cobra Unit, a legendary squadron of soldiers who fought numerous battles in WW2). John (code name: Naked Snake), an ex-Green Beret and the first-ever FOX operative, is sent into the Soviet jungles to retrieve Sokolov, but is stopped when The Boss, Snake's mentor and mother figure, double-crosses him. The Boss recaptures Sokolov and joins up with members of Cobra Unit and Commander Volgin (son of Boris Volgin), who steals the Shagohod, a nuclear-equipped tank and Metal Gear progenitor, and launches a Davy Crockett nuke at his homeland, ensuring the US gets blamed for its illegal presence in the Soviet Union.

In order to prevent retaliation and mutually-assured destruction, Naked Snake must return to Volgin's command center, destroy the Shagohod, and kill The Boss. Along the way, he receives help from EVA, an ex-NSA agent/actual Philosopher agent and Snake's sole contact in the Soviet Union. He also meets Russian GRU officer Adamska (code name: Revolver Ocelot), forming a special warrior's bond with him despite their opposing allegiances. With their help, Snake defeats each of the members of Cobra Unit, destroys the Shagohod, takes down Volgin, and faces off against The Boss. Before Snake deals the final blow, The Boss hands over half of the microfilm containing the location of the Philosophers' Legacy.

Snake returns to the States a hero, and receives the title of Big Boss, but he also learns the horrible truth of his mission. The Boss was secretly working for the US from the inside to recover the Legacy, but thanks to Volgin's nuke, the parameters of her mission changed: she had to die by Snake's hands, forever known as a traitor. While Snake succeeded in his mission, he grew disillusioned with the government who betrayed him, renounced the title of Big Boss, and quit FOX.

FOX has gone rogue, and is now being led by Gene, a super-soldier the Philosophers used as a subject for genetic experiments. Gene wants the Philosophers' Legacy to create his own empire, so he captures a base on the San Hieronymo Peninsula and kidnaps and tortures Naked Snake, since he's the last person to know its whereabouts. Snake promptly escapes from the facility, along with Green Beret Roy Campbell. After meeting up with Major Zero, he learns that the government has classified him as persona non grata, thinking he is the cause of the FOX revolt. In order to clear his name, Snake forms the beginnings of FOXHOUND along with Zero, Ocelot, and Frank Jaeger, a war orphan Snake rescued a few years prior.

Snake recruits a variety of soldiers and finally defeats Gene, who recognizes him as the true successor to The Boss, and bequests FOX to him, as well as the plans to a soldier's paradise called 'Army's Heaven'. Of course, this wouldn't be a Metal Gear game without some kind of twist: the entire rebellion was actually staged by Ocelot and Major Zero as an attempt to lure the CIA director out of hiding and grab his half of the Legacy. Ocelot kills the director, snags the Legacy, and forms a new, even more shadowy secret organization called the Patriots with Major Zero and Naked Snake.

Snake, Major Zero, and Revolver Ocelot originally formed The Patriots to honor The Boss' dream of a perfect world. Zero interpreted this to mean creating a 'World Without Borders', effectively uniting the nations of the world under one rule. So Zero exaggerated and distorted the legend of Big Boss, using it as a means of control. Snake isn't too happy about being a puppet for Zero, believing that Zero is skewing The Boss' vision for his own gains.

The final straw was Zero’s creation of the Les Enfants Terribles project without Snake's knowledge or consent. The project aimed to take Snake's DNA and use it to clone a series of enhanced supersoldiers. From the project came three 'Sons of Big Boss': Solid, Liquid, and Solidus, each one representing the best parts of Big Boss' DNA, with some accelerated aging thrown in to prevent the enemy from copying the clones' genetic code. Snake finds out about this and is understandably pissed off. He leaves The Patriots and FOXHOUND, drifting from skirmish to skirmish, until he meets Kazuhira Miller and forms the Militaires Sans Frontieres. Sometime after Snake's departure, Major Zero and the Patriots take on the code name 'Cipher'.

Snake is asked by Costa Rican agents Paz Andrade and Ramon Galvez Mena for assistance regarding a mysterious army that's holed itself up in the Latin American nation. He only agrees when he hears a recording of The Boss' voice, seemingly alive and well. That voice actually belongs to an AI program attached to Peace Walker, a nuclear-equipped weapon created to ensure that mutually-assured destruction could never come to pass… by guaranteeing mutually-assured destruction would occur if anyone ever launched a nuke. It's best if you don't think about that too much.

Anyway, Snake and Miller set up Mother Base off the Costa Rican coastline and design it to resemble an offshore oil rig. Snake wanders the jungles, recruiting soldiers for his army, researching new tech, rescuing Dr. Huey Emmerich (the scientist responsible for Peace Walker's design), and building his own nuclear deterrent, a walking battlemech called Metal Gear ZEKE. Snake discovers that Galvez is a KGB agent who wanted Peace Walker for himself, but Snake puts a stop to him and once again prevents a nuclear holocaust, finally adopting the title Big Boss as his own.

Oh, it's not over yet. Paz is also a double agent, who actually works for Cipher (aka Major Zero). She attempts to steal ZEKE and frame MSF for launching a nuke should Snake decide not to join Cipher. Snake quickly defeats ZEKE, and Paz is flung into the ocean from the resulting explosion. Miller was also apparently a business partner with Cipher and knew all about Paz's plot, using his connections to build MSF into a driving force of the Cold War economy. Snake is apparently cool with this, and the two continue to operate MSF together, growing Mother Base into massive mercenary operation.

On the eve of a nuclear inspection (brought about by Huey's insistence that MSF proves to the world that it's running a squeaky clean operation), Miller and Snake receive word that Paz had survived their encounter, and is currently being held at Camp Omega, a US black site in Cuba. To make matters worse, one of Snake's recruits, a young teen named Chico, went off to rescue her and got himself captured. Both Paz and Chico know of the existence of Metal Gear ZEKE, so Snake needs to rescue them before they reveal any information to their captors.

Snake infiltrates the facility and rescues them, but returns to find Mother Base under attack by operatives of a mysterious new organization, XOF, led by their equally enigmatic CO, Skullface. Snake finds Miller and the two escape via chopper, only to be thwarted by a bomb planted inside Paz's body by XOF. She leaps from the helicopter in an attempt to save Snake, but the blast causes their helicopter to crash, putting Snake into a coma which lasts for nine whole years.

Snake awakens from his coma to discover that his left arm is missing and… Well, we don't know what's going to happen in this game since it's not out yet, but the final chapter of the Metal Gear saga aims to close the loop on Big Boss'/Naked Snake's history, showing his descent into villainy as he rebuilds Mother Base and gets his revenge on Cipher. Hopefully, we'll also find out how he gets back into the US government's good graces well enough to take control of FOXHOUND again, which will lead into...

The US learns of a secret weapon of mass destruction in a South African facility known as Outer Heaven, and calls on Big Boss and his FOXHOUND unit to take care of the situation. One problem: the US doesn't know that Outer Heaven belongs to Big Boss, and thanks to retroactive continuity, he's using it as a staging ground to build another Metal Gear and take down the Patriots. He sends in his son, Solid Snake (who doesn't know Big Boss is his dad at this point), as a way to stall the operation so Big Boss can complete his plans.

Big Boss feeds Solid Snake faulty intel, leading him into a series of traps, all of which Snake overcomes. He rescues Gray Fox (aka Frank Jager), destroys the Metal Gear, and defeats Big Boss before NATO carpet bombs the place into oblivion. Big Boss survives the explosion, and gathers the survivors together, returning even stronger a few years later.

The world is rapidly running out of oil, and Dr. Kio Marv has the perfect solution: OILIX, a synthetic fuel source that could solve a potential global crisis. So of course he gets kidnapped by a military force in Zanzibar Land. Roy Campbell, now head of FOXHOUND (y'know, after Big Boss proved to be, ahem, less than reliable), brings Solid Snake out of retirement to rescue the doctor.

Snake finds a hell of a lot more than that in Zanzibar Land: Gray Fox is now his enemy, Big Boss is alive, and - you guessed it - there's another Metal Gear. Dr. Marv is tortured and killed, and the OILIX formula ends up in Gray Fox's hands. Snake is able to defeat both Fox and Big Boss before the day is through, but not before learning that Big Boss is his father in a grand Empire Strikes Back moment. Snake leaves Big Boss for dead and retires to the Alaskan wilderness. The Patriots pick up Big Boss' body and place him into a nanomachine-induced coma, where he will remain for the next 15 years as a sentimental prize of Zero's. Oh, and his genes are once again stolen from him, this time to create the Genome Soldiers used in...

Keeping FOXHOUND around seems like a hell of a lot more trouble than it's worth. Liquid Snake, Solid's twin brother/clone, is now commanding officer, and - I sound like a broken record here - has gone rogue, using the newly-created Genome Soldiers to take over Shadow Moses Island, a nuclear weapon storage facility and home of Metal Gear REX. Liquid, Revolver Ocelot, and friends plan on launching a nuke unless the government hands over the remains of Big Boss and $1 billion.

Roy Campbell drags Solid Snake out of retirement once again to rescue a few VIPs, all of whom die of mysterious heart attacks thanks to the FOXDIE virus Dr. Naomi Hunter secretly injected into Snake's body before the mission. After a battle against Revolver Ocelot, Snake learns that Gray Fox isn't just alive, he's been turned into a cyborg ninja - who promptly slices off Ocelot's hand with his katana. Snake then meets up with Campbell's daughter Meryl Silverburgh, as well as REX designer Hal Emmerich (Huey's son), both of whom help Snake make his way through the facility.

After a variety of trials and tribulations, Solid Snake finds himself face-to-face against his brother Liquid and Metal Gear REX. Gray Fox steps in to sacrifice himself, giving Solid Snake enough time to destroy REX. Liquid then gives Solid a long-winded speech about his origin as a clone of Big Boss. The two do battle on top of the destroyed mech, Solid Snake wins (because of course he does), and escapes the facility alongside Meryl. Liquid continues his dogged pursuit, ultimately dying at the hands of the FOXDIE virus. Revolver Ocelot escapes (sans one hand), and in the game's closing moments, we learn that Solidus (aka George Sears and the perfect clone of Big Boss) is currently President of the United States and was essentially in on the whole thing.

Prior to MGS2's events, Revolver Ocelot grafts Liquid Snake's hand onto his arm and begins selling Metal Gear REX's schematics to the highest bidders. Oh, and Liquid's hand starts taking over Ocelot's mind, affecting his speech and thought patterns (more on that later).

On a tip from Hal's sister Emma (an AI programmer who is also working on a type of Metal Gear), Solid Snake infiltrates an oil tanker off the coast of Manhattan. He arrives just in time to see the ship being taken over by Russian soldiers, but Snake doesn't care too much about that - he just wants to find Metal Gear RAY and expose its existence to the world. After wending his way into the belly of the tanker, he finds and photographs RAY and uploads the images for Hal. Just in time, too, because Ocelot/Liquid shows up, betrays his Russian comrades, steals RAY and blows up the tanker, leaving Snake for dead. Snake is framed for the destruction by the Patriots, as tons of oil allegedly seep into the New York coastline. It's enough to greenlight the construction of Big Shell, an offshore facility designed to clean up the 'oil leak'. But nothing is ever so simple in this universe, as the facility is actually a front, housing the construction site of the greatest weapon of them all: Arsenal Gear.

Big Shell is taken over by the Sons of Liberty, a terrorist group made up of members of Dead Cell, an (ironically) anti-terrorist organization that has - say it with me now - gone rogue. They're led by Solidus Snake (aka ex-president George Sears), and they've taken the current US president hostage and have demanded $30 billion in ransom. Of course, that's not why they're really there - Solidus wants access to Arsenal Gear and GW, the AI program inside of it.

Raiden, a rookie operative trained by VR (and the player character for the rest of MGS2), is sent to Big Shell to stop the terrorists at all costs. He finds a poorly disguised Solid Snake, who helps him infiltrate and navigate the facility. As Raiden closes in on Solidus, he finds a cyborg ninja, everyone he's supposed to save mysteriously dies of a heart attack, and his ultimate goal is to find the GW AI and upload a virus that mimics FOXDIE. If a lot of the events of MGS2 sound familiar, it's because the Big Shell incident was an attempt to recreate the events of Shadow Moses in order to train a soldier on par with Solid Snake.

Or… not. The Big Shell incident was actually part of a Patriot plot to prove the effectiveness of the GW AI's ability to control and distort information and manipulate individuals through this distortion. The Colonel Campbell giving Raiden orders throughout MGS2 was actually this AI, and thanks to Raiden's unquestioning devotion to the mission, the program was a smashing success. An out-of-control Arsenal Gear smashes into the Manhattan coastline, and Raiden and Solidus are forced to do battle atop Federal Hall. Raiden emerges the victor, completing his role as the Patriots' pawn. Ocelot/Liquid once again escapes, this time with RAY in tow. Ocelot uses RAY, as well as the remnants of the GW AI found in Arsenal Gear, to quickly build an army of private military corporations, forming the basis of a newly-created war economy.

A rapidly aging Solid Snake is brought out of retirement (once again) by Roy Campbell. His final mission: to assassinate Liquid Ocelot (yeah, he's basically Liquid at this point) and stop the never-ending proxy battles fought by his PMC organizations. This wouldn't be so difficult if it weren't for the fact that everyone is loaded up with nanomachines, and Liquid controls the AI program that governs them, causing soldiers to convulse wildly at the push of a button. Snake fails to capture him in the Middle East, but tracks his assistant, Dr. Naomi Hunter, to South America and rescues her - with a little help from Raiden, who's gone full cyborg ninja by this point.

Snake then makes his way to Europe, searching for Big Mama (aka EVA, from Snake Eater), and the remains of Big Boss. Ocelot finds Snake and uses the remains of Big Boss to unlock the final key in the Patriots' AI program, giving him control of virtually every army on the planet. Things are looking grim: EVA is dead, Snake is wounded, and Ocelot escapes to Shadow Moses, where he plans on stealing REX's nuke (because it's one of the only ones freely available that isn't controlled by the Patriots) to use it to destroy the Patriots' global AI network. Snake gives chase, reliving old memories in the derelict facility, but ultimately fails to stop Liquid from stealing the nuke.

In a last ditch effort, Snake and his crew storm Liquid Ocelot's base of operations, Outer Haven (*nudge*), where he uploads a virus of Dr. Hunter's design called FOXALIVE (*nudge nudge*) and defeats Liquid one last time. With the world saved and free from the Patriots' influence, Snake visits The Boss' grave for one final goodbye... and discovers a Big Boss who is very much alive. It was Solidus' body that actually burned back in Europe, and when the Patriots' AI went offline, Big Boss was awoken from his years-long coma. Big Boss explains how Ocelot used nanomachines and psychotherapy to make himself believe his body had been taken over by Liquid's hand in order to trick the Patriots into granting him access. He then suffocates a geriatric Zero and shares a final tender moment with his son before succumbing to the FOXDIE virus still mucking around in Snake's body. With their deaths, the Patriots are effectively destroyed, and Snake can finally retire - for good, this time.

American Truck Simulator gamescom 2015 Trailer

Added: 07.08.2015 10:37 | 19 views | 0 comments

Experience the most legendary American trucks and deliver various cargoes across the United States. American Truck Simulator takes you on a journey through the breathtaking landscapes and widely recognized landmarks around the States. http://www.americantrucksimulator.com

From: www.gamershell.com

We Predicted The Attack On Titan Game In 2014

Added: 07.08.2015 1:21 | 18 views | 0 comments

Richard Drummond of Gaming Tech United writes: "It's not everyday that something you've been hoping for is eventually announced in the gaming community and it's not everyday that you predict that same thing a year in advance. Well that's the case with Koei Tecmo's newly announced Attack on Titan game coming in 2016. Are we some sort of a godsend, or a bunch of future predicting wizards? Let's dive in a take a look."

From: n4g.com

Homefront: The Revolution gamescom 2015 Thank You Trailer

Added: 05.08.2015 10:05 | 15 views | 0 comments

Citizens in the United States live under foreign occupation. A force that is stronger and more technologically advanced now watches over the People. But in the city of Philadelphia, a Resistance is preparing to start a Revolution. A new day has dawned, and a brighter future beckons. Homefront: The Revolution is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in Spring 2016.

From: www.gamershell.com

Stop Romanticizing SEGA

Added: 04.08.2015 1:18 | 11 views | 0 comments

Richard Drummond of Gaming Tech United writes: "I was a SEGA kid. I didn't own a Super Nintendo , or a NES, I proudly played on the Sega Genesis. It's fair to say that the Genesis was the origin for my love of gaming and one of the big factors in shaping my future as someone who is so deep int he rabbit hole. With that said though, it's time we take a realistic look at the company behind the most famous hedgehog in the world, SEGA."

From: n4g.com

The 24 biggest, must-see games of Gamescom 2015

Added: 03.08.2015 17:55 | 102 views | 0 comments

And here we go! Gamescom, the games industry's other big expo, starts tomorrow in Cologne, Germany. We're going to have a bigger GR+ contingent than ever before out on the show floor, scrambling for demos and nodding sagely through press conferences, and even more of us covering the show from our respective offices all over the damn planet. It is, without doubt, going to be a big deal.

But enough about us. You know what's more important? The actual games. And oh boy, are there a lot of them this year. To help you stay focused, as Gamescom news starts hurtling into your face at a rate of knots over the next week, we've compiled this handy and delightful list, running down the biggest and best titles getting a fresh showing this year, alongside what we reckon we're specifically likely to see. So without further ado, click on to start with probably this year's biggest game of all, and then proceed to hype yourself silly over the following pages too.

Fallout 4 made its grand debut just before E3 2015, but now that the warm glow of long-rumored confirmation is fading - maybe that was just all the radiation in the first place - it's time for Bethesda to get down to brass tacks. For all the combat, story, and building demonstrations, we've still only seen a fraction of The Commonwealth (AKA post-apocalyptic Massachusetts). Here's hoping that Fallout 4's Gamescom presence will include a grand tour of whatever's left of downtown Boston, The Institute, and places beyond. We've only been waiting a decade to return to massive Star Wars battles, so there's absolutely no pressure for EA and DICE to put on a good show at Gamescom for Star Wars Battlefront. An impressive E3 demonstration bought it some time, but we've still only had hands-on play sessions with the Battle of Hoth multiplayer map and some of the co-op survival missions. Snow speeders are great, but it's speeder bikes or bust at Gamescom. By rights, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst shouldn’t exist. Faith’s first parkour adventure came smack in the middle of EA’s late-00s rush of original single-player games, and while it earned a fervent following of loyalists, it never found mass sales success. DICE has bucked the odds and returned to its beautiful dystopia, doubling down on what made the original great and fixing its flaws. Not many got to play its gun-combat-free demo at E3, so thankfully Gamescom will give us a fresh shot at its free-running pleasures. There aren't too many shooters out there that are appropriate to play with your kids or younger siblings, so Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is like a breath of fresh air from the typically violent genre. It has all the hallmarks of a good team-based military shooter, but with wacky zombie scientists, peashooters, and a plant that swallows enemies whole. The first Garden Warfare came out of nowhere last year and surprised us with its charming take on the genre, and the sequel looks to expand on those ideas, giving us new plants, new zombies, and new modes to continue the eternal struggle. It's not reinventing the wheel, but it will have a zombie pirate named Captain Dreadbeard. Unexpected but very welcome, Dark Souls 3’s E3 announcement was quite the surprise, given that series mastermind Hidetaka Miyazaki seemed to have moved on with this year’s Bloodborne. But the man is back, directing the third entry of the series that shot him to (relatively) mainstream fame, promising a game that will add the last bits of refinement to an already almost perfectly honed series, before he evolves it in a new direction in years to come. A new, more aggressive combat style - likely inspired by Bloodborne’s much less defensive approach - compliments DS’ traditionally methodical play, with new combat stances putting players, literally and figuratively, in a better position to take the initiative. Expect to see both combat and story - such as it is - fleshed out more at GC. This is Destiny 2.0. The next major chapter of the story starts here, with Hive god-king Oryx waging all-out war on the galaxy. The core gameplay gets an overhaul, with highly modified Taken variants of every enemy species appearing to remix and rework expected combat behaviours completely. As for the new content? There’s loads. Destiny’s biggest, most ambitious raid by far. New sub-classes for all Guardian types, with brand new Super abilities. A raft of new story and strike missions, and side-quests, making up a whole new campaign. Remixed versions of existing strikes, a bunch of new Crucible maps, and whole new PvP modes. And of course, a sizeable level-cap increase, alongside big changes to the levelling system. It’s not so much an expansion as a full, game-wide reboot. Final Fantasy 15 has had a good long while to incubate. While most other games in the series have had a two or three year development cycle, FF15 has been under construction for a full ten years, so long that the developers had to abandon the original title because 'Versus 13' is so 2013. Yet it's managed to beat back every cancellation rumor, emerging with a new, meaty demo last March, and now its cast of boyband hopefuls will be strolling nonchalantly into Gamescom 2015 as well. It's uncertain exactly what we'll see - something brand new, or the same demo with a few improvements - but when a game's been kept hidden from the public for over a decade, any sign of life is a good one. It's that time of year again: the Assassin's Creed train is rolling into the station, and coincidentally, it's bringing a few extra trains along for the ride. Assassin's Creed Syndicate is set in 1868 London, just as the Industrial Revolution is just getting underway. That means a slew of new toys to play with, like fully drivable carriages, a grappling hook, and steam trains that our Assassin protagonists can use as mobile fight platforms. And that is protagonists, plural, because Syndicate stars a pair of Assassin twins who you can switch between as you desire while you explore open-world London. Each has a unique fighting style that emphasizes different ways to approach the Assassin's Creed model: Jacob goes in fists flying, while Evie has stealth assassination on lock. Evie has kept to the shadows in most promotional material so far, but Gamescom promises to finally shine a light on how she operates. We suspect there will be much stabbing. Expect fo on the competitive portions of Rainbow Six at Gamescom. We’ve already seen Terrohunt, and the regular 5vs5 online modes, but now’s the time to learn about more traditional PvP stuff. We already know about the one-life-and-you’re-out team deathmatch options, but expect far more - especially considering Siege is betting its entire hand on being an online-only outing. Will we see some kind of objective-based multiplayer modes, that split the main game’s missions into individual slices of play? Very likely. The path to Homefront's sequel has been tumultuous, but if publisher Deep Silver can keep believing, so will we. is set in the year 2029, where the armed forces of the Greater Korean Public have shifted their focus from the western United States to an East Coast occupation, with Philadelphia as the linchpin. Rather than playing as yet another seemingly invincible super-soldier, you're an everyman member of the local militia, using guerilla tactics to get the upper hand in the fight against your oppressors. It's an intriguing spin on near-future warfare, and if you're partial to strategic flanking and indirect combat against an enemy with superior firepower, The Revolution could be right up your alley. The original Crackdown will forever be known as "that game that you bought because it gave you access to the Halo 3 beta but that's okay, because it turned out to actually be pretty fun." It’s an open world adventure hopped up on comic books and steroids, allowing players to leap over buildings, sprint at superhuman speed, transform cars, and more, all wrapped up in an incredibly compulsive levelling system. Basically, the more you did of X, the cooler X became. A new developer took the reigns for Crackdown 2, but couldn't replicate the joy of the original. Series creator David Jones is back for this third installment, so we'll be watching closely to see if lessons have been learned. It's been a rocky road to release for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, but in less than a month, none of that will matter, because Big Boss' final, vengeful chapter of the Metal Gear saga is almost here. The Phantom Pain represents the culmination of years of tactical espionage action, applying the series' trademark stealth gameplay and absurd attention to detail to a pure open world. Players can sneak through massive environments, recruit soldiers by hilariously launching them into the air with balloons, and build and customize their own mercenary empire. Konami's giving The Phantom Pain one last hurrah before release at Gamescom, providing the first chance for the public to play the game before it hits retail on September 1st, and we can't wait to check it out. The jury’s still out on Halo 5, but that only makes this week’s Gamescom appearance more exciting. We know that, while the core shooting is resolutely Halo, the new, Destiny-style focus on aerial play, verticality, and powered-up melee makes the overall combat flow rather different. We’ve seen a campaign demo at E3 that had common with Call of Duty’s scripted, AI-driven spectacle than Halo’s usual emergent, player-driven combat. But we’ve also seen great things in Warzone, Halo 5’s large-scale, multi-objective multiplayer mode, which blends PvP with campaign-style tasks over a vast, vehicle-strewn battlefield. Despite what we’ve seen elsewhere, it feels like a rallying cry for all that Halo has traditionally been about. Surely Gamescom’s showing will focus on cementing further reassurance? We’ll see in a few days. Everything has been turned upside down in XCOM 2. The aliens have won, and Earth now rests in the palm of their hand. Humanity is undergoing complete subjugation, and XCOM itself has been labeled a rogue organization. After suffering greatly during the initial stages of the invasion, XCOM has reinvented itself to combat the exterrestrials' dominance. It’s a faster, leaner strike force that hits hard before flying off into the night in a totally-not-from-the-Avengers helicarrier. From half-human, half-snake mutants, to sword-wielding XCOM troopers, and the fresh ability to carry injured soldiers to safety, there are a ton of next features to get excited over in XCOM 2. The sequel to one of last-gen’s most under-rated action games, Mafia 3 has immense potential. The follow-up to an initially confusing, but ultimately excellent crime epic - Mafia 2 is effectively a sumptuously realised linear tale, played out against the arrestingly atmospheric film set of a pseudo open-world city - it remains to be seen whether Mafia 3 will maintain its predecessor’s focus or opt for a more traditional free-roaming structure a la Grand Theft Auto. Our hopes are for the former, but either way, if new developer Hangar 13 can maintain 2K Czech’s affecting characterisation and atmospheric world-building while handling the new game’s apparent four protagonists, we could be looking at one of the most interesting actioners of the next couple of years. While Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a worthy restart to the classic series, it dropped a few balls here and there. Prescriptive, combat-only boss encounters, limited hub areas and less than stellar open-combat… Square willingly admitted to all of these transgressions at E3. We’ve already seen examples of a far improved fighting system, bringing this up to spec to most modern FPS-es-es. We’ve even seen a boss fight ended with nothing but a quick chat. Hopefully, Gamescom will expand on this promise and show us a real-life version of the game we’re all imagining. Only maybe without the weird bit where 1000 dancing Adam Jensens break out into New York, New York. That bit’s probably just us. Everything IO Interactive has said and shown so far of Agent 47’s latest outing is perfectly pitched for fans of well-paid global contract murder: huge levels rammed with hundreds of NPCs. Multiple routes, options, disguises and weapons. The thing is, we’ve really only seen the promise so far, by way of one mission set in massive fashion show in a Paris castle. The scale and ambition of that setting alone is daunting, but what we haven’t really seen yet is any action. Square’s got to be planning some decent gameplay demos, taking in at least a couple of radically different example hits at Gamescom. And there are all the interesting, online enabled, dynamic challenge features to expand upon too. More than two years after making its E3 debut, Avalanche Studios’ Mad Max is finally ready to grind players into the blasted pavement of its post-apocalyptic wasteland. The PS4/Xbox One demo at this year’s E3 offered a taste of what it’s like to customize Max’s Magnum Opus, the loving name for his custom war-ready roadster, but didn’t provide much of a look into how the story plays out. Gamescom comes just weeks ahead of the game’s release, so the experience on the show floor will be close to the full, dusty, violent thing. Fingers crossed it’s a lovely day. As a proof of concept, the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot was a resounding success. Launching to nigh-universal acclaim and the highest sales ever in the series' history, Tomb Raider showed how to do right by a character while taking things in a new direction. The team at Crystal Dynamics will have to prove that its vision is no one-hit wonder, and Rise of the Tomb Raider (currently) looks to do exactly that. With current-gen power rendering its exotic locales, and the promise of bigger, more elaborate tombs to raid, it's got us anxious to see and learn more. This temporally focused sci-fi shooter's gone through some time distortions of its own, being pushed back into 2016 to give it some breathing room away from the Christmas heavy-hitters. That's no bad thing - Max Payne creator Remedy has been releasing high-quality, low-expectations chunks of action for 20 years now, and Quantum Break looks like a natural evolution of its best work, incorporating MP's chronologically-disturbed shoot 'em ups and Alan Wake's more considered fantasy narrative. Following Jack Joyce on a bullet-riddled journey to find out why he’s suddenly gained time-altering powers (and including an in-game live-action TV show about the bad guys that shifts depending on your actions), it should play out like Life is Strange colliding with Hard Boiled. By which I mean: it should be really, really cool. Call of Duty: Black Ops is back. Considering the previous two entries were also two of the biggest money makers in Activision’s indefatigable series, a third BLOPS is no surprise. What is surprising is how magical and absurd this entry’s Zombies mode is. Gamescom represents an early, welcome chance to dive into all that Jeff Goldblum, all that Ron Perlman, all that Heather Graham starring Zombie campaign action that Treyarch has somehow squeezed into what used to be a pretty stone faced military series. It’s time to see how the latest NBA 2K plays. Expect the answer to be ‘slick as hell’, especially if Visual Concepts has made the necessary tweaks to defence and in-game presentation that fans have demanded. It’s unlikely we’ll see the new Spike Lee-made story mode at Gamescom, as the MyCareer stuff is usually held back until REAL close to launch, but for those hungry to know what’s in there, expect some info to dribble out of the event. Yeah, yeah, the pun is intentional. Oh, and there should be info about the much-maligned online, and still-not-quite-ripe MyTeam modes too. Double-yoo tee eff is Scalebound, anyway? No one knows, and that's why it's so fun to speculate! All we can do for now is extrapolate based on what we've seen in the announcement trailer, and there is a lot going on there: giant monsters, dragons, medieval weaponry, magic, wireless headphones and a human with a transforming set of scale armor. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit of all, however, is Platinum Games being listed as the developer. This is the studio behind games like Bayonetta, Vanquish and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, some of the biggest and best action games of all time. Okay, Platinum also made Legend of Korra and Anarchy Reigns, so it's not a flawless record, but hopefully the backing of Microsoft as publisher will ensure a quality product. Only time - and Gamescom - will tell. If you put Streets of Rage, Hotline Miami, and about 16 pints of blood in an industrial-sized blender, the resulting mess would look a lot like Mother Russia Bleeds. This wildly violent, side-scrolling beat-'em-up is being published by Devolver Digital, which has a track record of picking up cream-of-the-crop indies. And after MRB's savage debut during , we're excited about getting our hands dirty, bruised, and possibly broken when we jump into the fray at Gamescom. It's not just the excessive pixelated brutality that has us intrigued, mind you - we're hankering to see what those drug-induced manias, gimp-suited enemies, and toilet-based executions are all about too.
The 24 biggest, must-see games of Gamescom 2015

Added: 03.08.2015 17:55 | 62 views | 0 comments

And here we go! Gamescom, the games industry's other big expo, starts tomorrow in Cologne, Germany. We're going to have a bigger GR+ contingent than ever before out on the show floor, scrambling for demos and nodding sagely through press conferences, and even more of us covering the show from our respective offices all over the damn planet. It is, without doubt, going to be a big deal.

But enough about us. You know what's more important? The actual games. And oh boy, are there a lot of them this year. To help you stay focused, as Gamescom news starts hurtling into your face at a rate of knots over the next week, we've compiled this handy and delightful list, running down the biggest and best titles getting a fresh showing this year, alongside what we reckon we're specifically likely to see. So without further ado, click on to start with probably this year's biggest game of all, and then proceed to hype yourself silly over the following pages too.

Fallout 4 made its grand debut just before E3 2015, but now that the warm glow of long-rumored confirmation is fading - maybe that was just all the radiation in the first place - it's time for Bethesda to get down to brass tacks. For all the combat, story, and building demonstrations, we've still only seen a fraction of The Commonwealth (AKA post-apocalyptic Massachusetts). Here's hoping that Fallout 4's Gamescom presence will include a grand tour of whatever's left of downtown Boston, The Institute, and places beyond. We've only been waiting a decade to return to massive Star Wars battles, so there's absolutely no pressure for EA and DICE to put on a good show at Gamescom for Star Wars Battlefront. An impressive E3 demonstration bought it some time, but we've still only had hands-on play sessions with the Battle of Hoth multiplayer map and some of the co-op survival missions. Snow speeders are great, but it's speeder bikes or bust at Gamescom. By rights, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst shouldn’t exist. Faith’s first parkour adventure came smack in the middle of EA’s late-00s rush of original single-player games, and while it earned a fervent following of loyalists, it never found mass sales success. DICE has bucked the odds and returned to its beautiful dystopia, doubling down on what made the original great and fixing its flaws. Not many got to play its gun-combat-free demo at E3, so thankfully Gamescom will give us a fresh shot at its free-running pleasures. There aren't too many shooters out there that are appropriate to play with your kids or younger siblings, so Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is like a breath of fresh air from the typically violent genre. It has all the hallmarks of a good team-based military shooter, but with wacky zombie scientists, peashooters, and a plant that swallows enemies whole. The first Garden Warfare came out of nowhere last year and surprised us with its charming take on the genre, and the sequel looks to expand on those ideas, giving us new plants, new zombies, and new modes to continue the eternal struggle. It's not reinventing the wheel, but it will have a zombie pirate named Captain Dreadbeard. Unexpected but very welcome, Dark Souls 3’s E3 announcement was quite the surprise, given that series mastermind Hidetaka Miyazaki seemed to have moved on with this year’s Bloodborne. But the man is back, directing the third entry of the series that shot him to (relatively) mainstream fame, promising a game that will add the last bits of refinement to an already almost perfectly honed series, before he evolves it in a new direction in years to come. A new, more aggressive combat style - likely inspired by Bloodborne’s much less defensive approach - compliments DS’ traditionally methodical play, with new combat stances putting players, literally and figuratively, in a better position to take the initiative. Expect to see both combat and story - such as it is - fleshed out more at GC. This is Destiny 2.0. The next major chapter of the story starts here, with Hive god-king Oryx waging all-out war on the galaxy. The core gameplay gets an overhaul, with highly modified Taken variants of every enemy species appearing to remix and rework expected combat behaviours completely. As for the new content? There’s loads. Destiny’s biggest, most ambitious raid by far. New sub-classes for all Guardian types, with brand new Super abilities. A raft of new story and strike missions, and side-quests, making up a whole new campaign. Remixed versions of existing strikes, a bunch of new Crucible maps, and whole new PvP modes. And of course, a sizeable level-cap increase, alongside big changes to the levelling system. It’s not so much an expansion as a full, game-wide reboot. Final Fantasy 15 has had a good long while to incubate. While most other games in the series have had a two or three year development cycle, FF15 has been under construction for a full ten years, so long that the developers had to abandon the original title because 'Versus 13' is so 2013. Yet it's managed to beat back every cancellation rumor, emerging with a new, meaty demo last March, and now its cast of boyband hopefuls will be strolling nonchalantly into Gamescom 2015 as well. It's uncertain exactly what we'll see - something brand new, or the same demo with a few improvements - but when a game's been kept hidden from the public for over a decade, any sign of life is a good one. It's that time of year again: the Assassin's Creed train is rolling into the station, and coincidentally, it's bringing a few extra trains along for the ride. Assassin's Creed Syndicate is set in 1868 London, just as the Industrial Revolution is just getting underway. That means a slew of new toys to play with, like fully drivable carriages, a grappling hook, and steam trains that our Assassin protagonists can use as mobile fight platforms. And that is protagonists, plural, because Syndicate stars a pair of Assassin twins who you can switch between as you desire while you explore open-world London. Each has a unique fighting style that emphasizes different ways to approach the Assassin's Creed model: Jacob goes in fists flying, while Evie has stealth assassination on lock. Evie has kept to the shadows in most promotional material so far, but Gamescom promises to finally shine a light on how she operates. We suspect there will be much stabbing. Expect fo on the competitive portions of Rainbow Six at Gamescom. We’ve already seen Terrohunt, and the regular 5vs5 online modes, but now’s the time to learn about more traditional PvP stuff. We already know about the one-life-and-you’re-out team deathmatch options, but expect far more - especially considering Siege is betting its entire hand on being an online-only outing. Will we see some kind of objective-based multiplayer modes, that split the main game’s missions into individual slices of play? Very likely. The path to Homefront's sequel has been tumultuous, but if publisher Deep Silver can keep believing, so will we. is set in the year 2029, where the armed forces of the Greater Korean Public have shifted their focus from the western United States to an East Coast occupation, with Philadelphia as the linchpin. Rather than playing as yet another seemingly invincible super-soldier, you're an everyman member of the local militia, using guerilla tactics to get the upper hand in the fight against your oppressors. It's an intriguing spin on near-future warfare, and if you're partial to strategic flanking and indirect combat against an enemy with superior firepower, The Revolution could be right up your alley. The original Crackdown will forever be known as "that game that you bought because it gave you access to the Halo 3 beta but that's okay, because it turned out to actually be pretty fun." It’s an open world adventure hopped up on comic books and steroids, allowing players to leap over buildings, sprint at superhuman speed, transform cars, and more, all wrapped up in an incredibly compulsive levelling system. Basically, the more you did of X, the cooler X became. A new developer took the reigns for Crackdown 2, but couldn't replicate the joy of the original. Series creator David Jones is back for this third installment, so we'll be watching closely to see if lessons have been learned. It's been a rocky road to release for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, but in less than a month, none of that will matter, because Big Boss' final, vengeful chapter of the Metal Gear saga is almost here. The Phantom Pain represents the culmination of years of tactical espionage action, applying the series' trademark stealth gameplay and absurd attention to detail to a pure open world. Players can sneak through massive environments, recruit soldiers by hilariously launching them into the air with balloons, and build and customize their own mercenary empire. Konami's giving The Phantom Pain one last hurrah before release at Gamescom, providing the first chance for the public to play the game before it hits retail on September 1st, and we can't wait to check it out. The jury’s still out on Halo 5, but that only makes this week’s Gamescom appearance more exciting. We know that, while the core shooting is resolutely Halo, the new, Destiny-style focus on aerial play, verticality, and powered-up melee makes the overall combat flow rather different. We’ve seen a campaign demo at E3 that had common with Call of Duty’s scripted, AI-driven spectacle than Halo’s usual emergent, player-driven combat. But we’ve also seen great things in Warzone, Halo 5’s large-scale, multi-objective multiplayer mode, which blends PvP with campaign-style tasks over a vast, vehicle-strewn battlefield. Despite what we’ve seen elsewhere, it feels like a rallying cry for all that Halo has traditionally been about. Surely Gamescom’s showing will focus on cementing further reassurance? We’ll see in a few days. Everything has been turned upside down in XCOM 2. The aliens have won, and Earth now rests in the palm of their hand. Humanity is undergoing complete subjugation, and XCOM itself has been labeled a rogue organization. After suffering greatly during the initial stages of the invasion, XCOM has reinvented itself to combat the exterrestrials' dominance. It’s a faster, leaner strike force that hits hard before flying off into the night in a totally-not-from-the-Avengers helicarrier. From half-human, half-snake mutants, to sword-wielding XCOM troopers, and the fresh ability to carry injured soldiers to safety, there are a ton of next features to get excited over in XCOM 2. The sequel to one of last-gen’s most under-rated action games, Mafia 3 has immense potential. The follow-up to an initially confusing, but ultimately excellent crime epic - Mafia 2 is effectively a sumptuously realised linear tale, played out against the arrestingly atmospheric film set of a pseudo open-world city - it remains to be seen whether Mafia 3 will maintain its predecessor’s focus or opt for a more traditional free-roaming structure a la Grand Theft Auto. Our hopes are for the former, but either way, if new developer Hangar 13 can maintain 2K Czech’s affecting characterisation and atmospheric world-building while handling the new game’s apparent four protagonists, we could be looking at one of the most interesting actioners of the next couple of years. While Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a worthy restart to the classic series, it dropped a few balls here and there. Prescriptive, combat-only boss encounters, limited hub areas and less than stellar open-combat… Square willingly admitted to all of these transgressions at E3. We’ve already seen examples of a far improved fighting system, bringing this up to spec to most modern FPS-es-es. We’ve even seen a boss fight ended with nothing but a quick chat. Hopefully, Gamescom will expand on this promise and show us a real-life version of the game we’re all imagining. Only maybe without the weird bit where 1000 dancing Adam Jensens break out into New York, New York. That bit’s probably just us. Everything IO Interactive has said and shown so far of Agent 47’s latest outing is perfectly pitched for fans of well-paid global contract murder: huge levels rammed with hundreds of NPCs. Multiple routes, options, disguises and weapons. The thing is, we’ve really only seen the promise so far, by way of one mission set in massive fashion show in a Paris castle. The scale and ambition of that setting alone is daunting, but what we haven’t really seen yet is any action. Square’s got to be planning some decent gameplay demos, taking in at least a couple of radically different example hits at Gamescom. And there are all the interesting, online enabled, dynamic challenge features to expand upon too. More than two years after making its E3 debut, Avalanche Studios’ Mad Max is finally ready to grind players into the blasted pavement of its post-apocalyptic wasteland. The PS4/Xbox One demo at this year’s E3 offered a taste of what it’s like to customize Max’s Magnum Opus, the loving name for his custom war-ready roadster, but didn’t provide much of a look into how the story plays out. Gamescom comes just weeks ahead of the game’s release, so the experience on the show floor will be close to the full, dusty, violent thing. Fingers crossed it’s a lovely day. As a proof of concept, the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot was a resounding success. Launching to nigh-universal acclaim and the highest sales ever in the series' history, Tomb Raider showed how to do right by a character while taking things in a new direction. The team at Crystal Dynamics will have to prove that its vision is no one-hit wonder, and Rise of the Tomb Raider (currently) looks to do exactly that. With current-gen power rendering its exotic locales, and the promise of bigger, more elaborate tombs to raid, it's got us anxious to see and learn more. This temporally focused sci-fi shooter's gone through some time distortions of its own, being pushed back into 2016 to give it some breathing room away from the Christmas heavy-hitters. That's no bad thing - Max Payne creator Remedy has been releasing high-quality, low-expectations chunks of action for 20 years now, and Quantum Break looks like a natural evolution of its best work, incorporating MP's chronologically-disturbed shoot 'em ups and Alan Wake's more considered fantasy narrative. Following Jack Joyce on a bullet-riddled journey to find out why he’s suddenly gained time-altering powers (and including an in-game live-action TV show about the bad guys that shifts depending on your actions), it should play out like Life is Strange colliding with Hard Boiled. By which I mean: it should be really, really cool. Call of Duty: Black Ops is back. Considering the previous two entries were also two of the biggest money makers in Activision’s indefatigable series, a third BLOPS is no surprise. What is surprising is how magical and absurd this entry’s Zombies mode is. Gamescom represents an early, welcome chance to dive into all that Jeff Goldblum, all that Ron Perlman, all that Heather Graham starring Zombie campaign action that Treyarch has somehow squeezed into what used to be a pretty stone faced military series. It’s time to see how the latest NBA 2K plays. Expect the answer to be ‘slick as hell’, especially if Visual Concepts has made the necessary tweaks to defence and in-game presentation that fans have demanded. It’s unlikely we’ll see the new Spike Lee-made story mode at Gamescom, as the MyCareer stuff is usually held back until REAL close to launch, but for those hungry to know what’s in there, expect some info to dribble out of the event. Yeah, yeah, the pun is intentional. Oh, and there should be info about the much-maligned online, and still-not-quite-ripe MyTeam modes too. Double-yoo tee eff is Scalebound, anyway? No one knows, and that's why it's so fun to speculate! All we can do for now is extrapolate based on what we've seen in the announcement trailer, and there is a lot going on there: giant monsters, dragons, medieval weaponry, magic, wireless headphones and a human with a transforming set of scale armor. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit of all, however, is Platinum Games being listed as the developer. This is the studio behind games like Bayonetta, Vanquish and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, some of the biggest and best action games of all time. Okay, Platinum also made Legend of Korra and Anarchy Reigns, so it's not a flawless record, but hopefully the backing of Microsoft as publisher will ensure a quality product. Only time - and Gamescom - will tell. If you put Streets of Rage, Hotline Miami, and about 16 pints of blood in an industrial-sized blender, the resulting mess would look a lot like Mother Russia Bleeds. This wildly violent, side-scrolling beat-'em-up is being published by Devolver Digital, which has a track record of picking up cream-of-the-crop indies. And after MRB's savage debut during , we're excited about getting our hands dirty, bruised, and possibly broken when we jump into the fray at Gamescom. It's not just the excessive pixelated brutality that has us intrigued, mind you - we're hankering to see what those drug-induced manias, gimp-suited enemies, and toilet-based executions are all about too.

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