The 24 biggest, must-see games of Gamescom 2015
Added: 03.08.2015 17:55 | 89 views | 0 comments
And here we go! Gamescom, the games industry's other big expo, starts tomorrow in Cologne, Germany. We're going to have a bigger GR+ contingent than ever before out on the show floor, scrambling for demos and nodding sagely through press conferences, and even more of us covering the show from our respective offices all over the damn planet. It is, without doubt, going to be a big deal.
But enough about us. You know what's more important? The actual games. And oh boy, are there a lot of them this year. To help you stay focused, as Gamescom news starts hurtling into your face at a rate of knots over the next week, we've compiled this handy and delightful list, running down the biggest and best titles getting a fresh showing this year, alongside what we reckon we're specifically likely to see. So without further ado, click on to start with probably this year's biggest game of all, and then proceed to hype yourself silly over the following pages too.
Fallout 4 made its grand debut just before E3 2015, but now that the warm glow of long-rumored confirmation is fading - maybe that was just all the radiation in the first place - it's time for Bethesda to get down to brass tacks. For all the combat, story, and building demonstrations, we've still only seen a fraction of The Commonwealth (AKA post-apocalyptic Massachusetts). Here's hoping that Fallout 4's Gamescom presence will include a grand tour of whatever's left of downtown Boston, The Institute, and places beyond.
We've only been waiting a decade to return to massive Star Wars battles, so there's absolutely no pressure for EA and DICE to put on a good show at Gamescom for Star Wars Battlefront. An impressive E3 demonstration bought it some time, but we've still only had hands-on play sessions with the Battle of Hoth multiplayer map and some of the co-op survival missions. Snow speeders are great, but it's speeder bikes or bust at Gamescom.
By rights, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst shouldn’t exist. Faith’s first parkour adventure came smack in the middle of EA’s late-00s rush of original single-player games, and while it earned a fervent following of loyalists, it never found mass sales success. DICE has bucked the odds and returned to its beautiful dystopia, doubling down on what made the original great and fixing its flaws. Not many got to play its gun-combat-free demo at E3, so thankfully Gamescom will give us a fresh shot at its free-running pleasures.
There aren't too many shooters out there that are appropriate to play with your kids or younger siblings, so Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is like a breath of fresh air from the typically violent genre. It has all the hallmarks of a good team-based military shooter, but with wacky zombie scientists, peashooters, and a plant that swallows enemies whole. The first Garden Warfare came out of nowhere last year and surprised us with its charming take on the genre, and the sequel looks to expand on those ideas, giving us new plants, new zombies, and new modes to continue the eternal struggle. It's not reinventing the wheel, but it will have a zombie pirate named Captain Dreadbeard.
Unexpected but very welcome, Dark Souls 3’s E3 announcement was quite the surprise, given that series mastermind Hidetaka Miyazaki seemed to have moved on with this year’s Bloodborne. But the man is back, directing the third entry of the series that shot him to (relatively) mainstream fame, promising a game that will add the last bits of refinement to an already almost perfectly honed series, before he evolves it in a new direction in years to come. A new, more aggressive combat style - likely inspired by Bloodborne’s much less defensive approach - compliments DS’ traditionally methodical play, with new combat stances putting players, literally and figuratively, in a better position to take the initiative. Expect to see both combat and story - such as it is - fleshed out more at GC.
This is Destiny 2.0. The next major chapter of the story starts here, with Hive god-king Oryx waging all-out war on the galaxy. The core gameplay gets an overhaul, with highly modified Taken variants of every enemy species appearing to remix and rework expected combat behaviours completely. As for the new content? There’s loads. Destiny’s biggest, most ambitious raid by far. New sub-classes for all Guardian types, with brand new Super abilities. A raft of new story and strike missions, and side-quests, making up a whole new campaign. Remixed versions of existing strikes, a bunch of new Crucible maps, and whole new PvP modes. And of course, a sizeable level-cap increase, alongside big changes to the levelling system. It’s not so much an expansion as a full, game-wide reboot.
Final Fantasy 15 has had a good long while to incubate. While most other games in the series have had a two or three year development cycle, FF15 has been under construction for a full ten years, so long that the developers had to abandon the original title because 'Versus 13' is so 2013. Yet it's managed to beat back every cancellation rumor, emerging with a new, meaty demo last March, and now its cast of boyband hopefuls will be strolling nonchalantly into Gamescom 2015 as well. It's uncertain exactly what we'll see - something brand new, or the same demo with a few improvements - but when a game's been kept hidden from the public for over a decade, any sign of life is a good one.
It's that time of year again: the Assassin's Creed train is rolling into the station, and coincidentally, it's bringing a few extra trains along for the ride. Assassin's Creed Syndicate is set in 1868 London, just as the Industrial Revolution is just getting underway. That means a slew of new toys to play with, like fully drivable carriages, a grappling hook, and steam trains that our Assassin protagonists can use as mobile fight platforms. And that is protagonists, plural, because Syndicate stars a pair of Assassin twins who you can switch between as you desire while you explore open-world London. Each has a unique fighting style that emphasizes different ways to approach the Assassin's Creed model: Jacob goes in fists flying, while Evie has stealth assassination on lock. Evie has kept to the shadows in most promotional material so far, but Gamescom promises to finally shine a light on how she operates. We suspect there will be much stabbing.
Expect fo on the competitive portions of Rainbow Six at Gamescom. We’ve already seen Terrohunt, and the regular 5vs5 online modes, but now’s the time to learn about more traditional PvP stuff. We already know about the one-life-and-you’re-out team deathmatch options, but expect far more - especially considering Siege is betting its entire hand on being an online-only outing. Will we see some kind of objective-based multiplayer modes, that split the main game’s missions into individual slices of play? Very likely.
The path to Homefront's sequel has been tumultuous, but if publisher Deep Silver can keep believing, so will we. is set in the year 2029, where the armed forces of the Greater Korean Public have shifted their focus from the western United States to an East Coast occupation, with Philadelphia as the linchpin. Rather than playing as yet another seemingly invincible super-soldier, you're an everyman member of the local militia, using guerilla tactics to get the upper hand in the fight against your oppressors. It's an intriguing spin on near-future warfare, and if you're partial to strategic flanking and indirect combat against an enemy with superior firepower, The Revolution could be right up your alley.
The original Crackdown will forever be known as "that game that you bought because it gave you access to the Halo 3 beta but that's okay, because it turned out to actually be pretty fun." It’s an open world adventure hopped up on comic books and steroids, allowing players to leap over buildings, sprint at superhuman speed, transform cars, and more, all wrapped up in an incredibly compulsive levelling system. Basically, the more you did of X, the cooler X became. A new developer took the reigns for Crackdown 2, but couldn't replicate the joy of the original. Series creator David Jones is back for this third installment, so we'll be watching closely to see if lessons have been learned.
It's been a rocky road to release for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, but in less than a month, none of that will matter, because Big Boss' final, vengeful chapter of the Metal Gear saga is almost here. The Phantom Pain represents the culmination of years of tactical espionage action, applying the series' trademark stealth gameplay and absurd attention to detail to a pure open world. Players can sneak through massive environments, recruit soldiers by hilariously launching them into the air with balloons, and build and customize their own mercenary empire. Konami's giving The Phantom Pain one last hurrah before release at Gamescom, providing the first chance for the public to play the game before it hits retail on September 1st, and we can't wait to check it out.
The jury’s still out on Halo 5, but that only makes this week’s Gamescom appearance more exciting. We know that, while the core shooting is resolutely Halo, the new, Destiny-style focus on aerial play, verticality, and powered-up melee makes the overall combat flow rather different. We’ve seen a campaign demo at E3 that had common with Call of Duty’s scripted, AI-driven spectacle than Halo’s usual emergent, player-driven combat. But we’ve also seen great things in Warzone, Halo 5’s large-scale, multi-objective multiplayer mode, which blends PvP with campaign-style tasks over a vast, vehicle-strewn battlefield. Despite what we’ve seen elsewhere, it feels like a rallying cry for all that Halo has traditionally been about. Surely Gamescom’s showing will focus on cementing further reassurance? We’ll see in a few days.
Everything has been turned upside down in XCOM 2. The aliens have won, and Earth now rests in the palm of their hand. Humanity is undergoing complete subjugation, and XCOM itself has been labeled a rogue organization. After suffering greatly during the initial stages of the invasion, XCOM has reinvented itself to combat the exterrestrials' dominance. It’s a faster, leaner strike force that hits hard before flying off into the night in a totally-not-from-the-Avengers helicarrier. From half-human, half-snake mutants, to sword-wielding XCOM troopers, and the fresh ability to carry injured soldiers to safety, there are a ton of next features to get excited over in XCOM 2.
The sequel to one of last-gen’s most under-rated action games, Mafia 3 has immense potential. The follow-up to an initially confusing, but ultimately excellent crime epic - Mafia 2 is effectively a sumptuously realised linear tale, played out against the arrestingly atmospheric film set of a pseudo open-world city - it remains to be seen whether Mafia 3 will maintain its predecessor’s focus or opt for a more traditional free-roaming structure a la Grand Theft Auto. Our hopes are for the former, but either way, if new developer Hangar 13 can maintain 2K Czech’s affecting characterisation and atmospheric world-building while handling the new game’s apparent four protagonists, we could be looking at one of the most interesting actioners of the next couple of years.
While Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a worthy restart to the classic series, it dropped a few balls here and there. Prescriptive, combat-only boss encounters, limited hub areas and less than stellar open-combat… Square willingly admitted to all of these transgressions at E3. We’ve already seen examples of a far improved fighting system, bringing this up to spec to most modern FPS-es-es. We’ve even seen a boss fight ended with nothing but a quick chat. Hopefully, Gamescom will expand on this promise and show us a real-life version of the game we’re all imagining. Only maybe without the weird bit where 1000 dancing Adam Jensens break out into New York, New York. That bit’s probably just us.
Everything IO Interactive has said and shown so far of Agent 47’s latest outing is perfectly pitched for fans of well-paid global contract murder: huge levels rammed with hundreds of NPCs. Multiple routes, options, disguises and weapons. The thing is, we’ve really only seen the promise so far, by way of one mission set in massive fashion show in a Paris castle. The scale and ambition of that setting alone is daunting, but what we haven’t really seen yet is any action. Square’s got to be planning some decent gameplay demos, taking in at least a couple of radically different example hits at Gamescom. And there are all the interesting, online enabled, dynamic challenge features to expand upon too.
More than two years after making its E3 debut, Avalanche Studios’ Mad Max is finally ready to grind players into the blasted pavement of its post-apocalyptic wasteland. The PS4/Xbox One demo at this year’s E3 offered a taste of what it’s like to customize Max’s Magnum Opus, the loving name for his custom war-ready roadster, but didn’t provide much of a look into how the story plays out. Gamescom comes just weeks ahead of the game’s release, so the experience on the show floor will be close to the full, dusty, violent thing. Fingers crossed it’s a lovely day.
As a proof of concept, the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot was a resounding success. Launching to nigh-universal acclaim and the highest sales ever in the series' history, Tomb Raider showed how to do right by a character while taking things in a new direction. The team at Crystal Dynamics will have to prove that its vision is no one-hit wonder, and Rise of the Tomb Raider (currently) looks to do exactly that. With current-gen power rendering its exotic locales, and the promise of bigger, more elaborate tombs to raid, it's got us anxious to see and learn more.
This temporally focused sci-fi shooter's gone through some time distortions of its own, being pushed back into 2016 to give it some breathing room away from the Christmas heavy-hitters. That's no bad thing - Max Payne creator Remedy has been releasing high-quality, low-expectations chunks of action for 20 years now, and Quantum Break looks like a natural evolution of its best work, incorporating MP's chronologically-disturbed shoot 'em ups and Alan Wake's more considered fantasy narrative. Following Jack Joyce on a bullet-riddled journey to find out why he’s suddenly gained time-altering powers (and including an in-game live-action TV show about the bad guys that shifts depending on your actions), it should play out like Life is Strange colliding with Hard Boiled. By which I mean: it should be really, really cool.
Call of Duty: Black Ops is back. Considering the previous two entries were also two of the biggest money makers in Activision’s indefatigable series, a third BLOPS is no surprise. What is surprising is how magical and absurd this entry’s Zombies mode is. Gamescom represents an early, welcome chance to dive into all that Jeff Goldblum, all that Ron Perlman, all that Heather Graham starring Zombie campaign action that Treyarch has somehow squeezed into what used to be a pretty stone faced military series.
It’s time to see how the latest NBA 2K plays. Expect the answer to be ‘slick as hell’, especially if Visual Concepts has made the necessary tweaks to defence and in-game presentation that fans have demanded. It’s unlikely we’ll see the new Spike Lee-made story mode at Gamescom, as the MyCareer stuff is usually held back until REAL close to launch, but for those hungry to know what’s in there, expect some info to dribble out of the event. Yeah, yeah, the pun is intentional. Oh, and there should be info about the much-maligned online, and still-not-quite-ripe MyTeam modes too.
Double-yoo tee eff is Scalebound, anyway? No one knows, and that's why it's so fun to speculate! All we can do for now is extrapolate based on what we've seen in the announcement trailer, and there is a lot going on there: giant monsters, dragons, medieval weaponry, magic, wireless headphones and a human with a transforming set of scale armor. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit of all, however, is Platinum Games being listed as the developer. This is the studio behind games like Bayonetta, Vanquish and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, some of the biggest and best action games of all time. Okay, Platinum also made Legend of Korra and Anarchy Reigns, so it's not a flawless record, but hopefully the backing of Microsoft as publisher will ensure a quality product. Only time - and Gamescom - will tell.
If you put Streets of Rage, Hotline Miami, and about 16 pints of blood in an industrial-sized blender, the resulting mess would look a lot like Mother Russia Bleeds. This wildly violent, side-scrolling beat-'em-up is being published by Devolver Digital, which has a track record of picking up cream-of-the-crop indies. And after MRB's savage debut during , we're excited about getting our hands dirty, bruised, and possibly broken when we jump into the fray at Gamescom. It's not just the excessive pixelated brutality that has us intrigued, mind you - we're hankering to see what those drug-induced manias, gimp-suited enemies, and toilet-based executions are all about too.
Tags: Torn, Warfare, Hack, Dead, Paul, Evil, Onto, Games, Star, States, United, United States, Wake, Easy, Gear, Daly, When, Battle, Silver, Deep Silver, Cave, With, Creed, Black, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Phantom Pain, Xbox, Live, Fantasy, Test, Revolution, Raider, Tomb Raider, There, Players, Captain, After, While, Legend, Rick, Black Ops, Also, Hold, High, Planet, Series, Destiny, Microsoft, Zombie, Star Wars, Party, Souls, Most, Square, Gear Solid, Spicy, Final, Grade, Guardian, The Phantom, Final Fantasy, DICE, Platinum, Interactive, Grand Theft, Adds, Human, Human Revolution, Crystal, Dynamics, Crystal Dynamics, Earth, Quantic, XCOM, Jack, David, Zombies, Korea, Bethesda, Dark Souls, Orcs, Despite, September, Xbox One, Jedi
| 5 Times Video Games Made Us Cry
Added: 31.07.2015 6:19 | 22 views | 0 comments
Richard Drummond of Gaming Tech United writes:
"Video games have the power to influence the user in a way that movies and books simply do not. The fact that video games are an interactive medium give them a depth that other mediums can't achieve. That being said, this depth can make us tie our emotions to events, or even characters themselves. Let's take a look at five different times video games made us tear up like little babies."
| Study shows Call of Duty players more likely to be conservative
Added: 29.07.2015 16:19 | 8 views | 0 comments
GameZone: "A new study coming out of the United Kingdom has suggested that Call of Duty players are three times more likely to hold conservative political views."
| 12 legitimately famous folks who legitimately love games
Added: 29.07.2015 12:47 | 64 views | 0 comments
Please Internet, not another list of vapid celebrity shills all spouting their undying love for Angry Birds. No more putrid publicity sponges, no more preening plastics. No more 'famous for the sake of it' types all carping on about their 'Call of Destiny' addictions. Tell me this: when did actual talent take a big back seat to owning the best-dressed Chihuahua? *intense, frothy-mouthed rage begins* But I digress… This list isn't about those sorts of celebrities, oh no. GamesRadar+ dosen't play that way, and neither it seems do our 12 famous gamers.
These are the (genuinely) notable names who actually do play games. Busy people with big careers, who still find the time to indulge their virtual vices. Some act, others fight, while a great many attempt to make us laugh. What's more - most of them are actually good at it, having achieved their careers than pissing themselves outside of a nightclub, and/or being papped brawling inside of a Burger King. Begin!
Who? - Picture a heavily anesthetised, flesh-coloured bowling ball. Et Voila: Vin Diesel. Best known for playing Dominic Toretto in the Fast Furious franchise and Riddick in the, er, Riddick series, Big Vin has also lent his considerable talents/bassy whale noises to Guardians of the Galaxy and The Iron Giant.
Gaming street cred - According to the big man himself, Diesel's geekery began with tabletop gaming, an activity into which he admits pouring countless hours. Next came video games, including a small but significant number of his own creations, including the critically acclaimed Xbox shooter Escape From Butcher Bay. Diesel's Tigon Studios has since worked on three more titles, including the underwhelming Wheelman, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (released alongside an updated Butcher Bay) and a Riddick iOS adventure, before shutting down and later recommencing work in September of 2013.
Favourite games? - While Vin's DD obsession is well documented, the man's video gaming habits remain something of a mystery. That being said, we do know that Diesel plays World of Warcraft, having released a video of himself roaming the lands of Azeroth alongside the late Paul Walker.
Who? - An oftentimes zany, if thoroughly endearing comic presence who appeared in dozens of celebrated roles. Williams made his name in stand up, before moving on to television and later film.
Gaming street cred - Of all the famous faces included on this list, Robin Williams was perhaps the biggest and best known gamer of the bunch, taking seemingly every opportunity to discuss his digital pastime. Numerous interviews all attest to the man's deep appreciation for the medium, including, but not limited to, late night play sessions, trash talking contests, and an-up-to date knowledge of the latest gaming trends. Oh, and he also named his daughter after Zelda's titular princess. Credibility level: One-hundred million bajillion.
Favourite games? - The Legend of Zelda, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Half-Life, Portal, Battlefield
Who? - The dominant power in women's MMA, Rousey remains best known for her unusual fight celebrations, which typically involve pulling someone's arm off and then using it to high five everyone in attendance. She's also appeared in a number of big budget Hollywood action movies, including Furious 7 and The Expendables 3.
Gaming street cred - Rousey has spoken at length regarding her obsessive love of Pokémon games, having owned every iteration of the franchise to date, including titles hailing from the same generation, i.e. both Red and Blue. Speaking of Blue, Rousey's first dip into the Pokémon series currently logs well over 200 hours of gameplay, just for that one title alone. Multiply that by 24 mainline and dozens more spin-off titles and you have one truly hardcore gamer.
Favourite games? - Anything vaguely Pokémon, with the exception of Pokémon Pinball.
Who? - A man so fantastically British he even has the White Cliffs of Dover for a face, sort of. Craggy, weather worn and yet somehow massively enchanting - or so the ladies tell me - Craig portrays the current iteration of James 'the STI conveyor belt' Bond.
Gaming street cred - In between stints of saving Britain, hitting the gym and/or inspiring mass hysteria down at the beach, Craig admits to wiling away the hours within a number of expansive and narrative-heavy video games. Action titles are also fair game, though somewhat quicker to outstay their welcome. "Those ultra-violent ones I can play for half-an-hour and then I feel dirty. ‘Vice City’, for example - I think, ‘Oh yes, all right, I’ve stolen 18 cars. I’ve had enough now". What a guy.
Favourite games? - Halo, Red Dead Redemption, Guitar Hero
Who? - Kal-El, son of Jor-El, hails from the planet Krypton. His hobbies include flying, costume design and violent chiropractic medicine. Sorry, Zod.
Gaming street cred - Cavill's love of gaming is probably best expressed by the following Superman-related anecdote. Having already auditioned for the role, Cavill was nervously awaiting news of his casting when director Zack Snyder called up at an inopportune moment. “I saw it was him [on the line] but the thing is, you can’t save World of Warcraft, you can’t pause it. It’s live". Suffice to say that Cavill opted to carry on playing, only returning the call and accepting the job offer of a lifetime later that day. Hats off to you Henry.
Favourite games? - World or Warcraft, Skyrim
Who? - An advanced human-pooch hybrid, capable of laconic, laid back rap. Snoop currently heads up the Feisman institute for lingual research, where he is presently engaged in the 10-year development of a suitable rhyme for 'orange'.
Gaming street cred - The 'D-O-double-G' has been skirting the player/player divide for a long old time, having even attempted to get his own GTA clone - aka Fear Respect - off the ground back in the mid-2000s. Snoop has also appeared in a range of other games, including True Crime: Streets of New York, Def Jam: Fight for NY and as a special announcer in 2013's Call of Duty: Ghosts. What's more, the iconic Californian-born rapper even started up his own musicians-only games tournament - the Hip-Hop Gaming League - hosting the last such event in 2007.
Favourite games? - Madden, NBA2K, FIFA
Who? - Prolific comedy actor best known for his roles as Gob Bluth in Arrested Development and as the voice of Batman in The Lego Movie. Founding member of the Magician's Alliance.
Gaming street cred - Unlike the vast majority of the preening celebrity pitch men brought in to shill video games, Will Arnett is an actual bona fide gamer. So much so in fact that the man's short-lived XBL comedy series 'Game Chat' was actually dreamed up by Arnett himself. The show's core concept - that of 3 friends hanging out and playing brand new video games (Xbox marketing's contribution) - was partially inspired by the actor's own experiences of playing online. So, just who does a man like Will Arnett choose to party up with - well, just about anyone really, as the comic admits he's never once been outed online. More regular teammates include fellow actors Jason Bateman, Jerry O'Connell, and Justin Theroux.
Favourite games? - Call of Duty, Zoo Tycoon, Forza Motorsport
Who? - An ebullient Irish comic, Ó Briain also hosts the long running TV panel show Mock the Week. A household name in the United Kingdom, Ó Briain once tried to translate the dreary, mathematical, non-exploding bits of high school science into mainstream TV. He failed, or err... succeeded, depending on how you look at it.
Gaming street cred - Ó Briain hosted the British Academy Game Awards for a whopping six years in a row, and has admitted that his familiarity with the medium often surprised organisers more used to dealing with less involved hosts. Not only that, but the celebrated stand up has also incorporated many game-related jokes into his regular comic routines, discussing everything from 'video game logic' to outdated views on the hobby.
Favourite games? - Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, Portal, FIFA
Who? - Mila Kunis may sound like the name of a bizarre Eastern European delicacy, probably composed of some old spinach, cow's eyes and gruel, but she's actually a female human - who acts! Yes, Mila has appeared in all sorts of fare over the years, from light-hearted comedies, to the occasional sci-fi mega flop. Oh and she's also responsible for voicing Meg Griffin in Family Guy. Lucky girl.
Gaming street cred - Technically speaking, Kunis may well fall into the 'lapsed gamer' category, though given the dates involved, it's clear that the actress was still playing away up until a relatively short time ago. This was no Candy Crush addiction either, Kunis was a big time World of Warcraft enthusiast, oftentimes engaging in all-day play sessions. Sadly, it seems that over time many of Kunis' friends moved on from the title, eventually gutting the fun factor and forcing Mila to bid her adieus to Azeroth.
Favourite games? - World of Warcraft, Settlers of Catan
Who? - The archetypal slacker made good, Jack Black divides his time between acting, comedy and music making, combining all three in the character of Jables, lead singer for the comic rock band Tenacious D.
Gaming street cred - Jack Black may well be the least surprising entrant on this list, what with his working relationship with Double Fine Studios and general 'gamer guy' vibe. Black asserts that his interest in gaming began with the original Space Invaders and continued on until at least the time of the original Xbox - though given his involvement in the industry these days, it's entirely possible he's playing as hard as ever. He once sent a picture of himself 'flipping the bird' to the good folks at Bizarre Creations while standing next to an expert mode completion screen. His reasoning: "[Project Gotham Racing] was so fucking hard to conquer on expert mode, to get all Platinum medals in all the events. I was so angry at them for making something so hard that when I conquered it I took a picture […] that proved I conquered it.” Now who hasn’t thought about doing that?
Favourite games? - Project Gotham Racing, Scramble, Marble Madness
Who? - An enormously successful stand up comedian and star of the cult hit sketch show that bears his name. Chappelle's 'Tyrone Biggums' remains the Internet's number one choice in famished crackhead meme making.
Gaming street cred - Chappelle has been known to make reference to video games as part of his stand up comedy routine, and has also parodied the medium on Chappelle's Show. Most notable is his on-point pastiche of the ultra-violent world of Grand Theft Auto, complete with erratic animations and everyday car-jacking antics.
Favourite games? - World of Warcraft, Grand Theft Auto
Who? - An evil, leather-clad, play-fighting champion. Rollins refers to himself as 'the future of the WWE' and maintains a strong, if entirely scripted contempt for The Daily Show's Jon Stewart. Styles himself after Pepé Le Pew.
Gaming street cred - Rollins recently appeared on fellow pro-wrestler Xavier Woods' , sitting down to play Turtles in Time while discussing his video gaming habits. The self-proclaimed 'Architect of The Shield' - that's the tag-team, not the cop show, admitted to being something of a rage-filled perfectionist during his youth, routinely smashing TV sets after failing to maintain optimum stats within Madden. One noteworthy incident involved a young Rollins - real name Colby Lopez - violently snapping after a buddy made the mistake of mocking the defeated perfectionist. Aggressive, narcissistic, and with an obvious contempt for his friends, it's easy to see how the slimy Seth Rollins character came about.
Favourite games? - The Madden series, Turtles in Time, Batman: Arkham Knight
Tags: Sees, Studios, Hack, Dead, Paul, Fight, Vita, World, Mask, Trek, Gain, United, Gear, Daly, When, Force, Batman, Cave, With, Black, Metal, Metal Gear, Xbox, Fate, Effect, Mass Effect, Space, Test, There, Time, Color, While, Help, Legend, Gaming, Been, Awards, League, European, Fire, Mini, Escape, Madden, Angry, FIFA, Most, James, Grade, Project, Platinum, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, According, Academy, Skyrim, Warcraft, Pokémon, Double, Jack, Chronicles, Tiger, Arkham, Soul, Iron, Crabs, September, Leaf, Assault
| Lost Dimension Review | PlayStation Enthusiast
Added: 29.07.2015 5:19 | 20 views | 0 comments
"As the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita enter the twilight years of their existence, the number of big name games for them has slowed to a crawl. Fortunately for RPG fans who have yet to invest in a next generation console, there are still plenty of titles coming out that promise epic quests and dozens of hours of gameplay, cut-scenes and monster slaying. While most of these games are new entries in established franchises, that are decades old at this point, such as Persona 5, Star Ocean 5, and Tales of Zesteria, a handful of original games yet remain for the PS3 and PS Vita in the near future. Lost Dimension is one of them, a tactical RPG developed by Japanese game company Furyu and published in the United States by Atlus. -- PlayStation Enthusiast
Tags: PlayStation, Vita, Star, States, United, United States, Japanese, Review, While, Lots, Tales, Persona
| Nintendo 3DS NFC Adapter Coming to UK and North America Soon
Added: 28.07.2015 18:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
Today Nintendo has revealed a release date for the NFC adapter in North America and the United Kingdom.
| How video games are helping veterans with life after war
Added: 25.07.2015 18:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
And with 22 United States veterans committing suicide every day, Operation Supply Drops work with vets helping them to cope with civilian life and form self-supporting communities is quickly becoming its most important role.
| Heres all of the Yoshis Woolly World amiibo costumes
Added: 24.07.2015 10:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Nintendo hasnt been shy about making sure the numerous amiibo released so far all have a purpose in just about any thats released. Yoshis Woolly World debuted in Japan last week and while it has yet to be released in the United States, theres plenty to look forward to if youre an avid amiibo collector.
Currently there are 45 different costumes for Yoshi that you can collect by unlocking them with various amiibo. Apparently, any Pokemon amiibo thats scanned will unlock a regular Yoshi with the amiibo logo on him, so dont expect to see a yellow pikachu Yoshi running around, which is unfortunate.
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