2K puts XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Civilization Revolution for iPad and iPhone on sale
Added: 30.10.2013 13:00 | 7 views | 0 comments
2K has put a couple of its iOS strategy titles on sale. So, yes, it's cut the price of XCOM: Enemy Unknown in half, and chopped a big chunk off the cost of Civilization Revolution.
Civilization Revolution will set you back just 69p / 99c now. And while we weren't impressed with the iPhone version [buy], the iPad version [buy] is an improvement over its little brother thanks to its less fiddly c...
| The Unknown 0.025
Added: 25.10.2013 18:07 | 4 views | 0 comments
A procedurally generated horror game where you will have to escape from a complex labyrinth.
| XCOM: Enemy Within hands-on | Gameplanet
Added: 24.10.2013 14:22 | 9 views | 0 comments
Voted one of the best games of 2012 by Gameplanet readers, XCOM: Enemy Unknown was important in many ways, and not the least because it demonstrated a franchise can be successfully rebooted without becoming an action-shooter. Chris Brown goes hands-on with its much-anticipated expansion, Enemy Within.
| Making heroics matter, making death sadder in XCOM: Enemy Within | Polygon
Added: 24.10.2013 9:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Death is certainly a vital, defining element of XCOM: Enemy Unknown but really, is it all that bad?
Putting aside the shock and disappointment of seeing a soldier you've almost certainly named after a close friend totally chomp it the Oregon Trail effect, if you will was it really all that hard to replace them? Your pal Eric, loyal Sniper, stayed a little too close to that burning Jeep a little too long, and met his demise; why not just name the next Sniper you come across Eric, and kit him out like his predecessor?
| Unknown Horizons 2013.3
Added: 20.10.2013 1:13 | 3 views | 0 comments
A 2D realtime strategy simulation with an emphasis on economy and city building.
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