Drakengard 3 Rated by the ESRB, With all the Violence and Debauchery You Can Expect
Added: 29.03.2014 0:16 | 14 views | 0 comments
Square Enix's JRPG Drakengard 3 will be released on May 20th in North America and on May 21st in Europe, and the ESRB finally stamped its "M" for Mature on the game, with a description that might discourage the faint of heart.
| Brotherhood of Violence for Windows 8
Added: 22.03.2014 7:35 | 17 views | 0 comments
Choose from a dozen characters and learn a martial arts style while fighting opponents
| Watch Dogs Rating Updated to Adults-Only in Australia, Sexual Violence Content Detailed
Added: 18.03.2014 2:24 | 16 views | 0 comments

Watch Dogs has received an updated rating from the Australian classification board, bumping the title from an MA15+ rating to an R18+ rating, restricting sales to only those individuals over the age of 18.
| Watch Dogs Now R18+ in Australia Due to Sexual Violence References
Added: 17.03.2014 6:01 | 17 views | 0 comments
Newly-added scenes required Watch Dogs to be resubmitted for classification, says Ubisoft.
| Kojima: If we don't push limits, 'games will never be considered culture'
Added: 05.03.2014 20:22 | 16 views | 0 comments
Fans of Metal Gear Solid are used to the franchise pushing boundaries. With that said, the pending release of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes sparked some controversy when it received the ESRB's rarely given Sexual Violence warning. Examiner.com recently had a chance to sit down with Hideo Kojima, the series creator and director, during a roundtable discussion. Kojima had this to say when asked why graphic and adult content were important to the franchise.
Tags: Gear, With, Metal, Metal Gear, Kojima, Solid, Hideo, Fate, Gear Solid, Violence, Ground, Zeroes, Ground Zeroes
| Episode 42: Video Game Violence and Real Life Violence Dont Correlate With Each Other
Added: 31.01.2014 11:16 | 18 views | 0 comments
So, does violent video games cause violence in real life? Well not in my experience!
| Lara too Pretty to Bleed? Violence Toned Down In Definitive Tomb Raider
Added: 25.01.2014 4:16 | 19 views | 0 comments
Hardcore Gamer: Theres been a lot of controversy over whether or not Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is a worthy project. Crystal Dynamics tried to quell the backlash against Square Enix charging a full $59.99 for the next-gen re-release by basically saying because the game is awesome (a statement in which we did agree with), but not everybody has been too keen on the look of the game itself.
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