The Last of Us: Left Behind review | Washington Times
Added: 28.02.2014 12:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
The Last of Us: Left Behind offers a slightly pricy and too-brief extension of an awesome interactive drama that brilliantly sucks a gamer into Ellies life.
| Violent Video Game Tax Ignores 1st Amendment
Added: 28.02.2014 1:15 | 11 views | 0 comments
According to the Washington Examiner in an article posted today, the House Ways and Means Committee has singled out violent video game developers in a tax reform bill.
| American Lawmakers Take Aim at 'Violent' Game Devs
Added: 27.02.2014 23:34 | 10 views | 0 comments
American creators of "violent" video games beware: Washington D.C. might just take a swipe at you in its upcoming tax reform bill.
| Payday 2 Update 'Death Wish' Makes Things Harder For Career Criminals
Added: 26.02.2014 19:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
Payday 2 Update 'Death Wish' will be stepping up Washington PD's response to the Payday gang later this week. A new difficulty level adds a new SWAT team, as well as Bulldozers with LMG's.
| Video Games Going Postal USPS May Use Games For Future Stamps
Added: 21.02.2014 19:15 | 12 views | 0 comments
Twinfinite writes, "According to the Washington Post, the United States Postal Service is considering using video game imagery for future stamps."
| AE Games Reveals Mad Men Football, High Impact Gridiron With "An Historical Twist"
Added: 15.02.2014 8:00 | 4 views | 0 comments
Would George Washington have made a tasty quarterback?
| Federal Appeals Court Denies FCC's Net Neutrality Rules
Added: 15.01.2014 2:00 | 8 views | 0 comments
A federal appeals court in Washington D.C. made an important decision today in the case of Net Neutrality whereby Internet service providers are compelled by the Federal Communications Commission to treat all Internet traffc the same regardless of source or destination, ruling that the FCC can continue to regulate broadband Internet access but that the FCC does not have the authority to tell providers how to manage traffic on their networks.
| KG-200, KG-300 Headsets Announced For PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 But Not Xbox One
Added: 13.01.2014 2:07 | 9 views | 0 comments
I'm guessing the decision to ensure that all third-party peripherals are certified according to a proprietary standard is making the execs at the Redmond offices in Washington cringe with burning fury right about now, as Klipsch has announced a new line of high-end peripherals for game consoles... well, each major console except for the Xbox One.
| Arif S. Kinchen Talks Voice Acting and Games: Saints Row V in the Works? Interview
Added: 06.01.2014 21:16 | 8 views | 0 comments
GamerFitNation interviews voice actor Arif S. Kinchen. Kinchen talks about his work and the games he's playing, and hints at some future projects. Kinchen is known for his role as Pierce Washington in the Saints Row series; he could be working on the next installment in the series already.
| Valve Explains Why Focus Has Shifted Away From Half-Life Sequels
Added: 06.01.2014 11:04 | 9 views | 0 comments
Want to know why Half-Life 3 still has not yet been released? It's because Valve is busy with other things, namely Steam.
In an interview with The Washington Post, Valve's Gabe Newell explained how the company's focus has shifted over the years from being a single-player focused studio to an organization that has evolved into something so much more.
When we started out we were a single-player video game company that could have been really successful just doing Half-Life sequel after Half-Life sequel, but we collectively said let's try to make multiplayer games even though there's never been a commercial successful multiplayer game.
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