PlayStation Exclusive: Watch Gotham Season Premiere Today Only
Added: 14.09.2015 23:27 | 28 views | 0 comments
Hi everyone! Today only, PlayStation Plus members can watch the Season 2 premiere of Gotham: Rise of the Villains for free, a full week before its network debut on September 21st.
| SCEJA Press Conference 2015 - English
Added: 14.09.2015 9:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
Watch the SCEJA Press Conference 2015 live from Tokyo Midtown Hall.
-September 15 16:00-17:30 (JST)
-September 15 9:00-10:30 (Europe)
-September 15 8:00-9:30 (UK)
-September 15 12:00-1:30 (PST)
| Let's Watch - Until Dawn (Part 7)
Added: 14.09.2015 9:17 | 22 views | 0 comments
Achievement Hunter continues it's nightmare filled adventure into Until Dawn. Can Geoff lead them to sunrise?
| Ryo Learns Tai Chi, Rearranges Cups in Shenmue 2
Added: 13.09.2015 9:17 | 36 views | 0 comments
OX writes: "In this week's dispatch from Hong Kong, Ryo picks up a new tai chi move and rearranges teacups to make secret signs. Watch it all go down in this gameplay footage of Shenmue on Xbox, played on an Xbox 360."
| Watch Mighty No. 9's Newest Gameplay Demo Now
Added: 12.09.2015 23:12 | 34 views | 0 comments
There's a 16 minute demo available of Keiji Inafune's Mighty No. 9, showcasing the tutorial level and a second stage to give gamers an idea of what the core gameplay looks like. The video wasn't quite as well received as you might have been expecting.
| Movies, Games and Hideos
Added: 12.09.2015 17:17 | 24 views | 0 comments
My mum is a staunch pacifist. As a child I was never allowed anything even remotely violent as a toy. Water pistols were out and I had to use a washing up bottle. Transformers were just about fine but I definitely couldnt have Megatron. I remember one time she confiscated my copy of Mike Tysons Punch Out as she didnt want me playing something endorsed by a rapist. Her mantra was if someone tries to fight you, its best to just walk away. As a consequence Ive grown up terrified of confrontation but on the plus side Ive never been punched in the face. Swings and roundabouts.
| Let's Watch - Until Dawn (Part 4)
Added: 12.09.2015 4:17 | 28 views | 0 comments
Keep your hand to yourself, psycho! AH keeps trying to survive until Dawn.
| Video: Watch Charles Martinet Unleash His Creative Side In Super Mario Maker
Added: 11.09.2015 16:30 | 50 views | 0 comments
The voice of Mario challenges Nintendo Life
| Serious: The Water Pistol Is MGSV: The Phantom Pain's Most Potent Weapon
Added: 11.09.2015 16:17 | 17 views | 0 comments
I know what you're thinking. "There's no way this man is serious", you thought to yourself after reading the title of this article. Well, I am serious, and I'm ready to explain why you need to start using Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's Water Pistol more often.
| Serious: The Water Pistol Is MGSV: The Phantom Pain's Most Potent Weapon
Added: 11.09.2015 16:17 | 17 views | 0 comments
I know what you're thinking. "There's no way this man is serious", you thought to yourself after reading the title of this article. Well, I am serious, and I'm ready to explain why you need to start using Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's Water Pistol more often.
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