Watch All of Tremor's Fatalities and Brutalities in Mortal Kombat X
Added: 21.07.2015 21:49 | 5 views | 0 comments
Tremor the final character in the Kombat Pack is available, check out all his fatalities and brutalities!
| Documentary Shows How Kickstarter Games Are Made
Added: 21.07.2015 21:06 | 5 views | 0 comments
Watch how the crowdfunded game Wasteland 2 comes to life in a clip from the new movie Capital C, out in theaters and on VOD July 24th.
| Watch Mortal Kombat X's Tremor Livestream Today
Added: 21.07.2015 20:50 | 7 views | 0 comments
. There's a long list of existing Mortal Kombat characters who didn't make the cut in X, not to mention the countless possibilities for more from outside the franchise. We'll report back with any announcements NetherRealm shares later today.
| Watch Mortal Kombat X's Tremor Livestream Today
Added: 21.07.2015 20:50 | 30 views | 0 comments
. There's a long list of existing Mortal Kombat characters who didn't make the cut in X, not to mention the countless possibilities for more from outside the franchise. We'll report back with any announcements NetherRealm shares later today.
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