Soma Review | IGN
Added: 21.09.2015 14:17 | 127 views | 0 comments
SOMA is an ambitious work of science fiction which grapples with fundamental questions of consciousness, identity, and the relationship between the mind and the body. It feels weighty but never dry or ponderous thanks to an engaging and surprising story. But SOMA is also a work of survival horror, and in this regard slightly less successful. While the scares are unquestionably intense and terrifying Id expect nothing less from the developer behind Amnesia: The Dark Descent the puzzle-solving and exploration elements are much less memorable and produce some unfortunate pacing problems.
| Vote For Which Game Franchise You Would Like To See Microsoft Purchase
Added: 21.09.2015 12:14 | 169 views | 0 comments
FOR THE MAG: What would you love to see as the next Xbox One console exclusive?
| Sweeping Internal Changes Show That Nintendo Is Ready To Tackle New Challenges
Added: 21.09.2015 9:17 | 103 views | 0 comments
This is clearly a momentous moment in Nintendo's long history, and one which we perhaps won't fully appreciate until we look back on it in a few years. Not only are we leaving the Iwata era - a period which saw the company rise majestically from third-place to first in the domestic hardware sector, only to drop unceremoniously back down again - into a new phase in which new boss Kimishima could end up being little more than a stop-gap, introduced to steady the ship before handing the reigns over to someone younger and more dynamic. This time next year we could well have an exciting new Nintendo console, a burgeoning smartphone business and perhaps even a new president - but the starting point for such incredible change is arguably now. While Iwata's tragic passing was clearly something that Nintendo couldn't have anticipated that far in advance, the changes to its internal structure will almost certainly have been months in the planning, and those at the helm are clearly consid...
| Star Fox Zero's Delay Could Be The Final Nail In The Wii U's Coffin
Added: 21.09.2015 9:17 | 115 views | 0 comments
While it may be too early to start digging a grave for the Wii U and ordering the headstone, the console is undoubtedly reaching the end of its commercial lifespan and the delay of Star Fox Zero is a massive blow to its chances of making it into a few more thousand homes this Christmas. Not that Nintendo is letting such concerns trouble it unduly - the company's gaze has passed beyond its current hardware and is fixed squarely on the future, a future in which it can hopefully return to the forefront of the games industry from both a critical and commercial perspective.
| Skylanders: SuperChargers Hats and Legendary Treasures Details Guide
Added: 21.09.2015 8:17 | 133 views | 0 comments
Just like the previous Skylanders in SuperChargers there are many items that you can get throughout your adventure, like Hatt, Legendary Treasures and Magic Items. Which will increase some of your stats in the game; like Armor, Critical Hit chance, elemental power and health.
| Amazon Offering Metal Gear Solid V Free With Limited Edition PS4 Destiny: The Taken King Bundle
Added: 20.09.2015 17:17 | 83 views | 0 comments
While a price-drop still hasn't been announced for North America, there are some pretty nice deals if you look around. is offering a particularly nice extra with the Limited Edition Destiny: The Taken King bundle.
Tags: Gear, With, North, Metal, Metal Gear, Solid, While, Kids, Gear Solid, Amazon, Limited, Limited Edition
| Zelda's Kakariko Village Looks Stunning In Unreal Engine 4
Added: 20.09.2015 14:17 | 112 views | 0 comments
TheArabGamer writes: "While we are still waiting to get new info on Nintendo's open world HD Zelda game, we at least have this to tide us over."
| Cataegis: The White Wind Takes Inspiration From Master System Platformers
Added: 20.09.2015 0:17 | 92 views | 0 comments
One Angry Gamer "Cataegis: The White Wind is centered around 8-bit gaming found on the Sega Master System, NES or Commodore 64. The game recently received two new trailers, one is about the games cinematic opening while the other is chock full of non-stop action-oriented gamelpay."
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