What Platforms and Genres Are Trending at TGS?
Added: 18.09.2015 19:35 | 75 views | 0 comments
Which platform is king? Looking at the Tokyo Game Show's exhibited games confirms popular trends in the Asia region.
| Destiny: The Taken King Review | AOTF
Added: 18.09.2015 16:19 | 119 views | 0 comments
Destiny: The Taken King and the Year Two Update is a significant step forward towards making this game something more enjoyable rather than a chore, but it still focuses very narrowly on pleasing its existing player base. Youre still going to be on the grind, the work ahead of you is just better laid out. While the story campaign can offer 6-7 hours of solid gameplay to see it in its entirety, you still have that same problem of what do you do when its over if thats all you came to see. Well, what youre supposed to do is track some quests, take some bounties, earn some light level and get ready for the Raids and Weeklys with your buddies. Hit the Crucible, play on all the new maps, earn some Legendary Marks or Strange Coins and then spend them over at Lord Shaxx or on Xurs weekly visit. Theres really so much to keep you occupied in Destiny, and now it all feels a little less like busy work.
| Sony Takes its Tokyo Game Shows Lovely Booth Ladies Very Seriously: Check Out Their Closing Parade
Added: 18.09.2015 15:17 | 71 views | 0 comments
While in the west the concept of booth babes has been reviled by hostile media, in Asia and Japan its still very popular. Tokyo Game Show is no exception, and pretty much every publisher has its booth ladies, or Booth Companions as they are named locally.
Some are in cosplay, while others wear outfits representing the brand. Some developers have just one or two, while publishers may have a small army. Sony Computer Entertainment takes it to a whole different level.
| Hands-On Preview Transformers: Devastation | DualShockers
Added: 18.09.2015 9:17 | 84 views | 0 comments
"When Transformers Devastation was leaked prior to this years E3 press conference, I was skeptical. While Bayonetta 2 was highly regarded as another masterpiece of gameplay, Platinums last licensed outing The Legend of Korra received mixed reactions at best. So while I appreciated the G1 influenced looks of the Transformers and was happy that Activision wasnt putting the Transformers license to sleep like it has with Crash Bandicoot, I still didnt expect much from the game itself. Thank the Prime robot heaven gods that Devastation is not a mediocre action game by any means. Instead, we have another contender for near perfect action gameplay, and this time with a clever usage of Transformers most iconic features."
| PES 2016 vs FIFA 16: a friendly comparison
Added: 18.09.2015 8:17 | 30 views | 0 comments
So, PES perfect for a quick match with your mates, FIFA better for hours and hours of competitive online play? Perhaps. As ever with games with such finely tuned mechanics, it's often not until weeks, or months later that their real personalities reveal themselves. For now, we can take comfort in the fact that both games were great last year, and both have been improved. Which you'll choose is simply a matter of taste.
| Into the Heart Sphincters I Cant Escape: Darkness Review | GIZORAMA
Added: 18.09.2015 6:17 | 70 views | 0 comments
Johnny Ohm, GIZORAMA - "The classification of scary or unsettling largely stems from individual interpretation. Sure, we have a predetermined fear of the dark and things unknown, but true terror is cultivated based on our own personal beliefs and experiences (i.e., Im more fearful of bees than I am clowns because Im not allergic to the latter). While some videogames cater to personal fears or attempt to bank on instinctual anxiety, others miss the mark completely, failing so terribly that the thought of bankruptcy is the only real source of terror. I Cant Escape: Darkness, Fancy Fish Games spiritual successor to I Cant Escape, throws whatever it can think of against the wall to see if something sticks. Unfortunately, the only thing Im afraid of is the amount of time I wasted playing."
| How Online Multiplayer Corrupted A Great Company Like Rockstar
Added: 18.09.2015 4:17 | 113 views | 0 comments
Remember when micro-transactions were said to be the works of the video game devils and that no one in their right mind would support such a business structure? Welcome to 2015 where micro-transactions are the norm in gaming and just about every mobile game that releases, uses this as their means to make ends meet. The problem is that we as gamers have settled for this instead of demanding more for our money. Because so many of us have $100 for 90,000 gold bricks for a mobile game. While you could slow play it, who has that kind of time. When it comes to console games, they have began creeping their way into the landscape with games like Assassins Creed Unity and Mortal Kombat X adapting to the change in times. If mobile games can do it, why cant console games you might ask.
Tags: Green, Online, When, Creed, Live, While, Welcome, Multiplayer, Company, Remember, Because, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed, Mortal, Kombat, Mortal Kombat
| How Online Multiplayer Corrupted A Great Company Like Rockstar
Added: 18.09.2015 2:19 | 73 views | 0 comments
Remember when micro-transactions were said to be the works of the video game devils and that no one in their right mind would support such a business structure? Welcome to 2015 where micro-transactions are the norm in gaming and just about every mobile game that releases, uses this as their means to make ends meet. The problem is that we as gamers have settled for this instead of demanding more for our money. Because so many of us have $100 for 90,000 gold bricks for a mobile game. While you could slow play it, who has that kind of time. When it comes to console games, they have began creeping their way into the landscape with games like Assassins Creed Unity and Mortal Kombat X adapting to the change in times. If mobile games can do it, why cant console games you might ask.
Tags: Green, Online, When, Creed, Live, While, Welcome, Multiplayer, Company, Remember, Because, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed, Mortal, Kombat, Mortal Kombat
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