How to use Windows 10's Game bar to record a game or even your screen
Added: 01.08.2015 12:18 | 4 views | 0 comments
Gaming is one of Microsoft's areas of focus in Windows 10, with features like a preinstalled Xbox app for connecting with Xbox One and Xbox 360 users, Game DVR for taking screenshots and recording gameplay clips, and support for streaming Xbox One games to a Windows 10 computer or tablet.
| Xbox Windows 10 App Overview
Added: 01.08.2015 4:18 | 6 views | 0 comments
With the release of Windows 10 this week, Microsoft has released a brand new Xbox application that connects all of the Xbox services to Windows PC.
| GameEnthus Podcast ep237: Bond Clean or Curriculum Enthus
Added: 31.07.2015 17:19 | 47 views | 0 comments
This week Kosa (@LadyKosa) and Mike J (@GravityAllergy) join Aaron (@Ind1fference) and Tiny (@Tiny415) to talk about: Pierce Brosnan, Goldeneye, Ant-Man, Pixels, Taco Bell, Terminator Genisys, LinkedIn, Jurassic World, Sharknado, Asuras Wrath, Summer Games Done Quick, Battletoads, Ghosts n Goblins, Dreamcast, Not Your Dads Root Beer, Crash Nitro Kart, Wonder Boy The Monster Land, Borderlands 2 Vita, Iron Galaxy, Otakon, Windows 10, Heathers, Rollin, Albino Lullaby, Bacon Man, Thief Town, Sombrero, Heathers, Velvet Dark, Defragmented, Hulu Plus, Netflix, Cyborg, Archie, Batman Arkham Knight, Xbox Live, PS+, Steam, Games for Gold, The Witcher 3, Final Fantasy XIV, Rocket Leage, VainGlory, Watch Dogs, Magic Duels: Origins, Rare Replay, Danganronpa 2, The Conduit, Life is Strange, Super Smash Bros., Super Mario Bros. WiiU, Mario Kart, Punch-Out!!, High Voltage Software, Goldeneye, Boom Blox, Velocibox, Bionic Chainsaw Pogo Gorilla, No Pineapple Left Apple, Common Core, Rupeethon and...
Tags: Mario, Games, Thief, Daly, Batman, Kong, Watch, Xbox, Live, Bolt, Fantasy, Time, Monster, Down, High, Borderlands, Rage, Mini, Windows, Roll, Super Mario, Wonder, Magic, Final, Final Fantasy, Huge, Podcast, Pool, York, Tale, Arkham, Batman Arkham, Ghosts, Iron, Crabs, Summer, Leaf, Smart, Witcher
| AMD Catalyst 15.7.1 Driver Released - Official Driver For Win10, Offers Full DX12 WDDM 2.0 Support
Added: 31.07.2015 15:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
AMD has also released a new driver for its graphics cards that supports Microsofts Windows 10.
| NVIDIA Geforce 353.62 WHQL Driver Released, Game Ready Driver For Windows 10
Added: 31.07.2015 14:18 | 10 views | 0 comments
NVIDIA has released a new driver for its graphics cards. This new WHQL driver is marked as a Game Ready driver for Microsofts newly released OS, Windows 10. In addition, this driver adds/updates a number of SLI profiles.
| Stockfish Chess Engine 6 Stable / 15073009 Development
Added: 31.07.2015 7:57 | 11 views | 0 comments
This is a useful and powerful chess engine for Windows that can supports up to 128 CPUs
| 14 Million Devices Upgraded to Windows 10 the First 24 Hours
Added: 31.07.2015 7:49 | 16 views | 0 comments
Microsoft's latest OS rolls out to millions of users as it gradually launches around the globe.
| How to Use a DualShock 4 to Control an Xbox One (Using Windows 10)
Added: 31.07.2015 2:18 | 5 views | 0 comments
TheArabGamer writes: "Thanks to Windows 10's Xbox One streaming service you can now navigate and control the Xbox One using a DualShock 4. Maybe sure to check out my other video to learn how to install the DualShock 4 on PC using on simple app."
| How to Skip the Wait for Your Windows 10 Update
Added: 31.07.2015 2:05 | 22 views | 0 comments
Want Windows 10 but still don’t have it yet? We show you how to bypass the reservation system and get it on your machine now.
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