Game of Thrones, Episode 4: The Sons of Winter Review | NZGamer
Added: 04.06.2015 12:19 | 16 views | 0 comments
And so it is that the second half of HBO and Telltale Games Game of Thrones has begun! After a return to form with Episode 3 - which left us in all manner of interesting situations, Episode 4: The Sons of Winter does a great job of ratcheting up the tension even further while also giving plenty of action and interesting situations.
| Game Of Thrones: Episode 4 Sons Of Winter Review - WGTC
Added: 04.06.2015 10:16 | 21 views | 0 comments
WGTC writes: Game of Thrones' fourth episode is a solid Telltale affair, but it's just that. While the developer continues to churn out quality content using George R. R. Martin's famed license, it does so while struggling to maintain great pacing.
| Review: Game of Thrones: Episode 4 Sons of Winter (DarkZero)
Added: 04.06.2015 9:16 | 23 views | 0 comments
Jorge S Fernandez: "When Telltale Games released The Walking Dead in 2012, it became an instant hit almost overnight. This was thanks in part to its association with the hugely popular franchise, but also in bigger part to its strong writing and characterization. Lastly, it was the first game to show off Telltale's innovative feature of having the episodic story influenced by the critical decisions made by players. The idea of each player having the freedom to radically shape the story became a staple of all Telltale games preceding The Walking Dead."
Tags: Dead, Games, Gain, When, Walking, Walking Dead, The Walking, Episode, Winter, Telltale, Soul
| Game of Thrones: Sons of Winter Review | MONG
Added: 04.06.2015 8:19 | 12 views | 0 comments
One of our editors played through the most recent installment in Telltale Game's Game of Thrones series. Is episode four taking the season somewhere worth going?
| Lets Play Game of Thrones: Sons of Winter Full Playthrough
Added: 04.06.2015 8:19 | 13 views | 0 comments
EB: Rather than breaking up the fourth episode of Telltales Game of Thrones into six short clips I opted for laziness and just loaded up the full two hour playthrough, so theres that to stew on. Overall the episode was pretty great, but a bit too long, though it did have a definite Game of Thrones feel as each of the four distinct plot threads offered tense game playing moments.
| Game of Thrones: Sons of Winter Review | MONG
Added: 04.06.2015 6:16 | 13 views | 0 comments
One of our editors played through the most recent installment in Telltale Game's Game of Thrones series. Is episode four taking the season somewhere worth going?
| Lets Play Game of Thrones: Sons of Winter Full Playthrough
Added: 04.06.2015 4:16 | 13 views | 0 comments
EB: Rather than breaking up the fourth episode of Telltales Game of Thrones into six short clips I opted for laziness and just loaded up the full two hour playthrough, so theres that to stew on. Overall the episode was pretty great, but a bit too long, though it did have a definite Game of Thrones feel as each of the four distinct plot threads offered tense game playing moments.
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