Thursday, 06 March 2025
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Up Close With Metal Gear Solid 5's Stunning New Figures

Added: 17.09.2015 17:00 | 20 views | 0 comments

Take a look at some images of the new Metal Gear and highly detailed Big Boss toys.


What is there to do in Phantom Pain besides playing Phantom Pain?

Added: 17.09.2015 16:18 | 16 views | 0 comments

Christopher Livingston: "With 15 hours spent on Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain, I'm sitting at a whopping 6% complete, which tells me I'd need a Fulton balloon the size of the Hindenburg to lift all the content out of this game. Naturally, I'm forced to ask the obvious question: besides a couple hundred hours of stealth, combat, base management, and story beats I can't even begin to understand, what else is there to do?"


Reminder: Grab Some Popcorn For Nintendo UK's Super Mario Maker Twitch Stream With An Extra Special Guest

Added: 17.09.2015 14:00 | 61 views | 0 comments

Article: Reminder: Grab Some Popcorn For Nintendo UK's Super Mario Maker Twitch Stream With An Extra Special Guest

5pm today (UK time)


Skyforge Aelion's Call Trailer

Added: 17.09.2015 13:36 | 131 views | 0 comments

Head Ianna's message and join in the fight against alien invaders in the latest Skyforge Update, Aelion's Call! With the arrival of Aelion’s Call, players now have access to new additions and improvements such as the catch-up system, Operations, a new Raid, Invasion Atlases, chat updates, class balancing, and much more!

Tags: Cave, With, Help

Daily Deals: Xbox One With Two Games and $50 Credit, Batman, 144Hz Gaming Monitor

Added: 17.09.2015 10:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

It's a good day to get an Xbox One.


Hands On With Dark Souls III's New Magic System | GameInformer

Added: 17.09.2015 8:17 | 57 views | 0 comments

Gameinformer: "The Tokyo Game Show is upon us, and with it comes a new playable preview of Dark Souls III's magic system. We previously talked with series creator Hidetaka Miyazaki during our Dark Souls III cover story, but Dan Tack and I were able to put that knowledge to the test firsthand. Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of Dark Souls III's magic system, from Soul Darts to a MP-recovering Ash Estus Flask."


Destiny: The Taken King Light has Changed, Heres How it Works

Added: 17.09.2015 5:17 | 64 views | 0 comments

With the release of Destiny: The Taken King, plenty of changes have come to the shooter, including a revamp on how Light level is presented.

Tags: With, Kids, Light

Destiny: The Taken King A Broken Will Quest To Get Void Edge, Sol Edge and Arc Edge Swords Guide

Added: 17.09.2015 4:20 | 71 views | 0 comments

In The Taken King, you can find many cool and deadly weapons, but here in this guide you will learn how you can get one of the best swords in Destiny - Void Edge, Sol Edge or Arc Edge. For that first you need to unlock A Broken Will quest given by the Eris Morn.


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