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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review (Invision Community)

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 637 views | 0 comments

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami, this game continues on from where Ground Zeroes left off with Naked Snakes Oil Rig base getting attacked by Cipher. Shifting an almost always linear game, with the ability to backtrack, to an open-world sandbox experience was a big change that some people couldnt come to terms with whereas others loved the new take on the series.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Added: 15.09.2015 1:22 | 114 views | 0 comments

Game Cheats: Ground Zeroes Save Transfer Rewards: If you played Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, you had the...


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review | PlayStationing

Added: 14.09.2015 21:20 | 84 views | 0 comments

PlayStationing writes: "The long awaited fifth installment of the Metal Gear Solid series has finally arrived, and Kojima has promised to reveal the last chunk of untold story of the Metal Gear saga. Fans will know that the Metal Gear story spans from the 1960s all the way to the early 2000s. Metal Gear SOlid V: The Phantom Pain is a direct sequel to Peace Walker for the PSP, and includes some familiar faces from the franchise. In terms of breadth, Ground Zeroes was simply a demo that introduced the world and a few elements of The Phantom Pain, and trust me when I say, this game is huge."


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Added: 14.09.2015 21:19 | 97 views | 0 comments

Game Cheats: Ground Zeroes Save Transfer Rewards: If you played Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, you had the...


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review | PlayStationing

Added: 14.09.2015 19:17 | 82 views | 0 comments

PlayStationing writes: "The long awaited fifth installment of the Metal Gear Solid series has finally arrived, and Kojima has promised to reveal the last chunk of untold story of the Metal Gear saga. Fans will know that the Metal Gear story spans from the 1960s all the way to the early 2000s. Metal Gear SOlid V: The Phantom Pain is a direct sequel to Peace Walker for the PSP, and includes some familiar faces from the franchise. In terms of breadth, Ground Zeroes was simply a demo that introduced the world and a few elements of The Phantom Pain, and trust me when I say, this game is huge."


Metal Gear Solid V Review - A beautiful yet flawed diamond [Dealswpn]

Added: 11.09.2015 16:17 | 76 views | 0 comments

DS: Despite the fact Ground Zeroes gave us a vertical slice of what would be on offer, I wasnt really prepared for what The Phantom Pain ended up delivering. The scale of the game be it the size of its maps, the scope of the gameplay, and the challenges available overtakes anything weve previously seen from the Metal Gear Solid franchise. You could even say its the logical conclusion to Kojimas work in terms of gameplay and accessibility, with the end result being something that stands head and should above anything else remotely similar. In short, Kojima has effectively re-written the rulebook on stealth games yet again, but is it the perfect game? Thats a question that isnt so easy to answer.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review - ThisGenGaming

Added: 08.09.2015 10:20 | 64 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "Its finally here, one of the biggest and most hyped up titles of the current generation of gaming is finally being released! Metal Gear Solid V since it was announced was always going to be one to look forward too because of the critically acclaimed history of the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Last year we was given a small taste of what was to come with Ground Zeroes which acted as a paid demo with story ties, and it left fans wanting more. Well I got more, and its simply amazing."


DSOGaming - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - PC Performance Analysis

Added: 04.09.2015 15:17 | 65 views | 0 comments

DSOGaming writes: "On September 1st, two highly anticipated games got released on the PC. The first was Mad Max from Avalanche and the second is no other than Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. And as you may have guessed, this is another stellar PC port. And to be honest, this was to be expected. After all, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was one of our most optimized PC games of 2014."


Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Performance Report

Added: 04.09.2015 6:17 | 75 views | 0 comments

Nicolae Andrei at wrote: "Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes launched last year and it was excellent. I said back then that I couldnt really do a performance guide since the game was locked at 60 FPS and it also ran at 60. This year we are rewarded with the actual complete game and as most of you expect, its just as good as Ground Zeros with very few differences in terms of settings. Let us start with the basic features for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain:"


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