There's a slight hint of undead-ja vu here...
Techland has gotten rather comfortable as of late with the open world zombie game, so it should come as no surprise that their next offering - Dying Light - looks awfully familiar, albeit with a healthy dose of next-generation sheen on it.
Engine creator will also tap into the Xbox cloud and SmartGlass.
We've been chatting to Unity Technologies CEO David Helgason about how the company's mind-bogglingly popular Unity engine will work on Xbox One. He's not in a position to share everything about the partnership with Microsoft right now, but you can expect more news "soon" - at Gamescom next week, perhaps?
Square Enix to deploy Eidos Montreal's stealth game in February 2014.
Eidos Montreal's Thief reboot will steal into living rooms on 25th February 2014 in the US, 28th February 2014 in the UK, Square Enix has announced. The publisher's thrown together a new "Uprising" trailer to celebrate - it doesn't appear to be in-engine, but is nonetheless a compelling introduction to the universe.
Microsoft PR chap posts image of his living room setup.
Albert Penello is fast becoming our favourite Man Who Works At Microsoft, thanks to his willingness to converse with Xbox One advocates and detractors alike on NeoGAF, and his more recent decision to post a picture of the console plugged into his living room telly. That's right - this is our first sighting of an Xbox One in the wild. Have a gander.
#163;1.99 till Friday 23rd August on Apple Newsstand and Google Play.
It's the height of summer, as you can tell from the pouring rain outside, and we're feeling generous. Fancy a digital issue of Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine on the cheap? Back issues are down from #163;3.99 to #163;1.99 on Apple Newsstand and Google Play, from now till Friday 23rd August.
Content and tweaks to arrive on Monday.
343 will release a new Halo 4 title update on Monday, 19th August, adding two new Armor mods to the game's multiplayer alongside a number of mode reshuffles. The studio has also detailed how it'll rearrange modes to celebrate/facilitate the launch of Halo 4's Champions Bundle, out on Tuesday, which you can read more about here.
"You'll find where we go next will likely be more targeted at our core fanbase.".
Resident Evil 6 wasn't the triumphant return to form those burned by Resident Evil 5's co-op action were hoping for. On the one hand, the game's Leon campaign has been deemed a well-seasoned slice of survival horror. On the other, the Chris campaign struck many as Gears of War with arthritis, and Jake's side of the story is, well, just a little bit too bonkers for comfort. Everybody remember the topless martial art level? Yeah, that.
How the Engineer, Support, Assault and Recon classes have changed.
DICE has dropped a big old chunk of Battlefield 4 intel, focusing on the game's multiplayer classes, new one-match-only Field Upgrades and specialisations. Suffice to say, the classes are more or less as you remember them, but have been tweaked to be "more versatile and more highly specialized within their fields".
Glacius gets decidedly hyperactive in direct feed gameplay.
I don't understand most fighting games, and lack the manual dexterity to enjoy those I do understand, but I can certainly see the point of videos in which screeching, triple-frosted mutants juggle the ever-loving crap out of each other.
"Xbox One may be used in all countries, including the non-launched markets.".
Microsoft has confirmed that Xbox One games are region-free, which is apparently news, though I could swear I read it/wrote about it a few weeks ago. This isn't a passive-aggressive swipe at fellow journos - I'm probably just misremembering. Anyway, shut up Edwin and tell us about Xbox One game region-locking.
Capcom's glitzy zombie outing eats away its own price tag.
Undead hunters, please prime your snowball cannons and warm up your wheelchair tanks. Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Case Zero are now free to download from Xbox Live, providing you're an Xbox Live Gold subscriber. That's true of the UK, anyway - as always, the game may not be available in your particular timezone till a little later.
But "it's definitely going to be a similar type of game".
RockPaperShotgun's got a great interview with a remarkably candid Raphael Colantonio, co-director of Bethesda and Arkane's wonderful Dishonored - a game that's as greasy as a sack of rancid whale blubber, and just as lethal. Within, he discusses where Arkane might take the tacitly announced Dishonored 2, promising that it'll stick to what the original did best.
$59.99 for the Day One Edition, $79.99 for the Limited Edition.
What with all the excitement over Grand Theft Auto 5's multiplayer component, we neglected to pounce upon the latest news from Microsoft - Forza Motorsport 5's Day One and Limited Editions have been announced and detailed. Do you prefer tinkering with cars to stealing them, or blowing them up, or defacing them with bodily fluids? This is the special edition for you, then - pay no heed to those Rockstar rapscallions.
Still no (public) plans for next generation versions.
Where does Grand Theft Auto Online end? Everywhere and nowhere, according to Rockstar - the goal is to keep adding new locations to the universe indefinitely, till the designers run out of world to simulate.
It's a 16 player online open worlder with an enormous feature set.
Rockstar has just whisked the wrappers off Grand Theft Auto Online, GTA 5's fearsomely ambitious multiplayer component. CVG's got the UK exclusive write-up, so you'll definitely want to take a gander at their first look, published a few moments ago. Here's a rundown of the key details from ourselves. Get the first screens here, or click one of the article images to open a gallery.
Coming two weeks after, at no additional charge.
This is a bit of a shocker. Grand Theft Auto 5's multiplayer component is, in effect, a standalone experience, sold as part of the main game (which goes on sale 17th September) but not actually available till 1st October 2013.
First look at the game's huge online component.
Rockstar has released the first trailer for and screenshots of Grand Theft Auto Online, via CVG, along with comprehensive details of how it all works. Check the images out below.
Can El Presidente see out an entire century?.
The deranged Cuban dream lives on with Kalypso and Haemimont's Tropico 5, announced just now for Xbox 360 and PC release in 2014. The latest in a long line of colourfully political real-time strategy sims, it'll give you the chance to reign over an equatorial island from the 19th straight through to the 21st century. There's also a new multiplayer mode, allowing up to four players to found faux-democratic dictatorships on the same island.
"We don't want to be defined by a genre," but "The Elder Scrolls is the crown jewel".
Bethesda Softworks stands at a crossroads, reaching out on the one hand to horror and shooter audiences with The Evil Within and Wolfenstein: The New Order (created externally, but published by Bethesda), and on the other to new revenue models with The Elder Scrolls Online (developed by sister company ZeniMax Online). A certain philosophy persists, however. Speaking to Polygon, the company's Pete Hines has discussed how Bethesda's commitment to new IP, single-player and fewer, better releases will help it on next generation consoles.
3DS spin-off jumps to Xbox 360 - bundle also includes Lords of Shadow DLC.
Konami appears to have a Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection in the works, as spotted on PlayAsia by the astronauts at AGB, via VG247. Excitingly, it appears to contain an HD version of previously 3DS-only spin-off Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate, which opens a window on those members of the Belmont dynasty who aren't playable in the main MercurySteam series.