"2K Australia is pouring its heart and soul into" Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
How do you go about slaying a franchise as well-loved as Borderlands? According to Gearbox president Randy Pitchford, you refuse to let anybody else develop for it. Hence the decision to put 2K Australia in charge of the recently unveiled Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, which also means that Gearbox has a hand free to work on new IP.
We're going deeper underground.
I have to say, I was wrong about Terraria. When I first picked it up, I was convinced it was just a 2D Minecraft-lite, a tiresome slog with very little originality of its own. But after a few hours exploring its deceptively huge world, I discovered it was much more than that. And now, with its huge 1.2 update, it's much, much more than that. And it had shark guns before, for crying out loud.
Plus a grab bag of DLC.
This week's Deal of the Week isn't the Deal of the Week we deserve, but it's definitely the one we need. Well, unless you can find Batman: Arkham City for cheaper than #163;3-4 in a bargain bin somewhere. Or you don't like Batman games.
Continue? Yes/No.
Soap McTavish is easily one of the best known and best loved characters from the Call of Duty franchise, so imagine our non-surprise at the fact that Ghosts developer Infinity Ward has teased his appearance in the game.
Michel Ancel drops yet another teaser.
Ubisoft is absolutely honestly truthfully still making Beyond Good and Evil 2, cross its heart and swear to die. Honest. What, you want proof? Well how about this: the original's creator Michel Ancel has just talked about it in strictly hypothetical terms during a livestream about Rayman Legends. Case open and closed.
Improves GameDVR video quality, adds notifications to show when your friends are online and more.
That Xbox One update that we talked about last week is going live as you read this, and Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb has the details on his blog.
A haunting flythrough of the land of Lemuria.
Fantasy games can be oddly gristly and flavourless things, made up of hidebound clich#233;s. There's too much reliance on elderly canonical works, like the Lord of the Rings, and too little appreciation for the idea that fantasy should feel, well, fantastical.
"Not all gamers are teenage boys, and even teenage boys want more than that.".
Here's a quick aside from Ubisoft Toronto head Jade Raymond - co-creator of the Assassin's Creed franchise, boss of all things Splinter Cell and a woman with serious ambitions for the artform at large. Including those aspects of the artform that are unrealistically pendulous and/or covered in blood.
"If there is a choice between time and quality, then quality will win.".
The Watch Dogs delay was an enormous setback for Ubisoft, but according to Tom Clancy's The Division developer David Polfeldt, it's also cold, hard proof that the publisher is prepared to "take a hit" if the result is a better game.
It's not just some throwaway mid-year instalment.
This spring's FIFA World Cup tie-in for Xbox 360 isn't just a quick cash-in, producer Matthew Prior has assured OXM. The inevitable FIFA 15 will build on its revisions and experiments, presumably including the 'Story of Finals' challenge system, which offers objectives based on the progress of the tournament in real life.
More details on permadeath, firepits and items.
Last week's Penny Arcade Expo has given rise to a smattering of new information on Below, Capybara's timed Xbox One console exclusive, in which a lone adventurer explores a vast, semi-randomised labyrinth for... well, that's the thing. Nobody really knows.
Kinect Sports Rivals lands at number 14.
Turn your back on a "last gen" console at your peril, commercial crystal ball gazers. Titanfall has rocketed to the top of the all-formats UK sales charts for the week ending 11th April, following the launch of the Xbox 360 version of the game on Friday.
Fight with light in an "ever-changing world inspired by surrealist art".
ID@Xbox certainly seems to be picking up pace - we've recently reviewed our very first indie title to come out of the initiative, and there seems to be new games getting announced with every passing day. The latest? Grave from Broken Window Studios.
A planet-sized treasure trove of Xbox goodies.
What happens to a good guy to make him turn bad? OXM's Jon Blyth and I go straight to the source, in this case 2K Australia and Gearbox's Randy Pitchford to bring you exclusive details about Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, the upcoming instalment in the fan-favourite series.
"We wanted to make sure we can reward people and encourage them to want to have people remix their work.".
The ongoing beta of Project Spark continues to astound with so many weird and wonderful creations going up daily. But how do you strike a balance between allowing people to look at how these efforts were produced versus stopping them from outright copying them? Team Dakota are aware of the issue, and have been sharing their thoughts at PAX East.
"We saw an opportunity to make things a bit deeper.".
As forthcoming multiplayer hunt-em-up Evolve draws nearer, it's becoming more apparent that the game itself is living up to its name while in development, with some fundamental changes to the way you'll play as the creature coming to light according to reports from PAX East of a playable build which differs in some key aspects of the one we saw back in January.
Have a peek inside our basket of tech and gaming links.
It may nearly be summer, but there's been plenty of stuff happening in the world of Xbox, including the announcement of a new Borderlands "Pre-Sequel", Titanfall finally landing on the Xbox 360 and another most excellent edition of our magazine flying out onto magazine stands across the land.
"There's something wrong with this place...".
One of the hallmarks of any self-respecting modern survival horror these days appears to be the requirement of an iconic villain. Resi 4 has the Chainsaw Guy, Slender has the Slenderman and Silent Hill has the Pyramid Head. The latest trailer for the forthcoming The Evil Within seems to indicate their villain may be thinking with his head (literally) inside the - or at least, a - box.
Standby for three new maps dropping in this May.
Ready for more Titanfall? No sooner is the Xbox 360 version basting out of the door than Respawn announces the first few details of the game's first DLC offering which will offer you a few new locations to stomp your Titans around in when it lands next month.
"I hate the idea of gamers wasting their time on a game".
Good news for those who have been waiting for your time-twisting shooter fix, as Capybara has finally given us a rough indication on when we may finally soon be getting our hands on Super Time Force on Xbox One and Xbox 360 - and it's not too far away either.