During Microsoft's Build conference today in San Francisco, the company officially announced the name of its Internet Explorer replacement that will launch .
When GameSpot named P.T. as its and it will be neither game nor demo nor teaser nor advert. It will be nothing--a haunted space in a digital library, its memory slowly fading like a awful dream.
As part of the latest Active Time Report, for tons more, including Tabata's response to fans calling for a female party member, concerns about the game's dash system, and issues with battles being too difficult to or too easy, among other things. You can also watch the lengthy video broadcast below.
Everyone's excited about the release of The Avengers: Age of Ultron, so we've rounded up the absolute best Avengers cosplay from comic conventions across the country. Scarjo better watch out. This fan rendition of Black Widow is near perfect.
2. Iron Man
"Please, no gang signs." This guy's the spitting image of Tony Stark, down to the salt and pepper moustache and disapproving scowl. Way to go!
3. Scarlet Witch
The Scarlet Witch casts a transfixing hex on WonderCon in Anaheim.
4. Thor
Don't let her ease with the Mjolnir hammer fool you. That thing is heavy.
5. The Hulk
What this guy lacks in size he makes up for in sheer adrenaline fueled rage. There's no defusing this gamma bomb.
6. Loki
When Loki's not busy being the God of Evil, the notorious trickster actually has a contemplative side.
7. Nick Fury
Nick Fury politely poses for a picture, on a short break from fighting the forces of HYDRA.
8. Loki and Thor
Thor can barely hide his distaste over the indignity of posing with his adopted brother Loki. You just know it's gotta be another trap.
9. Black Widow and Hawkeye
Hawkeye's ready to defend his life long love Black Widow. He's always been a straight shooter.
10. Captain America
Steve Rogers prepares himself to take on Ultron, the sentient A.I. run amok. Avengers assemble!
11. Thor (and Rainbow Brite)
When the citizens of Rainbow Land need protecting from the King of Shadows, Thor is waiting in the wings.
12. Wolverine, Spider-Man, Captain America and Hawkeye
Wolverine and Spider-Man have yet to join forces with The Avengers in the movies, but with a rich history of comic book cooperation, their eventual participation seems inevitable.
13. Thor
Thor casually profers the jewel of Odin's treasure room. Hey buddy, you do realize the Tesseract can open a portal to the Chitauri army, right? You might wanna put that thing away.
14. Hawkeye
This Hawkeye's got a nice callback to the character's original regal color scheme from the comics.
15. Iron Man
We're pretty sure the stock price of Stark Industries just tripled when the world got a look at this excellent costume. This man means business.
16. Thor
Thor has no plans to die today. Especially not when he's got the best costume at the convention.
17. Captain America
His shield is nearly indestructible, but Captain America's got an even fiercer stare. You do not want to cross the first Avenger.
18. Loki
Loki prepares some black magic energy blasts. Asgard's resident God of Lies and Mischief does have a reputation to maintain, after all.
19. Thor
For once, Thor actually seems to be in a gaming mood. Whosever holds the hammer shall possess the power.
20. Captain America
If you're gonna fight a war, you've gotta wear a uniform. This one would make Steve Rogers proud.
21. Black Widow
Natasha Romanof may be the most popular Soviet defector in history. Where would S.H.I.E.L.D. (or comic conventions, for that matter) be without her?
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved, the free update to last fall's Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions, is a tale of two radically different tapes. On the first tape, you have a twin-stick shooting level design and potentially supernatural reflexes pushed to their limits in beautiful, technicolor harmony. On the other tape rests some of the most punishing, unfairly designed boss fights this side of a SNES side-scroller. That Geometry Wars 3 remains a great game despite boss fights that transformed me into an apoplectic, rage-fueled, profanity-spewing monster is a testament to just how much Lucid Games has perfected its score-chasing, polyhedral exploding craft.
Let's talk about the first tape. The first time I saw the score required to pass "Super Sequence," the penultimate level of Geometry Wars 3's new Hardcore Mode, I let out a weak laugh. 20 million points … I consider myself to be an above-average Geometry Wars player, but 20-million-point runs tend to be reserved for my best Pacifism performances. My laugh was premature. It should have been reserved for the level itself. Countless swarms of purple pinwheels, yellow flowers, pink twin cuboids, magnetic blue octahedrons, and yellow rockets filled my screen in a flash of color that would make the opening credits of Enter the Void blush. And I died. I died very quickly.
The neverending pursuit of perfection.
But, as Geometry Wars has always shown, there is a pattern to this madness. The pattern involves dozens of enemies coming to life at once and forcing you to channel your inner "Luke Skywalker on the Death Star run" persona while playing more aggressively and dangerously than you ever have before. Geometry Wars gave me the tools to survive, though, and after far fewer attempts than I would have ever guessed, I breezed to 50 million points, which was still 100 million points shy of a two-star score (and 250 million points shy of a three-star run). Surviving pushed me to my very limits in a way that few games ever have, but I felt satisfied that I had earned my victory.
Let's move on to the second tape: "Aventurine." Oh, "Aventurine." I will remember your name for the next 10 years. One of the most maligned elements of Geometry Wars 3's original release last year was its boss fights. Dimensions Evolved only makes it worse. "Aventurine" is the second boss fight (of four) in the game's "Ultimate" campaign, which adds 40 new levels to the Adventure Mode. I'm ranked in the top 50 in the world right now on that level with a score I obtained without ever even beating the boss. Similarly, I'm ranked 27th in the world for a run on the final and only boss on Hardcore Mode, and I still haven't beaten it. I suspect I never will.
-style shooter with fatal red walls pushing you ever forward or playing the new "Scorpion" mode, which feels like Centipede on steroids, Ultimate Mode constantly pushes the play palette of the series forward while maintaining the breakneck challenge and pace the series is loved for.
I put more than a dozen hours into Dimensions Evolved, but I already fear the dozens of hours more that I'm going to dump into Ultimate and Hardcore Modes as I try to best my own scores and those of my friends. The boss fights remain a titanically poor decision for a series focused on lightning-fast, frenetic gameplay, but when the rest of the package has only gotten better and more varied, they're a frustrating but small price to pay.
Greg, Colin, Nick and Tim from Kinda Funny are joining forces with GameSpot for E3 2015. Watch the GameSpot stage for demos of the latest titles, and join the Kinda Funny stage to watch the guys chat to the biggest industry names.
Zen Studios has released an image teasing some kind of partnership with Valve, presumably entailing either a new pinball game or content for one of its existing games.
The image below is all we have to go on at this point. There don't appear to be any Easter eggs lurking in it, waiting to reveal the details of what the project entails.
What do you think this will turn out to be? Let us know in the comments below.