Ever since save systems and persistent play turned up in game-town, the notion of lives and death have become almost meaningless. Almost, but not quite...
Is the indie gaming revolution really a fresh new breakthrough for the industry, or have you just hit the restart point of an inevitable, 30 year cycle? I suspect the latter.
Sometimes the bad guys win. There's nothing you can do about it--no happy ending, no last-minute reprieve. These are those games, when evil triumphs over good and our heroes watch their worlds burn. Cheery stuff, yeah?
We're so far into the High Definition era now, most gamers will probably have access to an HDTV. They're cheap enough to be affordable. But is HD gaming really all it's cracked up to be. Do we really need over a thousand lines of vertical resolution? I'm not so sure...
The last, shooter-obsessed generation eroded, ignored and betrayed the horror genre something rotten. But things are changing. Things could really, really improve over the next few years. In fact horror gaming could soon be better than ever.