Does an all-new mode, a host of long-awaited passing upgrades, and a continued focus on making “the little things” better translate into the best Madden yet?
"Dontnod has developed a cameraman’s eye, with artful shots of stretching, just-woken feet in bed, depth of field experiments - put it this way, I took multiple screenshots of the reflection given off by a vending machine."
"You'll have many wobbles, especially if you squeeze the front brake too zealously. Most moments can be saved if you watch for the signs… Just call me 'the Doctor'."
"Dontnod has developed a cameraman’s eye, with artful shots of stretching, just-woken feet in bed, depth of field experiments - put it this way, I took multiple screenshots of the reflection given off by a vending machine."
While Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China discards great parts of the Assassin's Creed experience, and controls can be frustratingly finicky, it's still well worth a try for stealth aficionados looking for a clear-cut challenge.
Unfocused, rather bloated, and often misfiring with its new ideas, Hotline 2 isn't a disaster, but it certainly lacks the raw, vital fire of its predecessor.