Overwatch Trailer Drops The Turrets With Symmetra
Added: 31.05.2015 15:47 | 20 views | 0 comments
 Blizzard has continued the trend of pumping out more videos for Overwatch, showing the gameplay of a specific character and this time around it's Symmetra, the turret-wielding hero who can also help her team gain an immeasurable advantage with team teleporters.
| When Videogame Companies Help Prosecute Their Players
Added: 31.05.2015 11:16 | 15 views | 0 comments
Last year, Blizzard cooperated with the FBI to get two Diablo III players to plead guilty in criminal court over charges relating to a series of in-game thefts in summer after the games release. Patrick Nepomuceno and Michael Stinger spent a summer using a Remote Access Tool sent as as link sent through Diablo IIIs chat system to take control of other players computers and transfer gold and Legendary items to their own accounts. Reporting on the case for Fusion, Kashmir Hill recounts the duos plans to sell the stolen items through the games now defunct Auction House, a contentious addition to the game that allowed players to sell each other gear and items in exchange for real money.
Tags: Torn, When, Michael, Last, There, Help, Blizzard, High, Patrick, Remote, Diablo, Diablo III, Legendary
| Overwatch Gameplay Video Gets Speedy With Tracer
Added: 29.05.2015 22:36 | 16 views | 0 comments
 Blizzard Entertainment recently released a new video featuring the gameplay antics of the run-and-gun character, Tracer. She's not hard-hitting with her attacks by a long shot, but boy oh boy is she really hard to hit. You can see the speedster in action with the latest gameplay video.
| Blizzard Has No Idea How To Keep Hearthstone Going
Added: 29.05.2015 19:20 | 2 views | 0 comments
Blizzard's Hearthstone is one of the most successful PC...
| Heroes of the Storm June 1st Launch Event Details and Trailer
Added: 28.05.2015 11:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
Heroes of the Storm is set to launch on June 2nd in just one weeks time and Blizzard have prepared a special launch party on June 1st in London which will be live-streamed world wide. Blizzard Entertainment have released a trailer announcing this event.
| Blizzard Has No Idea How To Keep Hearthstone Going
Added: 28.05.2015 10:20 | 2 views | 0 comments
Blizzard's Hearthstone is one of the most successful PC...
| Were the Recent World of Warcraft Bans Too Lenient?
Added: 27.05.2015 13:16 | 4 views | 0 comments
While online gamers aren't injecting themselves with steroids (even though one could argue that quaffing gallons of Mountain Dew or Red Bull may count as such), a good number are using bots to get a leg up. Well, Blizzard recently decided to lower the banhammer on a large number of people using bots to automate their gameplay. In all, over 100,000 accounts were hit with a six month suspension for doing so. Some have said that the punishment was not enough. So were the recent World of Warcraft bans too lenient?
| Blizzard Has No Idea How To Keep Hearthstone Going
Added: 27.05.2015 10:19 | 3 views | 0 comments
Blizzard's Hearthstone is one of the most successful PC...
| Heroes of the Storm: Why Tychus Quit Smoking
Added: 27.05.2015 8:16 | 4 views | 0 comments
In a discussion on /r/HeroesoftheStorm last week, Blizzard developer Phill Gonzales discussed the absence of Tychus iconic cigar from Heroes of the Storm.
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