Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores Review [Gamezebo]
Added: 15.07.2014 23:13 | 5 views | 0 comments
Gamezebo's Nadia Oxford says "Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores plays a good deal like Glu Games Deer Hunter series. Thats not necessarily a bad thing since, like most Deer Hunter games, Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores is very accessible. Regardless of how comfortable you are handling a gun in games or in real life, you shouldnt have any issues making the dinosaurs extinct once more."
| Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores - How to get free gold, map pieces and cash
Added: 14.07.2014 5:14 | 4 views | 0 comments
WP - "Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores is a spinoff of the Deer Hunter series, with (of course) dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, instead of deer and other creatures that actually exist. There are two types of currency in this game. Cash is the primary currency, but gold is what you'll need if you want to get the real good stuff. Map pieces are required if you are to unlock region 2, region 3 and future regions."
| Video: Lana Brings Some Deadly Magic to Hyrule Warriors
Added: 03.07.2014 13:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

Check out the Princess Zelda trailer from last week, as a bonus
| Deadly doppelgängers: The best (and worst) fighting-game clones
Added: 29.06.2014 1:13 | 8 views | 0 comments
The dumbest color swaps in fighting game history.
| My Twin Peaks Week: Deadly Premonition
Added: 26.06.2014 18:14 | 22 views | 0 comments
SB writes: "I know Im dating myself here, but accessing television shows used to be so much harder. You couldnt just buy a DVD of your favorite season or stream them from Amazon or Netflix. So, I never watched Twin Peaks, but from my multiple viewings of Fire Walk with Me, I knew it was a show that I would probably dig.
The series has been around for a while now on Netflix and Amazon, so I finally decided to give it a go. I love it, of course. Its totally quirky and right up my alley. I hadnt gotten too far into my marathon viewing before I started to want to play Deadly Premonition again."
| HDD Gaming Deal: 'Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut' For Only $4.99
Added: 26.06.2014 16:13 | 8 views | 0 comments
Offer just for today.
Today, the Humble Store has the cult classic, 'Deadly Premonition' for only $4.99. This is the recent PC 'Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut' version and also a Steam key, so it's hard to imagine that anyone would have a good reason to skip this deal.
| Why Isnt Marvelous Taking Risks With New Creative Games?
Added: 25.06.2014 19:13 | 13 views | 0 comments
Just a few years ago, Marvelous was taking big risks creating new IP after new IP. Sure, they had Harvest Moon (aka Story of Seasons) as a sure fire hit, but they also ventured into new territory with Deadly Premonition, No More Heroes, Little Kings Story, and Avalon Code. Senran Kagura was also a risk for Marvelous when it was developed in 2011.
| KickBeat: Special Edition Wii U eShop Trailer Shows Deadly Rhythm
Added: 24.06.2014 14:25 | 4 views | 0 comments

Fresh footage of X-Type Plus and Master Reboot also released
| Video: Impa Shows Off Some Deadly Moves in the Latest Hyrule Warriors Trailer
Added: 24.06.2014 13:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Call that a sword? THIS, is a sword
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