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The 14 Most Insane Things to Do in Any Grand Theft Auto Game

Added: 13.07.2015 19:19 | 7 views | 0 comments

Piss Off the Mimes

Mimes are littered throughout Grand Theft Auto V. But these supposedly mute NPCs will break character if you get them angry enough. If you do decide to attack mimes (why wouldn't you?) their health is astonishingly high, so bring a weapon ... or five. (Photo: Rockstar)

Transform Into an Animal

Grand Theft Auto has expanded the use of drugs throughout the series. In GTA V, players can find and consume peyote plants. After an intricate cut scene, players instantly take control of a mammal. Get this: NPCs still interact with you as if you're a human. (Photo: Rockstar)

Search for Bigfoot

In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, rumors swirled that Bigfoot could be found in the forests. Players searching for the mythical creature are rewarded in GTA V with two missions involving the cryptid. (Photo: Rockstar)

Punch Sharks and Find Treasure

Since Grand Theft Auto III, Rockstar has emphasized the aquatic side of the open-world game. GTA V takes it to a new level with random shark fights and buried treasure. (Photo: Rockstar)

Take All The #Selfies

With the rising popularity of selfies in today's world, it's no shock that the fun feature was added to Grand Theft Auto. The GTA selfie phenomenon has spawned its own website, where fans can post their favorite selfies from the game. (Photo: Rockstar)

Wreak Havoc!

Who would've thought the first Grand Theft Auto, with its original title of "Race 'n' Chase," would spawn one of the best gaming franchises of all time? The inaugural GTA game let players cause catastrophic damage while stealing cars. The novelty of that first game earns it a place on this list. (Photo: Rockstar)

Get Sucked Into a Side Mission For No Reason

Grand Theft Auto 2 instituted a wide-ranging gameplay option that's been adopted by nearly every open-world game: side missions. Those missions may not directly impact the main story, but they do often give birth to some of the most ridiculous characters in any series. (Photo: Rockstar)

Play Games Within Games

Staying in shape is a major factor in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, but Rockstar takes it to a whole new level in GTA V. If you're tired of running over pedestrians and high-tailing it from the cops, why not let loose on the golf course or find your inner chi doing yoga? (Photo: Rockstar)

Rid the City of Pigeons

Story mode and side missions can only entertain for so long. GTA IV mixed things up with an interesting achievement: kill 200 pigeons in Liberty City. Players could get all kinds of creative when it came to the disposal of the rats of the sky. (Photo: Rockstar)

Play Fetch ... With a Grenade

Chop from Grand Theft Auto V isn't the first pet to be introduced in the series. But this dog can be tricked into playing with a grenade. We won't tell you any spoilers about what happens next. (Photo: Rockstar)

Flip the Bird to the Police

Police are just so cumbersome in Grand Theft Auto. If you don't want to instigate a high-speed chase, Rockstar has incorporated another outlet for your digital road rage. While unarmed in a car, players can press the left trigger to give the one-finger salute. (Photo: Rockstar)

Fly Over Area 69

Area 69, the Grand Theft Auto version of Area 51, is an off-limits no-fly zone that first came to the screen in San Andreas. If you happen to fly over Area 69, you'll automatically receive a four-star wanted level. To survive such a harrowing adventure, steal a jet to defend yourself from the government (and aliens). (Photo: Rockstar)

Skydive Onto a Yacht

Skydiving in Grand Theft Auto is a ton of fun. But try skydiving out of a plane onto a boat. Now that's fancy. (Photo: Rockstar)

Remake the Classics

When it comes to customizable, open-world games like Grand Theft Auto, players can take the creativity into their own hands. One fan of the franchise re-created the opening of Will Smith's old sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air with Grand Theft Auto's Franklin as The Fresh Prince of Rockford Hills. (Photo: YouTube)


20 of the most unique RPG side quests

Added: 08.07.2015 17:29 | 77 views | 0 comments

Team OXM love RPGs more than our own mothers (who we hope aren’t reading this issue) but their main quests can be riddled with tedious cliché. Save one princess/planet/galaxy and you’ve saved them all. Any digital adventurer worth their salt knows that the treats lie off the beaten path, in side quest land. In honour of The Witcher 3, a true master of the dramatic aside, we opted to get ourselves blind drunk, warp a few minds, dump some bodies and murder our fans, all in the name of bringing you the weirdest side quests on Xbox... The desolate wastes of Fallout 3 aren’t known for their nature tours, but explore long enough and you’ll find a lush forest. Drink from the basin of purification and prepare to meet ‘The Great One’. The game does a great job of hyping you up to meet a God, and then introduces you to a talking tree – who’ll ask you to kill him. Whatever you decide, there’s a clear moral here: stay away from nature, and stick to video games. Nature only leads to trouble/talking trees. There’s nothing more romantic than harvesting body parts for a mad scientist so he can resurrect his dead girlfriend. Indeed, it would take a real cad to step in the way of Cupid’s arrow. Enter Fable 2: Cad Simulator. The resurrected Lady Grey will fall in love with the first person she sees. Sure, you could let true love win out and leave the scientist to his beloved, or you can let her fall in love with you and poach yourself a handy undead girlfriend. Hang on, true love at first sight? Realism in games is dead. Thought Fallout 3 would tone down the weirdness for the DLC? Exposure to Point Lookout’s powerful punga seeds leaves you with visions of passive-aggressive bobble-heads, a red saw in the sky and a giant needle sewing the ground. Followed by violin trees, exploding Nuka-Cola bottles and, uh, what? Relax, Wastelander, there’s no need to panic. This is all a harmless hallucination. In reality you’re actually just undergoing unsolicited brain surgery. Phew! Playing Diablo III on Nightmare, or an even higher difficulty (we think we’ll pass, thanks), gives you the chance to trigger this rare, zombie-stuffed level. Gaming’s most generic foes are spiced up a bit when you notice that they’re all named after the Diablo III development team, with the descriptions of the monsters showing you their job titles. Trust us, after a few hours of enduring Nightmare difficulty, you’ll relish putting the boot in to the dude who built the 3D model of said boot. There are no obvious sidequests in Lordran, because that would involve helping out the player, and this is Dark Souls we’re talking about. But who wouldn’t want to save Solaire of Astora? His love of sunlight, jolly optimism and this brilliant joke: ‘I am a warrior of the Sun! Spot my summon signature easily by its brilliant aura. If you miss it, you must be blind! Hah hah hah!’ Zing! You really have to go the extra mile to save Solaire. But if there was ever an NPC worth saving, it’d be him. Heroes don’t have to be perfect, right? Exactly. So there’s no problem with us completing ‘Solving Problems’ where you help murderers get rid of some irritatingly incriminating dead bodies. It makes a nice change from being the good guy, even if we’re not sure throwing corpses in the water supply is the best idea we’ve ever had. Worth playing just to hear the pathetic excuses of the murderers that we happily helped out. Uh, don’t tell anyone in Denerim we did this quest, okay? Budding thespians should speak to aspiring playwright Incisive Chorus. He’s furious that the sponsor of his newest play has altered the script to make it a satire of the Empire, and gives you the lead role. Do you respect art and follow his original script? Or risk provoking the Empire with the new one? It’s a bit like playing James Franco in The Interview, except funny. The scene’s even better when you deliberately fluff all your lines, forcing your co-star to badly improvise. What is a ‘Witcher’ anyway? Based on most of this game’s sidequests, it’s a total sleazeball. After a heavy night, Geralt wakes up by the lake, missing most of his gear and with a tattoo of a naked lady on his neck. You stumble through the village, trying to figure out what you did last night. According to the NPCs, at one point you apparently tried to ride a woman to the local port like a horse – and the tattoo isn’t coming off easily. Laugh all you want; we don’t regret our BLINX 4EVER back tats. Give the blessed flower to a character of your choice. Hmm, is this really one of the best sidequests to be found in Dragon’s Dogma? Perhaps not, but shouldn’t there be more games about handing out flowers to your fellow videogame companions? Maybe if there were a few less Call of Dutys taking up space on our hard drives and a few more Flower Arranging 3000s, then oh! What a wonderful world this could be! [He’s been at those punga seeds again – Ed.] Despite our body-dumping routine in Origins, we’re still trusted to preside over trials in Inquisition’s courts. The trick is to judge crims, varying from the clearly guilty to the truly bizarre, without upsetting your companions with overly grim punishments. One man has been attacking Skyhold by firing goats at it. He seemed harmless enough, but we felt we had no choice but to sentence him to unbearable torture. Harsh, but reminding us of Goat Simulator cannot be allowed. “Nina lonely, need partner for lovetimes” – we’ve seen worse descriptions in the lonely hearts ads. There’s something about a great side quest that brings out the inner romantic in us, especially when it involves shooting potential suitors in the face with a freeze ray. They say ‘true love conquers all’. We say it’s no match for a good laser-cannon to the heart. Find Nina her true love and she’ll keep him in her infirmary, strung up by his wrists. We think we’ll stick to bachelor life. After a busy day of saving the galaxy/shooting your biggest fan in the foot, Shepard’s earned a drink at Afterlife, the anti-human bar. Is that a smart move? Amazingly no, as Shep loses consciousness and wakes up outside. You can now go and face the bartender or how about you maybe not swig a mysterious blue drink that you didn’t order in the first place? Still, someone needs to stop Forvan the bartender from poisoning his customers – it’s a pretty lousy business model. Barely a quest, but kudos to the devs for showing how flawed the morality system is. A beggar asks you for money. For light side points, pay up and watch a brief cutscene of him getting mugged. For dark side points, give him nothing and watch him angrily mug someone else. So no one wins. It seems that in the Star Wars universe, no deed is truly ‘light’ or ‘dark’, more of a murky grey. Haunting. In an Inception-like twist you journey into the mind of Pelagius the Mad to battle his demons and fix his lack of self-confidence. Boost his courage by shrinking his enemies and boost his sanity by maybe not stomping around his brain in the first place. Accept we’re never getting Psychonauts 2 (sob) and you’ll enjoy one of Skyrim’s strangest quests. Complete it and you’ll receive the wonderfully named Wabbajack, a staff that can cast one of 21 spealls, or nothing at all. Truly mad. All little girls deserve to enjoy tea parties, even if that little girl is Tina, psychotic demolitions expert and world’s deadliest 13-year-old. Want to be the fool who tells her she can’t? Safer to protect her from waves of ‘guests’ as she pours tea, makes small talk and gets gory revenge for the murder of her parents. Never been to a tea party before? We’d advise against attending one of Tina’s – she has a habit of electrocuting her guests. This optional quest has you climbing aboard The Serpent’s Wake, a haunted ship full of ghost pirates. Hang on, why isn’t that the main quest? All games are better with ghost pirates – zombie parrots! Scary treasure! Floating pirate ships! one measly sidequest in Oblivion isn’t enough – even Black Flag and Rogue didn’t have ghost pirates! (Note to self: send death threats to Ubisoft demanding Ghost Pirate DLC.) A generic save-the-princess quest is given a Fable twist, when the three powerful mages who’ve enlisted your help turn out to be overenthusiastic gamers themselves. Shrunk down into their Hollows and Hobbes game (think Dungeons and Dragons) to meet a cardboard cast and fight real enemies, it’s a fun send up of fantasy tropes. “Prepare to meet a feathery doom!” cries one of your captors, summoning a demonic chicken. Maybe time to start leaving the house again, eh lads? Summon Jesus in combat and he’ll descend from heaven, spraying enemies with a holy dose of heavy machine gun fire. To unlock him, you have to ‘find Jesus’ at the South Park church. A surprisingly pious sounding quest turns out to be a game of hide and seek, with a childish Jesus giggling behind the pews until you ‘find him’. Honestly, this is tame by Stick of Truth’s standards. You should see the bit where Mr Slave opens up his [Clear your desk and get out – Ed].
Here Is Super Mario Powered By NVIDIA's HairWorks Tech In UE4 + Super Mario NVIDIA Flex Techdemo

Added: 08.07.2015 13:15 | 17 views | 0 comments

DSOGaming writes: "YouTubes member CryZENx has shared two really interesting and fun Unreal Engine 4 demos. The first demo shows NVIDIAs HairWorks tech applied in Super Mario. The second demo puts Super Mario into a Flex Tech demo, thus giving players the chance to mess around with NVIDIAs fluid tech."


How non-lethal is Batman, really? A doctor weighs in on Arkham Knight

Added: 03.07.2015 17:24 | 20 views | 0 comments

Batman has two rules. Don't kill, and add the word ‘bat’ to everything he owns. However, Arkham Knight seems to push the first rule to its breaking point... and then runs it over with the Batmobile. Literally and repeatedly. You keep telling yourself you’re only incapacitating them, Bruce. Whatever helps you sleep whenever you find time to sleep.

Alarmed at the way Batman whacks, cracks and splats his way through the villainous hordes that populate Gotham, I found myself increasingly questioning how many could plausibly actually make it out alive. But it wasn’t a rhetorical question, I got hold of an IRL Doctor - Dr M Hussain, SHO - to deduce just how non-lethal Batman actually is. The results will shock you as heavily as the Batmobile’s weaponised dynamo. So click on in horror, as I explain what's really going on here, with the help of Real Medical Expertise and a collection of screens I grabbed from some video I took.

There’s a sense early on in Arkham Knight that this is a Batman carrying additional emotional baggage. Considering the titanic amount he was carrying to begin with - dead parents, double life, Alfred’s unfortunate insistence on keeping up with Downton Abbey - that’s enough to make anyone a bit tetchy. So when Bats grabs a soldier in a cell and introduces the chap to the metal bars by yanking him into them, it’s certain that the old ‘No Killing’ rule is getting tested before the night is through.

Fortunately for Bruce, this type of provocation isn’t going to turn him into a murderer just yet. Dr. Hussain says that “[It] depends on how strong the force is. Most people can survive this type of blow - but the resulting complications can be dangerous; the victim can be left with brain injury.” Well, I guess it’s a good job Batman doesn’t have a rule about ensuring the criminals he’s fighting have to think or talk again.

A classic staple of the Arkham series, as Bats lurks in the rafters waiting to swoop up some inattentive guards, whisper a few sweet nothings, and then leave them hanging like a naughty piñata. If they’re lucky, they’ll be cut down. Eventually. But could this showy display of strength actually end up with a body on Batman’s conscience?

“From a medical perspective, it is not necessarily how far someone falls but how they fall, which determines their survival.” Dr. Hussain explains. “When someone lands on their back, rather than their side, the main artery which carries blood (the aorta) is ruptured. A fall of 3m can be dangerous; a fall of more than 10m can cause significant organ damage - enough to cause death.” Let’s give Bat’s the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it’ll be better if they’re left to dangle until the Gotham Health and Safety Department devise a responsible way for hanging thugs to be freed? Dr. Hussain points out “When someone is upside down for long periods of time the blood rushes to the head and lungs and causes pooling of blood where it shouldn’t be. This can cause something known as pulmonary oedema, which in turn can cause raised blood pressure and stroke.” Oh. Maybe not then.

Nothing else captures the essence of Batman quite like the FreeFlow combat. The stalking, detecting, and gargoyle straddling might be close, but it’s the ballet of concussions that wins out. Arkham Knight ensures that Batman is as mercilessly economical with his fighting as ever, dishing out black eyes and broken bones like a sociopathic santa. At some point a line marked ‘Living/Stop, stop, he’s already dead’ will be crossed.

So while Batman’s pulverising his foe’s chest while they’re stunned, Dr. Hussain warns he’s doing some pretty grim things when it comes to their life expectancy. “This can cause internal bleeding secondary to organ damage and can comprise the lungs’ and heart’s functionality. Both are essential to survive.” So when Batman leaves the poor sods with organ soup where their lungs should be, it’s safe to say a few lives have been sacrificed at the altar of a solid combo.

It’s not the just the fists, boots and head of Batman that the nefarious wrong ‘uns of Gotham have to sweat about. He’s brought along the Bat brood to square some odds. And they bring all the stylish aggression you’d want from superior martial artists teaming up to craft a few fluid beatdowns. The type of smackdowns that Dr. Hussain warns could cause “damage to the spine and ribs.” The video I sent her had Nightwing lifting up a do-badder for Batman to glide into with his heel. Looks incredible, but does the sort of damage that leaves an NHS accountant in an existential crisis. “The amount of force required to kick someone across the room would be very high and can cause damage to organs.” Essentially, if Batman and Nightwing are using someone for human keepie-ups, that person’s funeral is on Thursday and the Bat Family are not invited.

It’s not just his massive Bat-fists and Bat-gadgets The Dark Knight will end a life with. He’ll gladly steal your weapon too, if you’re dim enough to swing it at him. If you’re unlucky enough, or just catch him on a particularly gruelling Monday, he’ll reacquaint you with the blunt end of it as well.

It won’t come as a great surprise to you that Dr. Hussain confirms that being hit in the head with a baseball bat isn’t ideal. “A blow to the head can cause blood vessels to burst and pool in areas of the brain - causing a subdural haematoma. This can increase the pressure in the brain and lead to death.” Batman’s probably cracked enough skulls in his time to get his non-fatal baseball swing just right, but how does he know the guy he’s left unconscious on the floor isn’t suffering from a haematoma? Oh right, Detective Mode. Never mind, carry on.

There’s the right way of getting information from a dodgy source, and then there’s the quick way. Batman’s methods fall very much into the latter camp. By the time your friendly neighbourhood interrogator has drafted up paperwork and busted out the polygraph, Batman’s got answers and left a few cracked windpipes in his wake. The second part of that equation isn’t good news for anyone.

So what’s happening medically after Batman has crashed his arm onto the throat of his victim? Nothing great if you’re receiving the throat blow. “The windpipe is essential to supply oxygen to the lungs and in turn to the rest of the body. If this is compromised then death could occur.” Is a NPC’s life worth the few Riddler trophy locations you’ll get? Obviously the answer is yes, but Batman’s a killer now, so nobody wins.

Quick, The Riddler has planted bombs inside some of the slower elements of Gotham’s thugs and they need to be saved from having to experience watching their brains being forcibly ejected from their crania! They need to be saved, Batman, how are you going to go about it? Chuck an electrified batarang at them to short circuit the bomb? Steady on Batman, that might do more harm than good.

The good news - as good as news can be for a person with a bomb snuggling up in their innards - is that a shock isn’t necessarily fatal. “Anything between 6-30 milliamps causes a phenomenon called ‘freezing’ where the muscles contract (less of a threshold in women compared to men) but can survive,” Dr. Hussain says. But Batman isn’t off the hook yet as “50 to 100 milliamps causes respiratory arrest and death is likely.” Considering Batman plays it fast and loose with charging up the Batarang, I think a few thugs are going to get a nasty (sunglasses on) shock.

When designing an armoured, all-purpose thug deterrent disguised as a car, it’s going to be almost impossible to avoid tripping over the lethality line. After all, the Batmobile is a very heavy piece of metal travelling at ludicrously high speeds. It’s able to break concrete as if it was Batman’s back (a little something for the Bane fans out there) and in Arkham Knight, Batman can spend most of his time in it hurtling towards people driving in beaten-up taxis. Feels a bit silly asking it, but will this end well?

“As with any vehicle collisions, crush injuries to the victim can occur. This is when the body is caught between two objects being pushed together by a high pressure. These type of injuries are responsible for broken bones, severe bruising, bleeding and compartment syndrome,” Dr. Hussain points out. So should the Batmobile collide into another moving vehicle that hasn’t been designed by a billionaire’s RD department - which it does, a hefty amount - Master Wayne isn’t driving away guilt free.

At some point, Bruce Wayne and Lucius Fox decided to make the Batmobile electric. Not in the “petrol is very expensive and we’ve only got one world” way - it’s 2015 Batman, maybe you should save some ice caps - but in the “if anyone gets hit by my car, I’ll make sure they know just how badly they goofed by running a few volts through their body” type of way. Which just feels sort of unnecessary, if you ask me.

Dr. Hussian informs that “both the electric shock and the force of impact can cause serious bodily damage and, in turn, death.” Having the BatHummer plow into people like lava through snow is really enough to finish a life already. By the time they’re getting a jolt through their body, it’s technically considered desecrating a corpse.

One of the Batmobile’s jazzier features is the immobiliser, a rocket that explodes on impact but not enough to kill whoever is driving it’s intended target. Or at least that’s what Batman should keep telling himself. Dr. Hussain says “[They’re] unlikely to survive this trauma. The impact of the rocket will cause damage, but more than this the resulting explosion would cause extensive burn injuries.”

In what is becoming a depressing trend for serial killer Batman, whack him behind the wheel of the Batmobile and all consideration for the lives of Gotham’s ne’er-do-wells is gone. So while the immobiliser rocket does help slow down the vehicle he’s chasing, that’s because the people inside are too busy trying to avoid an early cremation. If they haven’t exploded in a mushroom cloud of giblets already.

As you work your way through Arkham Knight, you’ll notice that everyone repeatedly calls out Batman’s refusal to use live rounds when firing at enemies. That’s one enormous blind eye they’re turning. When he’s not running over half of Gotham, he’s finishing the other half by firing rockets at their incapacitated bodies. Yep, knock somebody out and you’re able to fire all those explosives Batman keeps tucked in his Bat-tank o’ death.

Dr. Hussain underplays it a tad by saying “The force and resulting explosion will cause burn injuries.” But let’s be clear, Batman fires a rocket at an unconscious body. He has firmly lost his grip on morality and sees the thugs of Gotham as his playthings, tiny insects to inhumanly torture and squash under his BatBoot. Basically, I’m saying Arkham Knight earns it 18 rating.

The undeniable excesses of the electrified tank feel like Batman beginning to accepting that, in truth, he really is just down to murder. I mean come on, Brucey. But when he flexes the ability to steamroll crims into the pavement, well… yeah. No way back. No, the game doesn’t explicitly show you the broken bodies the Batmobile crushes underneath its blood-soaked wheels, but that doesn’t excuse Bruce being able to repeatedly drive over the men he’s incapacitated. I bet he’s thinking of dodgy one-liners like “This is a new way to squash crime” as he does, the merciless Bat-stard.

If you have any queries about a human’s ability to survive having the Batmobile rolled over them again and again and again, let Dr. Hussain put your mind at rest. “If they do happen to survive the first impact, repeatedly running over someone will crush any remaining bones and organs.” From maybe being a tiny bit too punchy, to painting the road several shades of sinew, Batman’s gone from religiously Not Killing, to showering in the gizzards of his enemies. Vigilanteism. It’s a slippery slope, kids. Do not be the Batman.

ToysRUS PS3 Steals: Batman Arkham Origins and Assassin's Creed 4:Black Flag for $7 Each

Added: 29.06.2015 14:18 | 37 views | 0 comments

Great PS3 Bargain Bin Steal from ToysRUs.


Civil War Game Featuring Confederate Flag Back on Apple's App Store

Added: 27.06.2015 18:05 | 6 views | 0 comments

Earlier this week, Apple started

Though Apple originally said it would only remove apps from the store that used the Confederate flag in an offensive ways, even games about the Civil War that included it to be historically accurate were removed.

"We accept Apple's decision and understand that this is a sensitive issue for the American Nation," Games-Lab said after its game was removed. "We wanted our game to be the most accurate, historical, playable reference of the Battle of Gettysburg."

An Apple spokesperson later said that the company would reinstate some games that were wrongly removed, and given the news about Ultimate General: Gettysburg, it seems like it is.


Civil War Game Featuring Confederate Flag Back on Apple's App Store

Added: 27.06.2015 18:05 | 4 views | 0 comments

Earlier this week, Apple started

Though Apple originally said it would only remove apps from the store that used the Confederate flag in an offensive ways, even games about the Civil War that included it to be historically accurate were removed.

"We accept Apple's decision and understand that this is a sensitive issue for the American Nation," Games-Lab said after its game was removed. "We wanted our game to be the most accurate, historical, playable reference of the Battle of Gettysburg."

An Apple spokesperson later said that the company would reinstate some games that were wrongly removed, and given the news about Ultimate General: Gettysburg, it seems like it is.


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