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Magnetic: Cage Closed Review | GameSpew

Added: 09.09.2015 14:17 | 50 views | 0 comments

Emi at GameSpew writes: "Developed by Guru Games, a small independent game developer in Sweden, Magnetic: Cage Closed is a first person puzzle game, not too dissimilar from the ever-loved Portal series. You take on the role of Prisoner XE-47623 who has committed a crime bad enough to be on Death Row. Strapped to a gurney, youre wheeled off to Facility 7 and left in the care of the mysterious William Keene, who serves as the warden. The Warden gives you two options: live out the rest of your sentence in your tiny cell, or push yourself to the limit and complete each task given to you in the hope that your criminal record gets wiped clean. Clearly, you choose the latter."


Zombi Review | GameSpew

Added: 09.09.2015 13:17 | 73 views | 0 comments

Rich at GameSpew writes: "As a launch title for the ill-fated WiiU, ZombiU was a pleasant surprise. Combining first person action adventure with strong survival horror elements, it was a solid game that made great use of the WiiUs unique features and also a bold release for a platform holder known for its family-orientated titles. Unfortunately, like the console it was released on, sales underperformed, and as a result the planned sequel was canned. Ubisoft seem to be keen to give the original title another chance though, having now ported the title to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, albeit minus its U as well as its online and multiplayer features. Whether or not this is enough to give Zombi legs to spawn a series remains to be discovered, but either way, this is a solid port that enables this under-appreciated title to reach a larger audience."


Top 10 Atari 2600 Games

Added: 09.09.2015 2:17 | 69 views | 0 comments

Kieren at GameSpew writes: "The Atari 2600 Video Computer System, or VCS, is one of the greatest consoles of all time. It was the system that truly kicked off the games industry we have today and turned it from a geeky pastime into a global phenomenon. First released in 1977, the last games were released for it in 1991, giving it an amazing 14 year shelf life. Several different models including the iconic Woody and the sleek Junior edition, sales of over 30 million and of course the most famous joystick design of all time mean this system will never be forgotten and will forever remain a favourite with retro gamers everywhere. But what are the best 10 games the system has to offer? Lets find out!"


Big Pharma Review | GameSpew

Added: 03.09.2015 9:17 | 36 views | 0 comments

Graham at GameSpew writes: "Video games are a unique art form. They stand alone as being the best way to become immersed in a role and often the strongest kinds of games are those that give the player tools to be the role they have chosen to be. An experience can be geared to the players experience and can empower them without resorting to power fantasies. Sometimes, the independent game mechanics can place the player in the shoes of a horrible, corporate greed machine. And this is where we are with Big Pharma. Its a puzzle/tycoon simulator that forces you to become a role, and one you might not be comfortable with."


Layers of Fear Preview | GameSpew

Added: 03.09.2015 9:17 | 48 views | 0 comments

Rich at GameSpew writes: "I have to admit, despite being intrigued by the rather promising trailer I didnt expect much from Layers of Fear going into it. Developed by Bloober Team, creators of the A-Men games on PlayStation Vita and the Bomberman-esque Basement Crawl and Brawl for PlayStation 4, I didnt think theyd have the experience to make a solid first person horror game, let alone a visually impressive one. So it came as quite a shock to find that Layers of Fear is actually good. In fact, its not only good, its great; maybe even surpassing the masterpiece that is P.T. Possibly."


The Deer God Review | GameSpew

Added: 02.09.2015 21:17 | 38 views | 0 comments

Rich at GameSpew writes: "Always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself, that what was always drummed into me as a child. Its also the message that I believe The Deer God tries to impress upon you, in its own ham-fisted (or should that be venison-fisted?) way. But whilst morality does play quite a large role in the game, it all comes down to the same old task in the end: beat up the boss, like a boss. The Deer God begins with a hapless hunter spotting a deer in the distance. Observing the graceful creature with the viewfinder of his rifle, a wolf attacks him, causing him to pull the trigger just as the deers fawn moves into the firing line. With the fawn dead, whether or not he intended to shoot to kill is not considered, as The Deer God decides to punish the hunter for his evil deed by turning him into a fawn himself. It is with this act of karma that the game begins, throwing you into a dangerous world in which youll have to thrive to survive, and ultimately m...


Top 10 Games Made By One Person

Added: 02.09.2015 1:18 | 48 views | 0 comments

Kim at GameSpew writes: "Anybody who knows anything about video games knows that they take a hell of a lot of work to create. Just look at the credits for any AAA release, and youll see that literally hundreds of people have been involved in its production. Thats why its so amazing when we stumble across an indie gem, made by a small team or in some cases, just one person. To those geniuses, we salute you. We take a look at 10 successful games made by one person."


Party Hard Review | GameSpew

Added: 01.09.2015 18:17 | 50 views | 0 comments

Samuel at GameSpew writes: "The party is in full swing next door and the drone of those infernal speakers has shaken you awake for the last time. Your neighbours have pushed you too far this time; the only option is to set off on a party-induced killing spree across America in search of some peace and quiet. Developed by Pinokl Games and published by tinyBuild, Party Hard is a quirky stealth-based puzzle game that is lovely to look at but at times quite frustrating in spite of its colourful gameplay."


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