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Does Owning More Than One Gaming Platform Make Any Sense?

Added: 08.09.2015 5:17 | 7 views | 0 comments

Keith from The Outerhaven writes: Recently there was a thread I was involved with on NeoGAF, you can check out that thread here. The question that was asked was regarding owning multiple consoles and does it make sense anymore, especially since the number of 3rd party games outnumber the 1st party games. After skimming over several pages of that conversation, the answer I commonly noticed was that many gamers, including myself, tend to own multiple systems due to several factors including exclusive 1st party titles such as Halo, Uncharted, Super Mario, considering that many choose not to miss out on them. Makes perfect sense, right? Yet, at the same time, the counter-argument was that owning a system for just one or two games was pure insanity, a good point as well.

From: n4g.com

This Week in Gaming History: September 7th - 13th

Added: 08.09.2015 2:17 | 45 views | 0 comments

Every Monday, we take a look at some important events that happened this week in gaming history. This week's history involves the original Super Mario Bros. game for the NES, Mortal Kombat II for the SNES, the Sony PlayStation and Spyro the Dragon!

From: n4g.com

Uncharted 4 Having Single Player DLC Is Risky, Has To Be Amazing

Added: 08.09.2015 0:17 | 38 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "It is not an exaggeration to say that Naughty Dogs Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End is one of the most highly anticipated PS4 games of next year, if not one of the most anticipated games for any platform. Uncharted 4 is also getting attention due to the fact that this is going to be the final game in the series for protagonist Nathan Drake, and possibly for the entire series. With this being a possible conclusion to the series, Naughty Dog and Sony are taking a bit of a risk by announcing that the game will actually have DLC."

From: n4g.com

Power Up Gaming Weekly Rundown (Sep. 5) | Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain MGS1-4 Revisited

Added: 07.09.2015 15:20 | 55 views | 0 comments

Power Up Gaming: "In this weeks Power Up Gaming Rundown (name change alert!), our attention turns to what weve dubbed Metal Gear Solid Week and the release of MGSV: The Phantom Pain. PUGs resident MGS fanboy or one of them, at least David Tierney joins regular host Austin Flynn to discuss just a little of what makes Hideo Kojimas iconic series so great."

From: n4g.com

Until Dawn Review | European Gaming League

Added: 07.09.2015 8:17 | 21 views | 0 comments

EGL: "I cannot stress how immersive Until Dawn is and how highly I recommend that it is worth your money."

From: n4g.com

Just Cause 2 - Multiplayer 0.2 Beta Announced Detailed, Available For Testing

Added: 07.09.2015 5:17 | 22 views | 0 comments

DSOGaming writes: "The team behind the amazing Multiplayer mod for Just Cause 2 announced that a new beta version is currently available for testing. Not only that, but the team also detailed the new features that are coming with it, and we have to say that some of them sound awesome."

From: n4g.com

Ultra-Budget $397 Gaming PC Build for CSGO DOTA2

Added: 06.09.2015 9:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

GamersNexus: "Counter-Strike: GO, DOTA2, League of Legends, and Heroes of the Storm are all readily played on low-end hardware. In the case of CSGO, DOTA, and LoL, the games can be run using a cheap, $400 PC build on high and medium-high settings with framerates exceeding 60FPS. We've got benchmarks lower down to back this up."

From: n4g.com

The keys to the Mushroom Kingdom Super Mario Maker review | Gaming Trend

Added: 06.09.2015 6:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

GT: If you were to ask Nintendo fans what each of Super Marios classic 2D adventures mean to them, chances are youd get a wide range of responses. Some people might reply that they love the simplified and not-yet-refined platforming of the original Super Mario Bros. Others may find the more realized gameplay and impeccable level design of Super Mario World to be their favorite. Younger gamers might even be clined to proclaim that the modernization of the New Super Mario Bros. series defined their gaming childhood. While the impact of particular Mario games on a person may depend on their age group and history with the series, each of Marios games has always offered something slightly different to everyone.

From: n4g.com

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