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Throwdown Your Questions Ep. 30

Added: 14.04.2015 0:17 | 1 views | 0 comments

Tony Polanco from The Koalition writes: "Here are all of the video game related questions we answer this week: *How can Forza 6 and Halo 5 help close the 2:1 gap between XBO and PS4 when last years iterations of those franchises failed to do so? *There are many gods in Greek Mythology, why do people think Kratos killed them all? *Is the PS4 as powerful as Sony says it is? *Would Chucky fit in a Mortal Kombat game? *What other podcasts do you listen to? *Did you want to destroy something beautiful after the episode with HipHopGamer? *What pisses you off the most about the press side of the industry? *Will updates hinder playing games when services are stopped or no longer supported? *Should customers seek reimbursement for broken games? *Do you think Warner Bros will milk Mortal Kombat the way Capcom does with Street Fighter? *Why didnt mirrors reflect characters in The Order: 1886 and inFAMOUS: Second Son?


Gaming#39;s weird, mysterious fictional languages, explained and translated

Added: 13.04.2015 15:08 | 32 views | 0 comments

Few things are as likely to annihilate your sense of immersion as a big cheesy accent showing up somewhere it isn't welcome. A shrill Californian squawk might serve in the GTA series, but in the grubby, Game of Thrones-alike fantasy genre - not so much... Immersion is a precious thing, difficult to build, yet all too easy to tear down. Thankfully, video games as a medium appear to be getting better and better at this sort of delicate world-building, creating believable, atmospheric environments brimming with vibrant characters and rich traditions.

One sure-fire method of raising any game's level of immersion is to create its very own language. Some are simple, swapping out a letter here or adding an alien slur there, while others boast fully functioning fictional dictionaries. This list takes a good long look at 12 of these fantastical tongues, from the silly to the downright strange. Enjoy.

Boasting more colourful language than an irate sailor, The Legend of Zelda series represents a veritable linguist's playground. That's because the franchise plays host to a good half-dozen different tongues, each of which pertains to a distinct era or species. Hylian represents the dominant lingo, having transitioned from a simple 'logographic' alphabet - wherein a symbol (or 'logo') stands for each word - into several further forms. The series' time-twisting hijinks make any concrete analysis of their relationship difficult, with subsequent entries only serving to deepen the confusion.

For example, both Ocarina and Majora's Mask employ what is known as the 'Old Hylian' lingo, while Wind Waker advances the timeline to include a more 'contemporary' take i.e. 'Modern Hylian'. It's said that native speakers of one cannot understand the other, though both are loosely based around the same real life alphabet - that being the Japanese 'katakana' or 'kana', a 'syllabic' form in which individual characters represent syllables, rather than letters, e.g. 'pa' rather than 'p' and 'a'. So far, so strange, though not nearly as odd as the decision to switch to a Latin basis for Twilight Princess, a game in which Hylian reads more like a fancy English font. Oh, and the characters who actually speak Hylian? None of their witterings can actually be translated. They may very well be speaking gibberish. Confusing, isn’t it?

Ever wanted to know your name in Hylian? Maybe you fancy writing a few foul-mouthed codes to your friends? Check out .

Dovahzul or 'Dragon-speak' is the unofficial name given to the language of the Dragons, comprising a 34-character alphabet, including both syllables and individual letters. As the foremost speakers of the tongue (select humanoids can also utter it), Dragons developed their alphabet through a series of runic markings, scratched directly into the rock with their claws. As such, most 'letters' appear to include some combination of scrapes and dots, the latter of which are formed by the thumb or 'dewclaw' of each beast.

In addition, certain combinations of these words are known to elicit powerful magical effects named 'shouts' or 'thu'ums',and are essentially the Dovahzul equivalent of a verbalized spell. Interestingly, Dovah lacks any proper punctuation, though being able to scream peeps off the side of a mountain is likely punctuation enough. If you'd like to know how to 'Thu'um, shake, shake, shake the room' or are simply planning on spicing up your next baby's birth certificate, check out this exhaustive beginner's guide, .

It seems as though Simlish has been around for an absolute age - so much so that you'd expect a good number of people to be speaking it for realsies, ala Klingon or Game of Thrones' Dothraki. Sadly for fans of fictional - and therefore largely useless - lexicons Simlish has never been properly transcribed. That's because it's essentially gibberish, made up on the fly by its suite of voice actors and with a minimum of input from the folks back at Maxis. Despite not operating on any kind of internal logic, certain phrases have been retained over time, though they're largely given meaning through context - i.e. an avatar's current predicament and/or frantic gesturing - rather than some legitimate basis in linguistics.

Interestingly, Simlish was originally going to involve Native American elements, though the studio eventually abandoned that plan in order to shoot for a greater sense of depth - after all, the game could only handle so many words - while constant repetition and simple translations might have ruined that aura. Yet despite its status as a nonsense tongue, fans of the series remain singularly committed to piecing together a working alphabet, using throwaway letters scattered throughout the series as reference. Sadly, all their efforts eventually came to naught when The Sims 4 introduced a whole new alphabet, one that remains riddled with inconsistencies. Curse you, language!

Compared to many of the entries on this list, not much is really known about Panzerese as a language. As the brainchild of one Yukio Futatsugi, project developer and ardent linguist, it contains trace elements of everything from Russian to classical Greek and even Latin, though oddly enough no apparent German (Panzer itself comes from the German word for 'armoured cart' or 'tank', while the game's sequel bares the German number 'Zwei').

For all of the series' popularity, it remains unclear whether Futatsugi developed an entire alphabet for his language, though given the man's fondness for Wings of Honneamise - an anime movie that utilises its own fictional lingo - some sort of basic consistency, perhaps in the form of scrapbook dictionary, is likely.

When developing a fresh new language to appear in your video game - particularly one that you intend to implement sans-subtitles - then it's important to remember to keep things simple. Maybe not captain of the football team simple, but simple nonetheless. Perhaps the fastest path to achieving this end is to employ what’s known as a 'substitution cipher' - a simple 'swap this for this' deal, usually with all of the vowels and consonants kept together, otherwise it all starts to sound like Klingons at an orgy.

Final Fantasy X's Al Bhed dialect is one of the better-known examples of this technique cropping up in gaming, with player character Tidus effectively learning the lingo as the game goes on. The odd thing about Al Bhed as a language - y'know aside from all of native speakers looking like Prodigy members - is that it's letters looks like an overly stylized Latin alphabet, which would be fine and all, if not for the fact that it's a substitution cipher. A ought to look like Y, L like an M etc. Fancy making a head start on this year's tax return, but don't want to give those mean-eyed bean counters an easy ride? Why not write it in Al Bhed?! Go ahead!


Where the gibberish of the Sims serves to add a spark of personality to an otherwise vacant cast of characters, the unnamed language of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons has to achieve a much larger feat. That is, to communicate a wide spectrum of emotions, from the highest highs to the lowest lows. And no, drowning one of your ungrateful Sims doesn't count.

The titular siblings embark on quite the adventure, one in which neither English nor relative silence would suffice. The eventual compromise is a gibberish text, inspired by game director Josef Fares' Lebanese heritage, so while the words themselves may be nonsensical, much of the pronunciation is rooted in authentic linguistic roots.

Developed by the awesomely named Wolf Wikeley - a linguistics expert based in Alberta, Canada, just a stone's throw away from BioWare HQ) - Tho Fan represents the language of choice for much of Jade Empire's powerful aristocracy. Originally envisaged as a mere servant's tongue, Wikeley's words were later repurposed, their courteous and deferential tone now standing for the effete mannerisms of the ruling class. Though designed to sound distinctly Far-Eastern - certain pronunciations reflect both Chinese and Japanese speech - Tho Fan remains largely separate from these real world tongues, establishing its unusual cadence through the atypical use of tenses.

Boasting an extensive 2,500 word vocabulary, Tho Fan represents one of the more fleshed out examples on this list, with Wikeley's good work later rewarded with the opportunity to design four more languages in Dragon Age: Origins. Sadly, it appears that no Tho Fan alphabet or translation guide has ever been released.

Technically speaking, Nier's Ancient Language doesn't really deserve a place on this list. That's because it's been borrowed (largely), from a little known language created way back in the 16th Century. Known as the 'Celestial' or 'Angelic' alphabet, this unusual lexis was put together by one Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. It's intended use: to communicate with the angels. Yes, that's right, angels. I guess old Heinrich really needed to get 'a grippa'… right… guys?

A mishmash of Hebrew and Greek influences, Celestial text appears throughout the world of Nier, oftentimes in conjunction with the use of magic. However, the tongue is never actually spoken, or at least not as it 'ought' to be. The game's soundtrack, for example, includes many alien languages, though none with any discernible linguistic logic. Simply speaking, they're all babble, put together at the request of the game's developer by vocalist Rebecca Evans. Here, .

Dino, also known as Saurian, is the primary language of the people of Sauria. Like Al Bhed, it operates on a simple 'like for like' basis, switching out vowels with vowels, consonants for consonants and so on. However, there are one or two minor caveats to be considered, including the continued use of 'M' as 'M', and the translated letter 'X' now becoming silent. Also, (and for no particular reason), proper nouns - i.e. those naming a specific person, place or thing, such as a character's name - continue to be spoken in English, or Galactic Standard, as it's known in the series.

Fancy formulating a few Nintendo-approved slurs? Maybe your current will and testament is a little too easy to alter? Whatever the case, be sure to check out this .

Pronounced 'dunny', this complex language belongs to a people of the same name, a race of powerful wordsmiths able to imagine new lands into being. They represent a distant cousin of humanity, and are capable of living upwards of 300 years each. Their language appears everywhere throughout the world of Myst, forming the foundation of many of the game's puzzles. The D'ni alphabet is composed of 35 phonetic sounds, each of which is represented by a unique fictional letter and box-shaped numeral.

Need to know your name in D'ni? Too bad it's a prickly little language, but you can still translate the odd word or two thanks to .

Designed by Team Ico member Kei Kuwabara, Yorda's language utilises 26 runic symbols, each with a corresponding letter in the Western Latin alphabet. Each symbol takes the form of a simplistic doodle, representing a creature, feature or action that starts with the same letter in English. For example, the symbol for 'A' bears the picture of an ant, while 'H' displays a stick figure in hiding. In the case of the letter 'I', the rule is bent in a phonetic direction, including as it does the picture of an eye.

Translating Yorda's tongue requires the player to marry each symbol to the corresponding English letter, before flipping that around to translate again into Japanese Romaji (a simpler, Latinized version of the Japanese alphabet). Simple, right?

Though the Covenant faction is made up of several different species, the Sangheilis' status as its warrior elite - mankind's word for the genus - has ensured that their language achieved dominant status. Those races that display difficulty in speaking the tongue are fitted with personal translation devices. The language appears to place proper nouns - representing the subject of a pronouncement - at the start of each sentence, so "How's it hanging Chief?" becomes "Chief, how's it hanging?" and so on. The Sangheili appear equally capable of transcribing their tongue in both Forerunner text and the more angular, Covenant scripts.

Making History: The Great War 1.0.58745.119

Added: 12.04.2015 16:10 | 8 views | 0 comments

A turn-based strategy game that takes you into the events of World War I so you can change things

Tags: Green, World

Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow comes Today Launch Trailer (HD)

Added: 10.04.2015 20:31 | 10 views | 0 comments

Just darkness.... And then there was light… but not enough for Michael to find out who he is and what happened to the world out there. The “Great Wave”, the “dissolved”... are just hollow words in his looted mind. Help Michael face a dying reality, a universe that’s fading away. Face a merciless world that gets sick and vanishes. Face no past, no present, no future. Face the impending moment of “dead synchronicity”. And you’d better hurry. Because, otherwise... what will you do when Time dissolves itself? Download here: The game will be available on STEAM for 19.99 US#036;/ 14.99£/ 19.99€/ 699RUR/ 1980Yen for PC MAC More about Fictiorama Studios.


Cities: Skylines - Don't hire us as your mayor

Added: 10.04.2015 2:17 | 1 views | 0 comments

The guys try to expand their virtual city, but the job crisis sets in, and Nick tells of The Great Epidemic of 2020. You really shouldnt hire us as your mayor

Tags: Green

Game Of Thrones gifts for any season (even winter)

Added: 09.04.2015 17:49 | 26 views | 0 comments

Every new season of Game Of Thrones is a cause for excitement, much like a royal wedding or trial by combat. The book series, turned premium cable show, turned global phenomenon made everyone and their mother a fantasy fan, meaning there are likely a lot of people in your life who’ll want a GOT gift. But, after getting them an HBO subscription and a Blu-ray of every season, what else is there to buy?

How about a throw pillow? Toys? Statues? Or even some actual books? You’ll find links to all those things and this gift guide that will help you shop for any Game Of Thrones fan. All these work for birthdays, holidays, season premiere parties... but maybe hold off giving these as wedding gifts. It might make people uneasy.

Let's go back to the beginning! For those fans who have only seen the hit HBO show but have never read the books, here’s your chance to fix that problem. For a decidedly reasonable price, you can deliver a compilation of the Game Of Thrones story in a , spanning the epic. The paperback box set is terrific - and costs less than $30 - but make sure to check out the options for Kindle and audio CD too. With the battle for the Iron Throne raging on, support your favorite House with these coasters. Each coaster represents the wax seal of the primary houses of Westeros. Now you can choose to . Let’s face facts, no one is going to pick Greyjoy...ever. You just wouldn’t trust a Greyjoy with your drink. Outside of Telltale’s game adaption, this is the gaming of GOT adaptation of choice. It lets between 3 and 6 players compete to command the Great Houses of Westeros. With clever nods to the series, game tokens are shaped as footmen, knights, ships, and other accouterments well known to the series, it’s perfect for a game night with friends that love GOT.

If you want to take your figure game to the next level, forget classy, highly poseable action figures. Your home or office will really shine with a pricey bust or statue of your favorite character. Dark Horse has this , along with this one of . Most go for over $100, and feature a level of detail above most other gifts you’ll see on this list.

So, you’ve read every Song Of Fire And Ice from cover to cover between seasons, and are looking for something more to memorize. Fans of HBO’s GOT interpretation could do with the behind-the-scenes guides to . Both offer up guides on how to prepare different dishes from all over GOT’s many regions, perfect for the potluck your friend schedules for every season finale.

As you can imagine, there is more than one board game built for the Game Of Thrones crowd, and Battle of Westeros may be the perfect gift for your tabletop game-loving friends. Built upon the popular BattleLore system, puts you in position to relive battles pulled directly from the show and books. Pitting two players against each other, representing either House Stark or House Lannister, it’s a great mix of Thrones lore built upon a proven gaming system. Though small in stature, Tyrion Lannister is one of the biggest fan favorites. Now you can have him guard your sensitive documents at the office. This , , and many others.

Game Of Thrones may be one of the most adult fantasy series in recent memory, but maybe your giftee prefers GOT wares that are a tad cuter? The popular Funko Pop brand of figures took a stab at the franchise, remolding fan favorites like can look loveable when given the proper makeover.

When following Game Of Thrones many twists and turns, it’s only natural to pick one house over another during all the political maneuvering. If you’d like to show your allegiance whenever you take a drink of your favorite beverage, this series of pint glasses covers just about everything. Houses are all for sale. Get whatever sigil suits you, or get them all to cover every taste for your next viewing party.

You may not be able to claim the real Iron Throne for yourself, but there’s always this which measures 7 inches tall and 3 pounds heavy. Clearly, it means business. Each sword is distinct, and the circular base contains details about the Iron Throne on the bottom. Even better, your favorite action figures fit perfectly on it - although you’re not getting it for yourself. Right? Nothing identifies your House affiliation quite as well as a gorgeous… pillow? It's kind of hard to argue when it's giant and plush, emblazoned with the seal of your House of choice as well as the family's slogan on the other side. Whether your loved one is a , there's at least one pillow that's perfect for a Thrones-inspired snuggle. Let's say your gift-giving target just happens to be someone you'd like to get particularly close to. It sure is a lot easier to cuddle up when a nice, comfy is at arm's length. Perfect for catching up on old episodes together - and sporting the insignia and slogans of each of the main Thrones families - it makes a terrific Christmas gift for both of you. Maybe things would have worked out for Sir Jorah Mormont if he bought Daenerys one of these. Let's say you're thinking a little more… inspired for your gift. You can virtually guarantee that this 15-pound of Eddard Stark will make quite an, um, conversation piece when hung up on the wall or pointed in the direction of sworn enemies. It’s not a toy, either, being made out of High Carbon Steel and Antique Brass and measuring 60 inches long. It also comes with display plaque and certificate of authenticity, but let’s face it – you’re going to give it at least a few cursory swings before putting it in its proper place. If your targeted gift-getter is not quite at the Sword level, this might fit the bill. This famous knife was used during the attempted assassination of Bran Stark. It comes with its own display mount and certificate of authenticity - but will also look totally cool when you slide it out from under your sleeve into your hand. Just don’t cut yourself!

Game Of Thrones fans are a particular bunch, but any one of these gifts will be as treasured as a dragon egg. Sure, some of these may rekindle unpleasant memories of the rather inglorious death of one or more favorite characters, but that’s all part of the charm of Thrones. No one lasts for very long - but the memory of a well-planned gift certainly does.

And if you're looking for more nerdy presents, check out .

Video: Super Smash Bros. Glitch Turns Kirby Into A Great Ball Of Fire

Added: 09.04.2015 16:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Article: Video: Super Smash Bros. Glitch Turns Kirby Into A Great Ball Of Fire

It's a hot trick

Tags: Green, Ball, Smart, Into

Video: Super Smash Bros. Glitch Turns Kirby Into A Great Ball Of Fire

Added: 09.04.2015 16:00 | 56 views | 0 comments

Video: Video: Super Smash Bros. Glitch Turns Kirby Into A Great Ball Of Fire

It's a hot trick

Tags: Green, Ball, Smart, Into

Krinkle Krusher Plays the Perfect Defense, Available now on PlayStation 4

Added: 09.04.2015 14:18 | 7 views | 0 comments

Ilusis Interactive Graphics announced today that Krinkle Krusher is available now on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system for $9.99. Krinkle Krusher is a new kind of fantasy-based castle-defense game where players battle the Krinkle King and his fierce army as they invade your kingdom, casting magical spells to diminish the defenses around the Kingdoms sacred Great Tree.


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