Monday, 27 January 2025
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The creators of Amnesia want to fix what Resident Evil and Silent Hill broke

Added: 20.09.2015 13:17 | 139 views | 0 comments

This year, Frictional is breaking new ground with their upcoming title, machine-based chiller SOMA. Not only is it the first game the team has developed since Amnesia's blowout success (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs was published by Frictional, but was co-developed with The Chinese Room), but it's also their first title ever produced for console. Even with those changes, the team's main goal remains the same: create the ultimate horror game, unhampered by the distracting trends that too many horror titles embrace.


The Silent Hill Retrospective: Silent Hill 3

Added: 20.09.2015 2:17 | 76 views | 0 comments

Stephen Turner: "Silent Hill 3 is a mean-spirited game, but then that was always the point. In order to value her future, Heather Mason is dragged, kicking and screaming, through the muck and mire of her past. Yes, shes given the tools to fight back, but the overwhelming numbers in her way serve as reminder that it's easier to flee from destiny. Overall, its an exhaustive experience; the only relief coming from a goofy swerve, seconds before the end."

Tags: High

World of Warships Review - Veterans Newbies of MMOs Will Both Enjoy the High Seas Battles | COG

Added: 20.09.2015 0:17 | 78 views | 0 comments

COG Writes: Enjoy the calm seas of a safe harbour and gear your vessel up for the coming battle - World of Warships is finally here.


Blood Bowl 2 Orcs vs High Elves Gameplay Trailer

Added: 19.09.2015 7:32 | 169 views | 0 comments

Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop's famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer will release worldwide on Tuesday, September 22 on PC and consoles. Players only have a few days left to benefit from all the pre-order offers, while Steam pre-ordered players have already invaded the pitches of the pre-order beta. Today, we're unveiling the last video from the series of videos dedicated to Blood Bowl 2 races: this one is dedicated to the Orcs and the High Elves, two teams that have nothing in common. Orcs teams are very well protected, with a high average armour value. The reasonably priced cost of their players and the strength of their Blitzers and Black Orcs allow for really offensive tactics. A little bit less versatile than Humans, Orcs still offer a certain variety in their game that is not given to other equally strong races. Having access to almost unlimited funds, High Elves can afford to have better armour than other teams. They can also count on their ability to play a superb aerial game, thanks to their first class passers and catchers. First they distract their opponents by luring them to one part of the pitch, and then they throw the ball to the opposite side of the field, laughing all the way they score touch down after touch down. Blood Bowl 2 is currently available for pre-order, with, as a bonus, one of two additional races (the Wood Elves or the Lizardmen). Players who pre-order the game on Steam also receive immediate access to the Multiplayer Beta of the game, currently running! Click here for fo: Blood Bowl 2 will release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on September 22


Blood Bowl 2 Orcs vs High Elves Gameplay Video

Added: 19.09.2015 7:32 | 133 views | 0 comments

The last video from the series of videos dedicated to Blood Bowl 2 races


Blood Bowl II - Orcs vs. High Elves Official Gameplay Trailer

Added: 18.09.2015 18:40 | 103 views | 0 comments

The Gouged Eye take on the Galadrieth Gladiators in this game that combines American football with Warhammer.


Haptic Feedback Patent Could Hint At Full Touchscreen Interface On NX

Added: 18.09.2015 12:15 | 82 views | 0 comments

Article: Haptic Feedback Patent Could Hint At Full Touchscreen Interface On NX

You've got the touch

Tags: Fuse, High, Could

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