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Fireworks Simulator - GameSpot Plays

Added: 03.07.2015 16:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Jake and Mary create an explosive spectacle in Fireworks Simulator to celebrate the Fourth of July!


Doom is fast, thrilling, authentic, and deeply, hilariously gory

Added: 03.07.2015 15:41 | 28 views | 0 comments

So after all the excitable yelping coming out of last year's Quakecon, after that damnably exciting, damnably brief teaser trailer, we've now seen Doom 4 (or just plain Doom, as it's currently calling itself), by way of a couple of hefty E3 demos. And you know what? The Quakecon converts were right. The new Doom is incendiary.

Faster, harder, gorier, funnier, and altogether more brutal, Doom stands out from the swathe of its bullet-happy contemporaries with a fresh, unique, damnably satisfying-looking combat flow that nevertheless feels 100% authentically Doom. It also looks incredible, has a gloriously horrible sense of humour, and is bringing some seriously unexpected but very, very cool additions in its community-focused customisation tools. Click on, and we'll tell you all.

Shotguns. Super shotguns. Machine guns. Plasma rifles. Chainsaws. Chainsaws that carve up demons at a variety of interesting angles, often changing direction mid-hack in order maximise artistic expression. Rocket launchers. The goddamn BFG. Whatever weapon pops instinctively into your mind’s eye when you hear the word ‘Doom’, it’s in the new Doom. And when it fires, it fires like the end of days.

But there are a few new ones too. We’ve seen – in snatches – a new lightning rifle, and a couple of longer-ranged scoped weapons too. But don’t worry. Mid to close-range, rapid fire slaughter, with Doomguy sprinting through swathes of arterial spray, looks to be the order of the day, 100%. That’s because…

It’s fast, it’s ferocious, and it never, ever stops moving. From the industrial environs of Mars, to the wide, open-air killing fields of Hell, Doom’s combat is a whirling, ever-shifting carnival of weapon-changing, demon-mulching violence. On top of his expected speed (which sees him walking faster than some games let you sprint), Doomguy also has a neat new mantle move, which, alongside his double-jump, opens up a raft of verticality and on-the-fly strategic options.

You’ll never be hiding weakly behind cover, but you can duck behind a crate, climb swiftly over it, and then leap off to retaliate with a surprise shotgun burst as you hurtle through the air toward your previous attacker.

That’s how it looks right now. The combat is too fast and kinectic, and flows with too much momentum, to make static recovery any kind of an option. And the levels and multiplayer arenas we’ve seen are positively littered with health and armour pick-ups. Certain enemies will spew them out too, once you’ve burst said enemies satisfactorily all over the wall.

But that’s not to say Doom is too generous. In terms of game balance it looks more like a case of ‘keep moving, keep killing, keep healing, or die quickly’.

Taking the occasional hint from Doom 3’s more ‘realistic’ monsters, but swinging far closer to the early games’ more colourful, expressive take on biotech body-horror, the new Doom’s demons are a totally faithful, modern recreation of the same, line-up of enemies that have underpinned the series – and in fact FPS archytypes in general – for over 20 years.

Zombieman is in. Imps are in. Pinkie Demons are in (and returning as the chunky, bipedal melee-bastards we all know and love, rather than the wheel-assisted rhino-dog of Doom 3). Barons of Hell are back, as are Mancubi, Revenants, and Cacodemons, all fulfilling the same roles and behaviours they’re supposed to in Doom’s complex, quietly cerebral ecosystem. Oh, and there’s this really big demon guy too. He’s got a massive gun instead of an arm, so he’s cybernetic, as well as a demon. He’s… I don’t know, some kind of a Robodemon, I suppose you’d call him…

We’ve seen around 15 minutes of solid Doom gameplay so far. And you know what? Not a break in the action. Not a line of dialogue. Not a single pleading NPC or objective-dumping audio diary. Just Doomguy, a lot of monsters, and a lot of guns. All momentum, all the time, without a moment to look back at the trail of gore heaping up behind.

The one concession to ‘narrative’ we’ve seen comes when Doomguy fires up a data file and runs it through his mobile hologram drone, which projects a recording of previous events in the room he’s in, in a manner akin to Dark Souls’ phantoms of the fallen dead. The real-time, 3D playback shows a previous Marine dragged away by a Baron of Hell. Follow the unfortunate grunt’s final path, and you’ll find his body, and the soon-to-be-severed hand required to fire up a fingerprint lock. That’s it. No slowing of pace, no loss of control, and all information delivered in economical and gleefully brutal fashion. If Doom is going to have a story, that’s the way to deliver it.

File this one under ‘Don’t-you-dare-screw-with Doom’s-core-gameplay-Oh-actually-hang-on-yeah-let’s-have-that-new-bit-actually-because-oh-my-God-it’s-incredible’. While the new Doom looks entirely, spiritually authentic to the fast, furious, freewheeling open combat that Doom Just Is, the new melee execution mechanic is an incredibly exciting addition. It’s new, it’s fresh, it transforms things just enough to make Doom feel unique again, but crucially, it’s so well implemented that it feels like it was always there.

Do enough damage to an enemy without completely killing them, and they’ll start to glow. Get in close before they recover, and you can fire off a hilariously, triumphantly violent hand-to-hand takedown, the kind of thing that makes the earlier games’ Berserk power-up look like half a can of Redbull, watered down with camomile. Heads are twisted off. Jaws are wrenched away from heads. Entire limbs are snapped off and used to stove in any heads that may miraculously remain intact. And being delivered by Doomguy, these ‘little’ takedowns, however intricate, happen fast and furiously enough to never, ever slow down the pace of the combat. Seeing a theme here now?

This is no straightforward corridor shooter. Even the enclosed sections set in the, er, corridors of the Martian UAC base are wide, rangey, multi-levelled affairs, filled with a multitude of only semi-linear options and lines of attack at any given time. Yes, you’ll move loosely from A to B, as you always have in Doom, but when the fights break out in between, it’s going to be sandbox slaughter all the way. As it always is when Doom has been at its very best.

Beyond that, we’ve already seen some suitably twisty, turny, multi-layered level designs set in Hell, with a couple of Doom’s traditionally obtuse, explicitly teased, ‘hidden’ power-ups clearly on show.

Doom is going to have multiplayer. And it looks nuts. While the core mechanics of the campaign alone would have delivered the online game of ‘skill, fast, vertical movement, and awesome guns’ that Bethesda has promised, there’s much more than that going on here.

Domination and Clan Arena modes are joined by ‘90s classics like Freeze-Tag (a brilliant, off-kilter favourite from our Quake 3 days), and the claim of ‘very unique power-ups’ definitely seems to ring true. Grabbing a pentogram to transform into a flying, rocket-hurling Revenant, anyone? Yeah, thought so. Oh, and teleports are back, so we should probably take that to mean that telefrags are as well. Delicious.

Okay, it already looks brilliant, but this is the thing that pushes Doom over from ‘exciting’ to ‘potentially essential’. Doom has an immense history with the modding scene. Hell, the original game, and its easy-to-tweak file system, is pretty much responsible for modding being a thing in the first place. Only problem is that more recent id games, such as Doom 3 and Rage, lost the scope for all those customisable fun-times when they moved over to console. We know that Fallout 4 will have mod support on the Xbox One, by way of a natty deal between Bethesda and Microsoft, but Doom possibly has an even better solution, right across the board.

SnapMap is Doom’s in-built suite of level editing tools, and presents a dizzying number of things to build, modify, tweak, and model, all with a couple of clicks. Environmental layouts, hazards, enemy placements, game logic, event triggers… there are even a bunch of single and multi-player game mode presets, all of which can be adapted and reworked into any shape you see fit. See it as LittleBigPlanet, only in 3D, and pissing gore from every hole.

So far we only have a release window of Q1/Q2 2016, but that doesn’t mean things are going to go quiet any time soon. Quakecon at the end of July should throw up even more footage and details, and Bethesda always goes big for Gamescom in August. Expect more news throughout the summer, and probably something big around Hallowe’en. Because Hallowe’en. And Doom.

Suits:Season 5 Episode 2 - How Much Money Does Harvey Specter Make?

Added: 03.07.2015 6:15 | 29 views | 0 comments

Suits has always been about money and class. The second episode of the latest season gloated MONEY with respect to every character; Mike, Rachel, Louis, Donna and more importantly Jack Soloff asking the question, How much money does Harvey Make?


17 Video Game Villains Who Had Hidden Hearts of Gold

Added: 02.07.2015 0:07 | 20 views | 0 comments

1. Clyde the Ghost from Pac-Man

Ready for some deep Pac-Man lore? In the original game, Clyde would often change his mind and shyly beat a retreat when chasing Pac-Man. In the TV series Pac-Man and The Ghostly Adventures, Clyde’s caring personality truly blossoms. Hold on to your pellets: Even more spoilers ahead! (Photo: Namco)

2. Bowser

Bowser’s definitely a creepy princess stalker, a crime for which there’s no redemption. But in Super Mario RPG and Bowser’s Inside Story, he pulls his own weight when in saving the mushroom kingdom. He cares. He just has a hard time showing it. (Photo: Nintendo)

3. Min from Far Cry 4

If you play on the main path, the warlord Min comes off as quite the sociopath. But, at the beginning of the game, if you take his instructions at face value and wait 15 minutes for him to return, you open up an alternate ending where Min shows off his sweet side. (Photo: Ubisoft)

4. Knuckles from Sonic & Knuckles

In Sonic 3, Knuckles gives off a bad first impression as one of Dr. Robotnik’s henchman. But he’s really just a victim of the Eggman’s lying schemes. When he finds out the truth, he ultimately joins Sonic’s side. He never drops the snarling attitude, though. (Photo: SEGA)

5. The White Witch from Ni No Kuni

Cassiopea is practically the Walter White of Ni No Kuni. The White Witch broke bad for all the right reasons. When she cast the powerful Ashes of Resurrection spell, she only meant to help those around her, but ended up causing massive despair ... just, you know, without the meth. (Photo: Bandai Namco)

6. King Dedede from Kirby’s Adventure

It’s easy to miss the real story behind Kirby. King Dedede is the true hero, one who has gone to great lengths to hide the powerful star rod. But Kirby’s bumbling ineptitude almost destroys Dream Land when he assembles the device anyway and delivers it right into Nightmare’s clutches. (Photo: Nintendo)

7. Godot from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations

This prosecuting attorney with the flashy cyborg visor has a temper even hotter than the black coffee he gulps during trial. But once you learn of his undying love for Maya and Mia Fey, you can’t help but feel sorry for the fella and everything he’s endured. (Photo: Capcom)

8. Alister Azimuth from Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time

You’d think someone who practically killed Ratchet twice is irredeemable. But we know the real Alister to be a judicious rebel leader who prioritizes the salvation of the Lombaxes above all else, even his own life. (Photo: Sony)

9. Kessler from Infamous

The first Infamous title had one of the most surprising twists in video game history. Kessler may appear dastardly at first blush (the dude did kill your girlfriend after all), but what if his actions are really forcing you to develop your skills to fight the true evil ahead? (Photo: Sony)

10. GLaDOS from Portal 2

Like many real people who suffer hardships, GLaDOS’s personality undergoes a transformation through the tumultuous events of Portal 2. After the indignity of being stuck inside a potato, she finds it in her electric heart to help save Chell. (Photo: Valve)

11. Yggdrasill from Tales of Symphonia

This half-elf has a surprising backstory as a victim of racial intolerance. After his sister’s death in a war of expulsion, he goes on a civil rights crusade, which is totally understandable. He just takes it a wee bit too far. (Photo: Namco)

12. Idenn from Fire Emblem: Binding Blade

This shaman may take the form of a loathsome dragon in the final boss fight, but in her defense, her soul was destroyed more than 1,000 years ago and transformed into a demon. If you defeat her in hard mode, she recovers her soul and you get a glimpse of the playful divinity she used to be. (Photo: Nintendo)

13. The Masked Man from Mother 3

The Masked Man initially appears as a force of evil who will do anything to stop Lucas from succeeding. But his sacrificial gesture in the final battle paves the way for the destruction of the Pork Army. (Photo: Nintendo)

14. Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2

Maybe it’s time to revisit Jack’s legacy with a more generous eye. His original utopian plan to get rid of the bandits in Pandora was probably well-intentioned. Even the biggest monsters are heroes in their own stories. (2K Games)

15. Kitaniji from The World Ends With You

Following the likes of Handsome Jack, Kitaniji is another villain whose overwhelming love for a city drives him toward evil actions. But can you really blame him for loving a city as cool as Shibuya? (Photo: Square Enix)

16. Marauder Shields from Mass Effect 3

The final random enemy of your journey sacrificed himself so you wouldn’t have to see the game’s disappointing ending. The outpouring of love for Marauder Shields on image boards has given him the status of a modern-day folk hero. We salute our fallen comrade. (Photo: Electronic Arts)

17. Edea Kramer from Final Fantasy VIII

It's hard to think of a villain who has a gentler side than Edea. When you initially encounter her, she's a merciless sadist. But as the story develops you learn she's just possessed, and actually cares for destitute children in an orphanage. She's the Mother Theresa of evil sorcerers. (Photo: Square Enix)


17 Video Game Villains Who Had Hidden Hearts of Gold

Added: 02.07.2015 0:07 | 18 views | 0 comments

1. Clyde the Ghost from Pac-Man

Ready for some deep Pac-Man lore? In the original game, Clyde would often change his mind and shyly beat a retreat when chasing Pac-Man. In the TV series Pac-Man and The Ghostly Adventures, Clyde’s caring personality truly blossoms. Hold on to your pellets: Even more spoilers ahead! (Photo: Namco)

2. Bowser

Bowser’s definitely a creepy princess stalker, a crime for which there’s no redemption. But in Super Mario RPG and Bowser’s Inside Story, he pulls his own weight when in saving the mushroom kingdom. He cares. He just has a hard time showing it. (Photo: Nintendo)

3. Min from Far Cry 4

If you play on the main path, the warlord Min comes off as quite the sociopath. But, at the beginning of the game, if you take his instructions at face value and wait 15 minutes for him to return, you open up an alternate ending where Min shows off his sweet side. (Photo: Ubisoft)

4. Knuckles from Sonic & Knuckles

In Sonic 3, Knuckles gives off a bad first impression as one of Dr. Robotnik’s henchman. But he’s really just a victim of the Eggman’s lying schemes. When he finds out the truth, he ultimately joins Sonic’s side. He never drops the snarling attitude, though. (Photo: SEGA)

5. The White Witch from Ni No Kuni

Cassiopea is practically the Walter White of Ni No Kuni. The White Witch broke bad for all the right reasons. When she cast the powerful Ashes of Resurrection spell, she only meant to help those around her, but ended up causing massive despair ... just, you know, without the meth. (Photo: Bandai Namco)

6. King Dedede from Kirby’s Adventure

It’s easy to miss the real story behind Kirby. King Dedede is the true hero, one who has gone to great lengths to hide the powerful star rod. But Kirby’s bumbling ineptitude almost destroys Dream Land when he assembles the device anyway and delivers it right into Nightmare’s clutches. (Photo: Nintendo)

7. Godot from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations

This prosecuting attorney with the flashy cyborg visor has a temper even hotter than the black coffee he gulps during trial. But once you learn of his undying love for Maya and Mia Fey, you can’t help but feel sorry for the fella and everything he’s endured. (Photo: Capcom)

8. Alister Azimuth from Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time

You’d think someone who practically killed Ratchet twice is irredeemable. But we know the real Alister to be a judicious rebel leader who prioritizes the salvation of the Lombaxes above all else, even his own life. (Photo: Sony)

9. Kessler from Infamous

The first Infamous title had one of the most surprising twists in video game history. Kessler may appear dastardly at first blush (the dude did kill your girlfriend after all), but what if his actions are really forcing you to develop your skills to fight the true evil ahead? (Photo: Sony)

10. GLaDOS from Portal 2

Like many real people who suffer hardships, GLaDOS’s personality undergoes a transformation through the tumultuous events of Portal 2. After the indignity of being stuck inside a potato, she finds it in her electric heart to help save Chell. (Photo: Valve)

11. Yggdrasill from Tales of Symphonia

This half-elf has a surprising backstory as a victim of racial intolerance. After his sister’s death in a war of expulsion, he goes on a civil rights crusade, which is totally understandable. He just takes it a wee bit too far. (Photo: Namco)

12. Idenn from Fire Emblem: Binding Blade

This shaman may take the form of a loathsome dragon in the final boss fight, but in her defense, her soul was destroyed more than 1,000 years ago and transformed into a demon. If you defeat her in hard mode, she recovers her soul and you get a glimpse of the playful divinity she used to be. (Photo: Nintendo)

13. The Masked Man from Mother 3

The Masked Man initially appears as a force of evil who will do anything to stop Lucas from succeeding. But his sacrificial gesture in the final battle paves the way for the destruction of the Pork Army. (Photo: Nintendo)

14. Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2

Maybe it’s time to revisit Jack’s legacy with a more generous eye. His original utopian plan to get rid of the bandits in Pandora was probably well-intentioned. Even the biggest monsters are heroes in their own stories. (2K Games)

15. Kitaniji from The World Ends With You

Following the likes of Handsome Jack, Kitaniji is another villain whose overwhelming love for a city drives him toward evil actions. But can you really blame him for loving a city as cool as Shibuya? (Photo: Square Enix)

16. Marauder Shields from Mass Effect 3

The final random enemy of your journey sacrificed himself so you wouldn’t have to see the game’s disappointing ending. The outpouring of love for Marauder Shields on image boards has given him the status of a modern-day folk hero. We salute our fallen comrade. (Photo: Electronic Arts)

17. Edea Kramer from Final Fantasy VIII

It's hard to think of a villain who has a gentler side than Edea. When you initially encounter her, she's a merciless sadist. But as the story develops you learn she's just possessed, and actually cares for destitute children in an orphanage. She's the Mother Theresa of evil sorcerers. (Photo: Square Enix)


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