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If You Destroyed These 17 Video Game Bosses You Are Such a Badass

Added: 26.06.2015 23:50 | 14 views | 0 comments

1. Dr. Wily in Mega Man 7

Dr. Wily zooms in on a robot-crushing spacecraft shaped like a skull. It's the ending to nearly every Mega Man game, no matter how many disguises the mischievous villain tries on first. But he's never been tougher than his appearance in Mega Man 7, which requires pixel-perfect jumps and slides to avoid the ungodly amount of firepower raining down. If you've destroy him, you've got an abundance of talent. (Photo: Capcom)

2. Wizpig in Diddy Kong Racing

Before Angry Birds had its own magical porker, the almighty Wizpig reigned supreme in Diddy Kong Racing for the N64. If your monkey paws slip on the steering wheel for a fraction of a second in the race against Wizpig, you may as well start over. Wizpig turns even the most hardcore drivers into slops for the trough. (Photo: Nintendo)

3. Father Gascoigne in Bloodborne

In every Souls game, there's a boss that tests your commitment to the game's marathon of endurance. Father G in Bloodborne fills that role. With a killer beast lunge that pounds your hunter into gravestones, Father G is bootcamp for Bloodborne babies. If you emerge from the fight alive, the paleblood sky belongs to you. (Photo: Sony)

4. Mr. Sandman in Punch-Out!!

Mike Tyson gets all the infamy for frustrating end-game fisticuffs. But the newest Wii Punch-Out!! game has a seriously brutal challenger guarding the credits scene: Mr. Sandman. This heavyweight champ pulls no punches in a devastating fight that's nearly equal to the 8-bit Iron Mike. (Photo: Nintendo)

5. Inbachi in Dodonpachi Saidaioujou

If you've ever wandered down the dark alley of bullet-hell shoot 'em ups, you know this one has to be on the list. Inbachi from Dodonpachi Saidaioujou is so tough, very few fighter pilots survive the battle to tell the tale. One look at that screen filled with beautiful bullets is enough to give the boldest of navigators second thoughts. (Photo: Cave)

6. Jasper Batt Jr. in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

There's a reason this game is called Desperate Struggle, and that reason is Jasper Batt Jr. This final boss has got a range of phases and attacks, including a charged-up triple punch and an overhead strike so severe it'll give you migraines just witnessing it. If you manage to get him to his massive ultimate form, featured above, you're only a few belly combos away from victory, along with another proud notch on your boss-beating belt. (Photo: Ubisoft)

7. Bowser in Kaizo Mario World 2

Bowser might be the most frequent boss you'll encounter in your career as a video game hero, but he's a quantity-over-quality kinda fella. He's rarely more than a push over ... until you face him in the devilish fan remix Kaizo Mario World 2. Mario has to swim upstream against invisible water and a barrage of bad guys before he can even begin to attempt a fight against the Koopa King. (Photo: T. Takemoto)

8. Agni and Rudra in Devil May Cry 3

If you haven't mastered the Revolver combo by the time you meet this duo, Dante's as good as toast. An excellent defense is important too. Don't worry about looking like a rolling maniac trying to dodge their attacks. If you can bring them down in Dante Must Die mode, you deserve a Triple S for Stylish. (Photo: Capcom)

9. Fire Leo in Viewtiful Joe

Before director Hideki Kamiya beat us into submission with the menacing bosses of Bayonetta, he was walloping GameCube and PS2 owners with the super villains of Viewtiful Joe. The meanest of them all was the Inferno Lord, Fire Leo. If you survive the majority of the battle with him, he punishes you by ramping up his speed and unleashing a frenzy of fireballs. (Photo: Capcom)

10. Luca Blight in Suikoden II

It doesn't matter how strong of a party you assemble by the time you meet this murderous psychopath; Luca Blight will take them all down. You're in a race against time, so get your strongest magicians to rain down lightning from heaven as quickly as you can. This guy deserves your rage. (Photo: Konami)

11. Rajang in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

If you're a Monster Hunter neophyte, then all of the beasts in the game can seem intimidating. But Apex Rajang stonewalls even the most talented of warriors. You'll want to collect a group of three pals to take him down, and just prepare to get a faceful of laser. (Photo: Capcom)

12. Old King Allant in Demon's Souls

By now, the Souls series is synonymous with difficulty, but because Demon's Souls was the first game in the franchise, no one quite knew how vicious these games could get. All it takes is a permanent drain of your soul level to figure out Old King Allant means business. He's not the hardest Souls boss of all time, but he may be the most famous wake-up call. (Photo: Sony)

13. Penance in Final Fantasy X

There's standard grinding for experience in RPGs, and then there's the NEXT-LEVEL hellish quest of grinding required to take on the ultra-powerful optional boss Penance. His ultimate attack is appropriately named Judgment Day, dealing 99,999 HP of damage instantly against all of your party members. You've gotta fight for your right just to confront him. (Photo: Square Enix)

14. Boost Guardian in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

The sequel to Metroid Prime never got quite the same love as the original, and we're pretty sure the Boost Guardian boss has something to do with that. This nasty piece of work has an invulnerable morph ball and a devastating damage-dealing boost ball attack. (Photo: Nintendo)

15. Dark Demon from Demon's Crest

Dark Demon is a bit of a deep cut for masochistic Ghosts 'n Goblins fans who somehow didn't think that game was tough enough. This monstrosity isn't impossible to beat; he's just completely infuriating. It takes the patience of a saint to destroy this skeletal wraith from hell. (Photo: Capcom)

16. Culex in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Super Mario RPG feels like a role-playing game with training wheels on, unless you accidentally stumble upon the optional boss Culex, who will wreck your party with the furious flair of a grown-up Square boss. It all comes down to those deceptively bright crystals. Mario and company could use some help from the four heroes of light. (Photo: Nintendo)

17. Hiruko Ubusuna in Shinobi

The classic Shinobi franchise makes a grand return on the PlayStation 2, reviving the hardcore ninja arts after generations of slumber. The game pack a brutal experience, culminating in Hiruko Ubusuna, a boss so hard it often takes players months of practice to beat him. If you manage to restore peace to the Golden Palace, come collect your gold star. (Photo: Sega)


New Hunter Added to Evolve

Added: 24.06.2015 20:23 | 10 views | 0 comments

Hunting Season 2, including new Monster and four new Hunters with all-new gameplay mechanics, now available for purchase


Monster Jam Battlegrounds Released for PC/Xbox 360, PS3 Version Follows Soon, Launch Video/Screens Available

Added: 24.06.2015 20:08 | 9 views | 0 comments

Licensed Monster Jam game with authentic stadiums and monster trucks roaring into Steam, Xbox 360 Marketplace, and PlayStation Store


Fallout 4#39;s concept art is a vault full of clues

Added: 23.06.2015 23:40 | 57 views | 0 comments

Fallout 4's only five months away, and yet we don't really know all that much about it. While E3 2015 certainly provided us with a wealth of information, we've still got a ton of questions. What's it about? Why is it so colorful? What locations can we visit? We've gleaned a few details here and there from Bethesda's conference and various interviews and quotes we heard from the show floor, but it's not enough. We want to know more.

So, we did what any rational person would do: we combed through the Bethesda conference frame by frame and analyzed every single piece of concept art for any scrap of information we could find. While there's no guarantee any of this stuff will end up in the final game, these drawings give us a good indication of what to expect - or, at the very least, a few ideas the developers formed during the creation of Fallout 4.

The man in the center is clearly irradiated, and most likely a ghoul from the looks of it. He's also dressed like… is that a Redcoat? It is set in Boston, so I wonder if there's some American Revolution reenactment going on here. There's a lot going on in this image. You've got the Brotherhood of Steel in the foreground and the redcoat in the background (possibly the same one as above?), and they're both fighting alongside our protagonist. Perhaps you'll be able to call upon them as your companions, and maybe they'll even both join up at the same time? Also, look off in the distance - we've got airships blowing up. Will air travel play a significant role - and will you get to call upon them in battle? We've had super mutants show up before, but super mutants in power armor? That's new. We've seen video footage of how the player can equip and use power armor, but here's some concepts of a few mutants who are just as decked out. Perhaps society has moved on if mutants are equipping themselves with high-tech gear?. The image to the left also suggests that the mutants themselves might be evolving into something a bit more … sophisticated. Looks like you'll meet a few children on your journey, and the one front and center here looks like she's more than capable of defending herself. She's got a lunch box and a backpack, like she's headed off to school. She looks confident; like carrying a golf club to fend off radroaches is just part of her daily routine. Could be another sign of humanity trying to return to some kind of pre-war normalcy in a post-apocalyptic world. And of course, the mutated, two-headed cows (or brahmin) make a return. While we don't know the exact places you'll go in Fallout 4's futuristic version of Boston, we're able to make a few educated guesses about the kinds of places you'll see. This looks like a very New England-style Ivy league school - something from , perhaps? Considering the last image, maybe there's actual learning going on in these halls. Here's a good one. To the left, you'll see a picture of an alien that looks like he came right out of a 1950s comic book. Fallout 3 delved into the potential existence of life on other planets (especially in the Mothership Zeta add-on). Above the alien? Could be a member of Caesar's Legion. And who are the guys in the middle? They look like a cross between Vault dwellers and spacemen. Considering their helmets, the white 'wings' motif on the shoulder, and the inclusion of various aircraft in previous and future slides, they're probably some kind of test pilot. This garage looks like it's seen better days. Hopefully that power armor still works. There's another alien in the bottom right, and it looks slightly different from the one we've seen before. A variation? A different species? Or just a redesign? They've usually been relegated to smaller Easter egg moments or DLC before, but considering their prominence in these images, it seems like they might play a pretty important role in Fallout 4. We've got a dapper gentleman in the middle, a child in rags at the bottom, and a few examples of a bowling outfit - complete with bowling ball. I wonder just how much the pre-war section of Fallout 4 is going to encompass. Can we expect some kind of bowling mini-game? Also, there's a particularly creepy image of some monsters in a dark tunnel. And to the left - is that a new kind of mutant? Fallout 4's ecosystem appears to be growing considerably since Fallout 3. Two-headed deer are new, as are bats (which you can see in the very top-left in the image). The inclusion of bats in Fallout 4 is an interesting one, considering that they would have appeared in the original Black Isle-developed version of Fallout 3 - before it was cancelled, of course. We learned during Bethesda's presentation that Fallout 4 will start before the bombs drop, and here's a piece of art that showcases the major beats from those opening moments. And seriously, who's that creeper peeking in from behind the image on the left? He's got to be some new kind of hulking mutant, but is he friend or foe? The blast didn't cause this. Look at the flat landscape around the ship, and the pools of water that still remain. Or the the rotting trees. Or the state of disrepair of the ship. This area was flooded, and the images of seagulls and yachts only reinforce how important water is to Fallout 4. We've been assaulted by nautical imagery (and there's more ahead) which leads us to believe that Project Purity was a smashing success. Life is beginning to return to the wasteland, and people have begun to 're-colonize', so to speak, finding some small portion of their old life mixed with the new. It's why everything looks so much more vibrant in these images than they did in past games. As for this image, he's looking out to sea. What could be out there? New lands to explore? Sunken treasure? New threats to face? Either way, the open ocean seems to play a huge part of whatever adventure you'll find yourself on. Some examples of several different outposts you'd see in the wasteland. There's the big one in the middle, but you've also got a treehouse and a rebuilt skyscraper. Fallout 4's cities are going to be much more varied and full of life than they've ever been. Based on the wide variety of locations, it appears much more fragmented as well. I wonder how much time has passed between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, and if humanity's doing a good job recovering from the initial blast. It would seem that whoever was working on this dig wasn't quite fast enough, considering the general state of disarray, all of the dead trees in the background, and the lake that's formed in the meantime. Yep, flooding again. There's a lot of death still in the air, but life appears to be rapidly returning to the world. We've seen Red Rocket gas stations before in Fallout 3, but it appears the East Coast branch of the franchise received a bit of a redesign. What's teresting, however, is that sweet-looking bowgun in the lower left - finally making its way into an official Fallout release after all these years. You just know that thing will come with exploding crossbow bolts. That image in the center is interesting - like a petroleum container of some kind? - but the image my eyes are drawn to is the one above it. That looks like a submarine - likely Chinese, if the crest is any indication. Maybe some underwater action is in our future? Given the protagonist's focus looking out to sea in a previous image, chances are pretty good. Other images worth pointing out include the bottom-left (some kind of new energy weapon) and the bottom-middle. Different haircuts on the same face - NPC variants or part of the character creation tools? The poor robot (which appears to be a new addition to the series) is doing its best to keep the dirt farm thriving. Meanwhile, that heavily armed bandit in the upper right looks like a real bad time. Joking aside, the fact that anyone is even attempting to farm in this wasteland is further proof that life is starting to come back to the area, and humans are rediscovering the joys of agriculture. Hopefully one of them is that sweet, colonial-era ship in the bottom right - unless it's been turned into a colonial airship, which would be awesome. Either way, the colonial era looks like it's going to be just as big as the nautical theme, and the society that's sprung up from Boston's ashes is taking a liking to tri-corner hats. Ten bucks says there's a group that calls themselves the Tea Party. The buildings off in the distance (like the air traffic control tower) are appropriately futuristic, almost like flying saucers. The planes around them look like they've seen better days, though. This looks like a very interesting (and possibly major) location in the final game. Perhaps there's a mission to get a Vertibird working. "What Vertibird," you ask? Well... Take a glance at the background - is that the same airport as before? Will we be able to ride around on Vertibirds? Is this a mission where we get to steal our own? Can this just be the entire game please? OK, yeah, this looks cool. Here, we've got a fully-functional airship, just trucking along in the atmosphere. It's got some nautical flags up at the top, and much of it looks like it's been customized from other parts. Those engines on the side look like they've been ripped from a Vertibird, though how they've been able to get this giant hunk of metal in the air is... impressive. I wonder if you'll get to fly it? Commerce blooms in what looks like the central hub for this particular town. This is Diamond City, which appears to be located in a reinforced Fenway Park. Look at the massive light structures in the background - and is that the poking out above the other structures? I wonder if they keep a literal Green Monster around to guard it. If there's a surefire way to ensure ladies don't frequent your establishment, it's putting "Ladies Invited" on a sign in neon lights. Also, what is Memory Den? Perhaps someone monetized that simulation program you find in Fallout 3? Maybe that's why there's so much pre-war art here - people have found a way to virtually live out what life was like before the bombs dropped. Are these pods related to the Memory Den? They certainly look like the from Fallout 3. Or maybe they're some kind of sleep or purification chamber. Whatever they are, this room screams high-society. Look out the window - you can see the sky, so this is probably near the top of some high-rise somewhere. Maybe VR is a special luxury for the upper-class? Here's the biggest evidence for inland flooding thus far. Look how close the shoreline is to these buildings. If Project Purity was, in fact, a success, this ocean is probably mostly clean by now. So yeah, you'll totally be exploring a decaying, flooded, Venice-style city at some point. Boston looks like a much more varied wasteland than either Washington DC or new Vegas. Swamps, for instance, are new to Fallout 4, and are likely a result of all of the flooding that took place since Fallout 3. Wading through water used to be fatal (unless you had a huge stash of RadAway), but here, it would appear that walking through water is perfectly safe - well, except for those monsters in the distance. You won't get radiation sickness, anyway. Nature appears to be reclaiming the land once ruined by humanity. Even in the ruined landscape of the post-apocalypse, there's still room for adorable puppies and kitties. Look at the image at the bottom left - dogs being walked by some kind of floating robot? Is this a pre-war image, or perhaps the return of some kind of posh, upper-class society returning to the wasteland? It would gel with the player's Jeeves-ian butler robot and the more refined colonial look that appears to be spreading. And is that a Fatboy up top? Looks much sleeker than previous models.
Price drop: $12.00 off Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Game Wii U, now only $51.99

Added: 23.06.2015 17:20 | 28 views | 0 comments

Save $12.00 on Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Game Wii U! The price of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Game Wii U has been dropped by $12.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


Horizon Zero Dawn Is Like A Beautiful Robo-Jurassic Park

Added: 21.06.2015 21:16 | 14 views | 0 comments

What do you get if you take Monster Hunter and add Jurassic Park and The Discovery Channel? The answer is Horizon Zero Dawn. Game Players Review takes a look at one of the most promising games of the year.


Monster High New Ghoul In School E3 2015 Screens

Added: 20.06.2015 17:24 | 6 views | 0 comments

Are you ready to be the new ghoul in school?


Eight Things You Should Know About World Of Final Fantasy

Added: 19.06.2015 15:16 | 16 views | 0 comments

Kotaku: During an interview at E3 in Los Angeles earlier this week, director Hiroki Chiba (who most recently worked on the very adult Final Fantasy Type-0) shared some details about this chibi game, which, as it turns out, isnt just another Monster Hunter clone or childrens title. Chiba says its a genuine turn-based RPG, which may seem surprising to anyone who saw the trailer. But hey, this one might be worth a look for JRPG fans.


Evolve Hunting Season 2 Announced

Added: 19.06.2015 8:23 | 5 views | 0 comments

Hunting Season 2 to include new Monster and four new Hunters that introduce all-new gameplay mechanics

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