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From: www.gamesradar.com

These Are the Songs in Life is Strange

Added: 07.03.2015 14:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

studio Dontnod and publisher Square Enix, launched earlier this year. One of the elements that has enchanted players is the game's soundtrack, a beautifully curated list of soft tones and emotional ballads.

The track list for the series is below. Many of these tunes show up in Episode 1, Chrysalis, or will make an appearance in Episode 2, Out of Time. Many are from a Paris-based artist named Syd Matters, who composed much of the music you hear as you explore areas. The rest are licensed tracks, which are heard when Max puts on a CD or her headphones.

Happy listening!

"Crosses" by Jose Gonzalez

"Kids Will Be Skeletons" by Mogwai

"Got Well Soon" by Breton

"In My Mind (Feat. Brian Viglione)" by Amanda Palmer, Brian Vigilione

"Lua" by Bright Eyes

"Mountains" by Message to Bears

"Mt. Washington" by Local Natives

"Obstacles" by Syd Matters

"Piano Fire" by Sparklehorse

"Santa Monica Dream" by Angus and Julia Stone

"Something Good" by alt-J

"The sense of me" by Mud Flow

"To All of You" by Syd Matters

From: www.gamespot.com

Why The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Does Combat Right

Added: 04.03.2015 22:09 | 8 views | 0 comments

Jamie writes: "With this week being GDC, of course there are a tonne of gameplay videos for upcoming games hitting our screens. Weve just been checking out a cheeky little video of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, which looked gorgeous and wasnt even running on maximum settings (see it here). Something that stood out to us while we were watching was the combat, how its completely different to that of any other game weve played or seen to date, previous Witcher games aside."

From: n4g.com

Is Virtual Reality Closer Than Ever?

Added: 02.03.2015 22:09 | 9 views | 0 comments

Something we know is that people always like innovative technology, and, with movies like Back to the Future promising hi-tech things since the eighties, it is no surprise that we all want something that makes us feel like our present is actually the future.

From: n4g.com

Video: This Recreation of The Legend of Zelda in Minecraft is Something to Behold

Added: 01.03.2015 12:10 | 10 views | 0 comments

Article: Video: This Recreation of The Legend of Zelda in Minecraft is Something to Behold


From: www.nintendolife.com

Street Fighter 5 roster: who#39;s in, and who we want

Added: 27.02.2015 22:08 | 22 views | 0 comments

For all the flashy graphics, cool moves, and complex combos, a fighting game is only as good as its cast. Without a strong roster of compelling, unique fighters to choose from, brawls will end up feeling kinda 'meh'. But Capcom's legendary Street Fighter series has always offered a diverse range of awesome characters - and it looks like will be no different. Whereas Street Fighter 4 put a lot of emphasis on its eccentric newcomers, SF5 looks like it'll bring back old favorites - with a few new twists.

Only a handful of fighters have been revealed so far, but rumors are always afoot about who might secure a spot in the roster. We've rounded up all the for-sure fighters who will be in SF5 - and just for the fun of it, included our picks for some hopefuls (or ridiculous long-shots) that might make a return. So, which character will you be choosing as your go-to main? Time to make your selection.

These guys and gals will definitely be in Street Fighter 5.

It simply wouldn't be Street Fighter without series frontman Ryu. With his iconic gi, noble fighting spirit, and fireballs aplenty, Ryu is back to kick some butt in SF5. As always, his suite of specials - hadokens, shoryukens, and hurricane kicks - make him a well-rounded fighter that can deal with any situation, against any opponent. Ryu's the kind of character that appeals to beginners and veterans alike, thanks to his versatility and timeless moveset.

In SF5, Ryu seems to have retained his signature moves - including his normal attacks, such as the crouching medium kick that easily combos into a point-blank hadoken. Though not much has been disclosed about the so-called 'V-Trigger' ability in SF5, it seems to provide fighters with a burst of elemental power. Fittingly, Ryu's V-Trigger is themed around lightning, which makes us think of the old .

The first lady of fighting games is back, and it looks like her kung fu is better than ever. You no doubt know Chun-Li for her adorable hair buns, spiked bracelets, and thigh muscles that look beefy enough to snap bones like twigs. Like Ryu, Chun-Li has her standard special moves at the ready: lightweight kikoken projectiles, lightning legs that strike like a machine gun, and a variety of tricky flip kicks that can throw opponents off-balance.

Her playstyle favors agility over big damage, but Chun-Li's more than capable of some devastating combos and meaty hits. Counter to Ryu's lightning-based V-Trigger, Chun-Li seems to enhance herself with the power of flowing water, which makes her Spinning Bird Kick look like a whirlpool of death. It also look like she's got a few new normal attacks, such as a peculiar crouching fierce(?) punch that slides her ever-so-slightly forward.

In English versions of Street Fighter, he's Charlie; in Japanese, he's Nash. Convenient, then, that his full name clears up any possibility of mistaken identity. Charlie is a staple of the Street Fighter Alpha series, before he met a heroic end saving Guile and Chun-Li from a fatal explosion. So if he's dead, how is he back for SF5? One look at his new form, which appears to be bits and pieces of rotting flesh stapled together like Frankenstein's monster, should provide some answers.

Not only has Charlie's appearance changed - he also has some new game-changing special moves in addition to his previous toolkit of sonic booms and flash kicks. Through some kind of strange magic (no doubt related to the jewel embedded in his forehead), Charlie can now teleport around the screen for devious mix-up opportunities. He's also got what looks like a descending flash kick, as well as a face-electrifying command grab. Crazy!

For us, the moment M. Bison returned to Street Fighter was the most important day of our lives. But for him... it was Tuesday. The classic big-bad of Street Fighter is back, provided we're not misinterpreting the stinger at the end of Charlie's reveal trailer. Known for his devastating Psycho Crusher and unrelenting Scissor Kicks, M. Bison is the perfect fit for players that like to apply pressure on their opponents and never let up.

We've yet to see his full moveset, but one thing's for certain: Bison will definitely be sporting that classic dictator's cap of his. It kinda looks like he's got signature cape on, as well - but it's hard to tell before he explodes the camera with a burst of Psycho energy (complete with menacing laugh).

These characters are likely to be included in SF5's roster, but there's no official word from Capcom as of yet.

Acting as the American yin to Ryu's Japanese yang, Ken Masters is as much a part of the series as his trusty sparring partner. His trademark fiery dragon punch is always a crowd-pleaser, and Ken's quicker hurricane kicks offer just enough variety to distinguish his Shotokan fighting style from Ryu's (they did study under the same master, after all). Plus, what would flowchart following gamers do without him?

Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger Uppercut! With the way people gravitated to him when SF4 first debuted, Sagat seems like a no-brainer addition to the hypothetical SF5 roster. Less of a villain and more of a principled antihero, Sagat's eye patch, scar, and obsession with moves named after large feral cats are all a well-established part of Street Fighter lore. We're just hoping that, if he is in SF5, he won't be as overpowered as he was in his first SF4 incarnation.

Of the four brand-new fighters to be introduced in the Street Fighter 4 roster, Viper's the one with the most staying power. Capcom set out to create a cool, technically complex heroine that felt like she could belong in the King of Fighters universe, and the result was a hit with players who don't mind difficult inputs for combos. Plus, her part in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 made her something of a hit - her crazy Seismic Hammer and Thunder Knuckle setups are always a sight to behold.

Believe it or not, Poison had never been playable until Street Fighter X Tekken (unless you somehow picked up the ridiculously obscure Final Fight Revenge). But popular demand spurred Yoshinori Ono to include her in the game, and the resulting elation following her announcement was an encouraging sign for fans of the transgendered fighter. Now, with two fighting games under her belt - including a strong showing in Ultra Street Fighter 4 - there's no reason Poison can't come back for SF5.

Here's another female fighter who should totally stick around for SF5. Ibuki makes up for her relatively weak damage by having some of the trickiest mobility in the game, letting a skilled player dash circles around their confused opponent. Adding her to the Super Street Fighter 4 roster was a stroke of genius, and her aerial attacks and kunai-tossing work just as well in 2.5D as they do in regular ol' 2D.

Alright, we could probably go on stating obvious character inclusions all day. Blanka, Zangief, E. Honda, Dhalsim - we have no doubt in our minds that they'd make the cut for SF5, and if they're ever confirmed, we'll gladly add them to the list. But it's interesting to hypothesize about the borderline characters; fighters who have enough clout to sneak their way into the SF5 roster. The more the merrier, we say, so if Capcom sees fit to include the followings fighters, we'd be delighted.

Despite only appearing in Street Fighter Alpha 3, Karin’s a fan favorite who never misses the chance to demean her assailants. Born into the rich Kanzuki family, Karin fancies herself to be Sakura's rival after Sakura trounced her in a scuffle. Like Dudley, she’s always accompanied by her loyal butler; unlike Dudley, she rarely treats her butler with much respect. But all is forgiven when you see her crazy kick loops in the corner!

Everyone's favorite loincloth-wearing tyrant deserves to make the jump to 3D. Ever since he debuted in Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact, he's been a fairly popular mid-to-high-tier character, knee-dropping and Chariot Tackle-ing his opponents into oblivion. His Aegis Reflector super move can also be a game-changer, bouncing back incoming projectiles and setting up nasty unblockables on knockdown. We'd gladly welcome this metal-controlling megalomaniac into the SF5 roster.

When it comes to Capcom games, Maki’s been around the digital block. First appearing in Final Fight 2 as an analogue for the absent Guy, Maki resurfaced in Capcom vs SNK 2 before finally landing a gig in the Street Fighter lineage, with a slot in the Street Fighter Alpha 3 ports for the Game Boy Advance and PSP. Like Guy, she's another disciple of the Bushin-ryu style, using her tonfa to lay the smackdown on Mad Gear goons and rivals alike. Maki and Ibuki would get along like ninja peas in a pod.

It seems like SF fans have been quietly waiting to see the triumphant return of Q. This terribly mysterious fighter might be man, machine, or monster - no one's seen underneath his metal mask and lived to tell about it. His fighting style is also quite unlike any other character in the series' history: a sort of lanky, lumbering brute that can withstand absurd amounts of punishment when played correctly. Something tells us that Q is just enough of an oddball sleeper hit to make it into the next game.

This zany pro wrestler has only appeared in Street Fighter Alpha 3, but she gets a nod in SFxT via Kuma's alternate costume. With her ridiculously impractical attire and a grappling style fashioned after Zangief's piledrivers, R. Mika deserves life in 3D for the next crossover. Like Hugo, she utilizes her butt as a weapon, flinging herself into the opponent backside first for maximum damage. It's all for her fans, and the Japanese wrestler's moxie comes through in her win quotes: "Don't underestimate me! I believe in my dreams!"

So, which fighter are you planning to play as (or hoping makes a comeback)? Let us know in the comments below!

And if you're looking for more, check out .

What Does The Scanner Something Something Over 9,000 Zombies Review | GIZORAMA

Added: 26.02.2015 9:10 | 10 views | 0 comments

Tim Allen, GIZORAMA - "Over 9000 Zombies! (henceforth referred to as O9Z) is indeed a zombie game, but one that tries for something a bit different. Avoiding both the character-based pathos of something striving for deepness like Dead Island and the joyless slog of repeatedly dying naked and alone in a forest like Rust, Dying Light, or any of the me-toos the survival genre has spawned, O9Z gets right to the rotting heart of things."

From: n4g.com

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Review | XBA

Added: 24.02.2015 11:10 | 9 views | 0 comments

XBA: Hey, everyone! Barry's back, and he's brought a foul-mouthed daughter with him! He's brought along a load of guns too. Oh, Barry! Welcome to the first episode of Resident Evil: Revelations 2, the evolution of the previous game's episodic structure that's actually, properly episodic. But is it a return to the series survival horror roots (again) or another action-packed romp (also again)? You play as Claire Redfield and Barry's daughter Moira Burton in one half and Barry Burton and mysterious little girl Natalya Korda in the second, covering all of the bases once more with one slanted towards classic Resident Evil survival horror and the other weighted more towards the gung-ho end of the spectrum. Something for everyone, then.

From: n4g.com

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