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Just kiss already! Gaming couples that are meant to be

Added: 10.02.2015 22:00 | 20 views | 0 comments

It's a classic trope in the entertainment industry. Take your hero and his or her obvious love interest, add in some long, meaningful stares and a few moments when they almost kiss, and then tease, tease, tease. It's all-too-obvious to their friends, enemies, and everyone else in the surrounding solar system that these two are meant to be together - but for whatever reason they just won't seal the deal (with a kiss, I mean).

Video games have their fair share of long-standing relationships, ever teetering on the edge of romance. Granted, these couples have a lot on their minds and not a lot of time for love, what with having to save the world and all that. With any luck some of the entrants on this list will stop opening chests long enough to open up about how they feel - after they've defeated the last boss, of course.

Fair warning, we're going to get into spoiler territory with all games mentioned.

They first met back in: The Legend of Zelda (1986)

There have been many women in Link's many lives, but none have featured as prominently as Princess Zelda. Throughout the ages, these two have been brought together time and again, as if the fates themselves were conspiring on their behalf. Even so, their relationship has never evolved beyond a kiss on the cheek or a brush of the hands. Despite the fact that they've saved each other's skin over and over - and clearly care for one another - neither has been willing to string those three little words together.

Remember Spirit Tracks? Remember all the long, meaningful glances, blushing, and hand holding going on in that game? Or what about Skyward Sword, where it's implied that Link and Zelda end up together after Zelda decides to remain on the surface, but who's to say for sure? There are some exceptions, of course, such as in Twilight Princess where childhood friend Ilia is Link's main squeeze. But these are the exceptions. Maybe one day Zelda will

They first met back in: Kingdom Hearts (2002)

Poor Sora just can't spit it out, can he? Since the beginning of the franchise, Kingdom Hearts has been playing up Sora's feelings for Kairi. But there's always another quest - or another kidnapping - that keeps the two apart. In Kingdom Hearts 2, Saix even tells Kairi she is "the fire that feeds Sora's anger," which sounds like a really weird thing to write on a Valentine's Day card.

The ways and means in which the Kingdom Hearts games telegraph Sora's feelings for Kairi (and vice versa) are so frequent and numerous that I can't squeeze them all into this paragraph - let alone this feature. Needless to say, these young lovers have been pining for each other for well over a decade now, and apparently we've had to wait for the power of next-gen consoles to finally bring them together.

They first met back in: Resident Evil 2 (1998)

Ah, now here's a fun couple. Despite the fact that they're always pointing loaded firearms at each other, openly attacking each other, and periodically double-crossing each other, Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy have been doing the Resident Evil-equivalent of flirting for the past 17 years. One of them had better make a move before they finally kill each other for good.

In all seriousness, Ada does seem to harbor some genuine affection for the often bewildered Leon. One of the most prominent examples , where an injured Ada confesses "I don't want to lose you." More recent examples can be found in Resident Evil 4 and 6, where Ada seems to jump between toying with Leon and expressing genuine empathy. Of course, since Ada can only express herself in cliched, action movie dialog at that point, getting her true feelings across is a challenge.

They first met back in: StarCraft (1998)

Love conquers all, right? Right? Perhaps, but Kerrigan - better known by her punk rock moniker The Queen of Blades - is betting it'll take more than some mushy feelings to bring down an ancient evil threatening the galaxy. And she reached that conclusion just moments after finishing her first date with on-again, off-again squeeze Jim Raynor. Granted, this "date" involved teaming up to murder an old man in his office, but let's not get into semantics.

Kerrigan and Jim are destined to fail, and that's exactly why you want to root for them. Their jobs come first for the time being, what with that ancient galactic evil and all, but when Jim finally puts down the bottle and Kerrigan hangs up those blades, wouldn't it be nice to see the two of them ride off into the galactic sunset together? Maybe I'm just a romantic...

They first met back in: Prince of Persia (2008)

Healthy relationships are not without conflict and turmoil. It's overcoming these rough patches, and moving forward, that makes a relationship strong. Elika and the Prince have certainly experienced their fair share of turmoil. After going on an adventure together filled with teamwork and flirtatious remarks, the stage seemed set for a classic "happily ever after" ending. Instead, it went sour, in a big way.

You see, at the end of the game the Prince is faced with a sadistic choice: either let the woman he's fallen for remain dead, or let an ancient evil rise again (thereby undoing everything accomplished in the game) to bring her back to life. He chooses the latter, and she resents him for it. Sadly, with no sequel plans on the horizon, it is unlikely these two will ever get to work out their whole resurrection disagreement and make amends, in spite of the chemistry they share.

They first met back in: Half-Life 2 (2004)

This is an odd one, seeing as how Gordon's perpetual silence makes their relationship a little one-sided. Or maybe you're one of those people who thinks Gordon is talking and we, the players, just can't hear him. At any rate, the games have heavily implied Gordon and Alyx are destined to be together, with the bubbly Alyx taking a liking to the stoic doctor from the moment they first meet.

After that fateful encounter, the pair save each other's skin a few times, with the most memorable - and relationship-affirming - instance occurring in Half-Life 2: Episode 2. Here, Alyx is mortally wounded, and through an ancient, alien ritual she is healed with the aid of the Vortigaunts who "weave the Freeman's life with her's." Alyx seems cool with all this, and even gets a little flustered when her father mentions the possibility of grandchildren. All that's left is an affirmation of love fans have been waiting eight years (and counting) to hear.

They first met back in: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (2010)

Monkey and Trip go through a real relationship arc throughout the events of Enslaved. They start out as, essentially, adversaries, with Monkey acting as Trip's unwilling slave and guide through the robot-infested wasteland. Gradually, their budding relationship grows into a sort of begrudging acceptance, then friendship, and then something more than friendship.

This all culminates in Trip offering to release Monkey from his servitude, and Monkey choosing to remain by her side. At this point it's clear just from the looks they give each other that these two are in love, but that all sort of gets swept under the rug once the ending starts. Somewhere between all the giant robots and the memory pyramid Monkey and Trip's relationship falls by the wayside, presumably to be picked up in a sequel we'll likely never see.

Life is too short for missed opportunities. Better to have loved and lost, as they say, than to have never loved at all. And when you have an attraction as strong as the entrants on this list, the whole 'love' part should come pretty naturally. Rejection sucks, sure, but you can't let it slow you down when the love of your life could be on the line.

And for more lovey-dovey fun on GR+ be sure to check out .

Just kiss already! Gaming couples that are meant to be

Added: 10.02.2015 22:00 | 18 views | 0 comments

It's a classic trope in the entertainment industry. Take your hero and his or her obvious love interest, add in some long, meaningful stares and a few moments when they almost kiss, and then tease, tease, tease. It's all-too-obvious to their friends, enemies, and everyone else in the surrounding solar system that these two are meant to be together - but for whatever reason they just won't seal the deal (with a kiss, I mean).

Video games have their fair share of long-standing relationships, ever teetering on the edge of romance. Granted, these couples have a lot on their minds and not a lot of time for love, what with having to save the world and all that. With any luck some of the entrants on this list will stop opening chests long enough to open up about how they feel - after they've defeated the last boss, of course.

Fair warning, we're going to get into spoiler territory with all games mentioned.

They first met back in: The Legend of Zelda (1986)

There have been many women in Link's many lives, but none have featured as prominently as Princess Zelda. Throughout the ages, these two have been brought together time and again, as if the fates themselves were conspiring on their behalf. Even so, their relationship has never evolved beyond a kiss on the cheek or a brush of the hands. Despite the fact that they've saved each other's skin over and over - and clearly care for one another - neither has been willing to string those three little words together. Though to be fair, the fact almost every game is a mini-reboot, seemingly casting them both back into the reincarnation pool at its end, hardly helps.

Remember Spirit Tracks? Remember all the long, meaningful glances, blushing, and hand holding going on in that game? Or what about Skyward Sword, where it's implied that Link and Zelda end up together after Zelda decides to remain on the surface, but who's to say for sure? There are some exceptions, of course, such as in Twilight Princess where childhood friend Ilia is Link's main squeeze. But these are the exceptions. Maybe one day Zelda will

They first met back in: Kingdom Hearts (2002)

Poor Sora just can't spit it out, can he? Since the beginning of the franchise, Kingdom Hearts has been playing up Sora's feelings for Kairi. But there's always another quest - or another kidnapping - that keeps the two apart. In Kingdom Hearts 2, Saix even tells Kairi she is "the fire that feeds Sora's anger," which sounds like a really weird thing to write on a Valentine's Day card.

The ways and means in which the Kingdom Hearts games telegraph Sora's feelings for Kairi (and vice versa) are so frequent and numerous that I can't squeeze them all into this paragraph - let alone this feature. Needless to say, these young lovers have been pining for each other for well over a decade now, and apparently we've had to wait for the power of next-gen consoles to (presumably) finally bring them together.

They first met back in: Resident Evil 2 (1998)

Ah, now here's a fun couple. Despite the fact that they're always pointing loaded firearms at each other, openly attacking each other, and periodically double-crossing each other, Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy have been doing the Resident Evil-equivalent of flirting for the past 17 years. One of them had better make a move before they finally kill each other for good.

In all seriousness, Ada does seem to harbor some genuine affection for the often bewildered Leon. One of the most prominent examples , where an injured Ada confesses "I don't want to lose you." More recent examples can be found in Resident Evil 4 and 6, where Ada seems to jump between toying with Leon and expressing genuine empathy. Of course, since Ada can only express herself in cliched, action movie dialog at that point, getting her true feelings across is a challenge.

They first met back in: StarCraft (1998)

Love conquers all, right? Right? Perhaps, but Kerrigan - better known by her punk rock moniker The Queen of Blades - is betting it'll take more than some mushy feelings to bring down an ancient evil threatening the galaxy. And she reached that conclusion just moments after finishing her first date with on-again, off-again squeeze Jim Raynor. Granted, this "date" involved teaming up to murder an old man in his office, but let's not get into semantics.

Kerrigan and Jim are destined to fail, and that's exactly why you want to root for them. Their jobs come first for the time being, what with that ancient galactic evil and all, but when Jim finally puts down the bottle and Kerrigan hangs up those blades, wouldn't it be nice to see the two of them ride off into the galactic sunset together? Maybe I'm just a romantic...

They first met back in: Prince of Persia (2008)

Healthy relationships are not without conflict and turmoil. It's overcoming these rough patches, and moving forward, that makes a relationship strong. Elika and the Prince have certainly experienced their fair share of trouble. After going on an adventure together filled with teamwork and flirtatious remarks, the stage seemed set for a classic "happily ever after" ending. Instead, it went sour, in a big way.

You see, at the end of the game the Prince is faced with a sadistic choice: either let the woman he's fallen for remain dead, or let an ancient evil rise again (thereby undoing everything accomplished in the game) to bring her back to life. He chooses the latter, and she resents him for it. Sadly, with no sequel plans on the horizon, it is unlikely these two will ever get to work out their whole resurrection disagreement and make amends, in spite of the chemistry they share.

They first met back in: Half-Life 2 (2004)

This is an odd one, seeing as how Gordon's perpetual silence makes their relationship a little one-sided. Or maybe you're one of those people who thinks Gordon is talking and we, the players, just can't hear him. At any rate, the games have heavily implied Gordon and Alyx are destined to be together, with the bubbly Alyx taking a liking to the stoic doctor from the moment they first meet.

After that fateful encounter, the pair save each other's skin a few times, with the most memorable - and relationship-affirming - instance occurring in Half-Life 2: Episode 2. Here, Alyx is mortally wounded, and through an ancient, alien ritual she is healed with the aid of the Vortigaunts who "weave the Freeman's life with her's." Alyx seems cool with all this, and even gets a little flustered when her father mentions the possibility of grandchildren. All that's left is an affirmation of love fans have been waiting eight years (and counting) to hear.

They first met back in: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (2010)

Monkey and Trip go through a real relationship arc throughout the events of Enslaved. They start out as, essentially, adversaries, with Monkey acting as Trip's unwilling slave and guide through the robot-infested wasteland. Gradually, their budding relationship grows into a sort of begrudging acceptance, then friendship, and then something more than friendship.

This all culminates in Trip offering to release Monkey from his servitude, and Monkey choosing to remain by her side. At this point it's clear just from the looks they give each other that these two are in love, but that all sort of gets swept under the rug once the ending starts. Somewhere between all the giant robots and the memory pyramid, Monkey and Trip's relationship falls by the wayside, presumably to be picked up in a sequel we'll likely never see.

Life is too short for missed opportunities. Better to have loved and lost, as they say, than to have never loved at all. And when you have an attraction as strong as the entrants on this list, the whole 'love' part should come pretty naturally. Rejection sucks, sure, but you can't let it slow you down when the love of your life could be on the line.

And for more lovey-dovey fun on GR+ be sure to check out .

BAFTA Game Awards Nominees Revealed

Added: 10.02.2015 18:30 | 61 views | 0 comments

The list of nominees for this year's BAFTA Game Awards have been revealed, and it looks like Alien: Isolation is the crowd favorite.

Creative Assembly's first-person horror game is recognized in six categories, followed closely by Far Cry 4 and Monument Valley, each of which have four. Check out the full list of nominees and their respective categories below. Artistic Achievement Assassin’s Creed Unity Far Cry 4 Hohokum Lumino City Monument Valley Valiant Hearts Audio Achievement Alien: Isolation The Banner Saga Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved Mario Kart 8 The Sailor’s Dream Best Game Alien: Isolation Destiny Dragon Age: Inquisition Mario Kart 8 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Monument Valley British Game 80 Days Alien: Isolation Forza Horizon 2 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Lumino City Monument Valley Debut Game The Banner Saga Counterspy Hitman Go Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) Shovel Knight The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Family The LEGO Movie Videogame LittleBigPlanet 3 Minecraft: Console Editions Mario Kart 8 Skylanders Trap Team Twelve a Dozen Game Design Alien: Isolation Destiny Far Cry 4 Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor Threes Game Innovation 80 Days Alien: Isolation Lumino City Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor Titanfall The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Mobile & Handheld 80 Days Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Hitman Go Monument Valley Threes The Walking Dead: Season 2 Multiplayer Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Destiny Mario Kart 8 Minecraft: Console Editions Titanfall Music Alien: Isolation The Banner Saga Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved Far Cry 4 Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor The Sailor’s Dream Original Property Kalimba Monument Valley Sunset Overdrive Titanfall Valiant Hearts The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Performer Adam Harrington (Bigby Wolf in The Wolf Among Us) Ashley Johnson (Ellie in The Last of Us: Left Behind) Kevin Spacey (Jonathan Irons in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare) Logan Cunningham (Transistor in Transistor) Melissa Hutchison (Clementine in The Walking Dead: Season 2) Troy Baker (Pagan Min in Far Cry 4) Persistent Game Destiny EVE Online - Phoebe League of Legends Runescape World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor World of Tanks Sport FIFA 15 Football Manager 2015 Forza Horizon 2 OlliOlli Madden NFL 2015 Trials Fusion Story 80 Days Broken Age Far Cry 4 The Last of Us: Left Behind Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) The Wolf Among Us BAFTA Ones to Watch Award in association with Dare To Be Digital Chambara - Kevin Wong, Catherine Fox, Alex Faulkner, Esteban Fajardo, Thomas Hoffman - Overly Kinetic Sagittarius - Vivek Deshpande, Anand Navaneetha Raja, Ashik Sharief, Shashank Chavan, Karthireyan Dhandapani - Too Mainstream Dont Walk: Run - Niall Taylor, Joseph Grainger, Oliver Reynolds - Duffy, Sean Barron, Alan Taylor - Torque# The BAFTA 2015 winners will be revealed on March 12.


Price drop: $5.00 off The Wolf Among Us Xbox One Game , now only $38.49

Added: 10.02.2015 7:20 | 1 views | 0 comments

Save $5.00 on The Wolf Among Us Xbox One Game ! The price of The Wolf Among Us Xbox One Game has been dropped by $5.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


Tales from the Borderlands Episode 1: Zer0 Sum Review - GamerCenterOnline

Added: 10.02.2015 7:13 | 6 views | 0 comments

GCO: "Tales from the Borderlands is a combination of everything Telltale Games have learned from previous exploitslike The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. Besides some rather out of place elements, Tales from the Borderlands is an extremely intuitive mix of narrative and player choice."


More allegations of match-fixing and illegal betting activity in pro StarCraft

Added: 10.02.2015 7:10 | 6 views | 0 comments

A couple weeks ago, betting site Pinnacle Sports voided all bets on a Proleague match based on what they deemed suspicious betting patterns that made them think some bettors had some foreknowledge of the matchs results. Now, over this past weekend, Axiom eSports manager Olivia Wong vented on Twitter that match-fixing has become endemic in the Korean StarCraft 2 scene.


Tales from the Borderlands Episode 1: Zer0 Sum Review - GamerCenterOnline

Added: 10.02.2015 5:10 | 4 views | 0 comments

GCO: "Tales from the Borderlands is a combination of everything Telltale Games have learned from previous exploitslike The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. Besides some rather out of place elements, Tales from the Borderlands is an extremely intuitive mix of narrative and player choice."


Evolve Almost Had a Worm Monster, But Was Too Great a Tech Hurdle

Added: 10.02.2015 2:10 | 1 views | 0 comments

XBA: "Upon its release next week, Evolve will have three monsters on the disc - Goliath, Kraken and Wraith - with a fourth available with the Hunting Season Pass or a pre-order - the Behemoth. But the game almost ended up having a slithering worm creature that failed to make the cut."

Tags: Green, Paul, Test, Wolf

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