'Assassin's Creed' Isn't, And Can Never Be 'Call of Duty'
Added: 10.05.2015 23:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Paul Tassi from Forbes writes: "Ubisoft has scheduled a grand reveal event for this Tuesday, which promises to unveil this falls Assassins Creed: Victory, which very well may be called Assassins Creed: Syndicate now, because maybe Victory implies some sort of hard ending. Which we know isnt happening.
Rather, Assassins Creed will continue on until we beg it to stop, and the Call of Duty-esque annualization of the series is something that few can get behind, as Erik Kain wrote yesterday. But I wanted to explore a little bit about why CODs yearly formula is so hard to repeat, and why Assassins Creed struggles with generating excitement for annual releases so consistently."
| Price drop: $6.00 off Assassins Creed Unity CD Key Download for uPlay, now only $33.99
Added: 09.05.2015 11:20 | 10 views | 0 comments
Save $6.00 on Assassins Creed Unity CD Key Download for uPlay! The price of Assassins Creed Unity CD Key Download for uPlay has been dropped by $6.00, order now from ozgameshop.com with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.
| Is Assassin's Creed Syndicate Coming To Wii U, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360? No, It Isn't
Added: 09.05.2015 5:21 | 8 views | 0 comments
"The website Ubisoft has announced the reveal of the next Assassins Creed through has logos for Wii U, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Does this mean the game will be cross-gen? No, it doesnt, and we are about to explain you why."
| Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (2015) Review | FilmGamesEtc
Added: 09.05.2015 1:17 | 10 views | 0 comments
FilmGamesEtc: Assassins Creed has been getting a lot of heat in the past year. From its annual release thats boring people to bug issues last seen in its most recent major AAA title, Assassins Creed: Unity, the series has gained much notoriety over recent years. Assassins Creed: Chronicles changes up the original format of past Assassins Creeds and puts a twist on it. Chronicles offers players a new 2.5D point of view. This very linear game could offer some great new gameplay or adversely give gamers more reason to dislike the series even more.
| BAMF BABES #7: Saskia (The Witcher 2)
Added: 09.05.2015 1:00 | 10 views | 0 comments
When I played The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings many things astonished me, but Saskia's storyline stood out among the rest. It's an example of a well-written female leader and how branching paths in video games can significantly change the experience.
| Downward is a New Open World Parkour Game
Added: 08.05.2015 20:17 | 20 views | 0 comments
Hardcore Gamer: "Have Mirrors Edge 2 or even the next Assassins Creed got you yearning for more parkour games? Caracal Games Studios may be here to help as theyve just revealed their newest game: Downward."
| Assassins Creed Chronicles: China Review | GameCloud Australia
Added: 08.05.2015 11:17 | 18 views | 0 comments
Bernadette Russell at GameCloud Australia writes:
"Assassins Creed Chronicles: China was pretty to look at, as short as Id expected (5 hours with several reloads) but missing the soul of a good AC game: the gripping narrative. I honestly tried to care about the box and Asian Laras vengeance, but it had no substance. If a game doesnt grip me with its story, then it has to be the one thing games are designed to be: entertaining. Personally I felt it failed that too. Other titles have shown how fun and engaging a 2D platform can be, this just had too many elements not reaching their potential and leaving me disappointed. Id have been happy with a challenge at least, but as the game attempted to increase the difficulty Id use the design flaws and apply them all the way to the end, ensuring an easy run. Im looking to next quarter to see what they can do with instalments two and three, and how they can bring this story back to the gripping narrative it should be."
| Assassin's Creed Victory No More, The Next Assassin's Creed Will Be Called Syndicate?
Added: 08.05.2015 4:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
"I also heard from the same source that the game is no longer called Victory and in fact will be called Assassins Creed Syndicate."
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