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Invokers Tournament Review | PS Vita Reviews

Added: 16.09.2015 8:17 | 42 views | 0 comments

PS Vita Reviews just finished the handheld's first MOBA. Here are their final thoughts on the game: "Invokers Tournament is the first MOBA to grace the PlayStation Vita and a free one at that. On the downside, some of the controls arent explained to you at all, there is a little lag in multiplayer, and there are a couple small hiccups in the gameplay, most notably the sluggish pacing. The games not a terrible MOBA, but youve got to be able to get comfortable with the pacing beforehand."


Shelter 2 - PC Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Added: 16.09.2015 8:17 | 26 views | 0 comments

Chalgyr's Game Room writes: To me, the mark of a great game it one that delivers a unique experience that stays with you. Theyre the ones that make you fall in love with the characters, dish out emotional trauma with their story lines, give you that arm hair raising moment of awe, or make you think. There are of course times where you just want to wreak utter havoc and destroy things in a blood soaked haze for a few hours without much thought as to why youre storming a creepy ruin waving a comically large meat poker; and there are some good games that give you that. However, the ones that truly stand out are the games that tug at your heart strings in some way. Shelter 2 doesnt just tug at the heart strings though; it gives them a good yank then plays them like a cello.


One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Review (Denkiphile)

Added: 16.09.2015 7:19 | 69 views | 0 comments

Davis from Denkiphile: "Long ago, the first Warriors collaboration with the Gundam series was seen as little more than a gimmick to cash in on two of Japans big IPs. Of course, the same is still somewhat true. In its third iteration, One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 combines the wildly popular One Piece anime and Warriors titles for the third time. However, with this title, the formula has been changed significantly to the point where Koei Tecmo diehards may not recognize the title as a Warriors game, and that is a good thing."


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review (Denkiphile)

Added: 16.09.2015 7:19 | 53 views | 0 comments

Eldon from Denkiphile: "Ive been anticipating the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for several years now. After seeing gameplay demos of Phantom Pain at E3 along with the trailers for it, I was incredibly hyped for the release and pretty much spent all of my waking hours trying to complete it. After about 58 hours, I would say that The Phantom Pain is a very solid game thats held back by its story and the amount of content that was cut from the final release."


Destiny: The Taken King - Review | Game Trailers

Added: 16.09.2015 7:17 | 15 views | 0 comments

GT: Its evident Bungie has been listening to fan feedback this last year and has worked hard to reinvent Destiny. The story is presented better than ever, the new subclasses offer different playstyles and draw players together, and the grind is alleviated thanks to a plethora of post-game missions and the Dreadnaught patrol zone. We havent played the raid and are choosing to judge Destiny on the content that will be delivered to players on day one, but we have incredibly high hopes given everything weve seen so far. If you are a new, returning, or current player in Destiny, the Taken King is absolutely worth checking out.


One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Review (Denkiphile)

Added: 16.09.2015 6:17 | 16 views | 0 comments

Davis from Denkiphile: "Long ago, the first Warriors collaboration with the Gundam series was seen as little more than a gimmick to cash in on two of Japans big IPs. Of course, the same is still somewhat true. In its third iteration, One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 combines the wildly popular One Piece anime and Warriors titles for the third time. However, with this title, the formula has been changed significantly to the point where Koei Tecmo diehards may not recognize the title as a Warriors game, and that is a good thing."


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review (Denkiphile)

Added: 16.09.2015 6:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

Eldon from Denkiphile: "Ive been anticipating the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for several years now. After seeing gameplay demos of Phantom Pain at E3 along with the trailers for it, I was incredibly hyped for the release and pretty much spent all of my waking hours trying to complete it. After about 58 hours, I would say that The Phantom Pain is a very solid game thats held back by its story and the amount of content that was cut from the final release."


Super Mario Maker Review [Capsule Computers]

Added: 16.09.2015 6:17 | 22 views | 0 comments

The 30th anniversary of Mario is upon us and Nintendo is celebrating its most popular IP with Super Mario Maker, a game which allows you to create, play and share your very own Super Mario levels! If youre a fan of the Italian plumbers past 2D titles or have always aspired to be a level designer for Nintendo then no doubt the games premise will have you excited.


One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Review (Denkiphile)

Added: 16.09.2015 6:17 | 4 views | 0 comments

Davis from Denkiphile: "Long ago, the first Warriors collaboration with the Gundam series was seen as little more than a gimmick to cash in on two of Japans big IPs. Of course, the same is still somewhat true. In its third iteration, One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 combines the wildly popular One Piece anime and Warriors titles for the third time. However, with this title, the formula has been changed significantly to the point where Koei Tecmo diehards may not recognize the title as a Warriors game, and that is a good thing."


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