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Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | WGTC

Added: 19.01.2015 19:14 | 4 views | 0 comments

Chad from We Got This Covered wrote: Its unlikely that any other fictional gang has gone as far as Volitions Third Street Saints. After all, what started as a ragtag organization looking to take over the streets of the city it called home has since turned into a phenomenon. How so? Well, after achieving its goals of taking out the competition, the group picked up and moved and did the same elsewhere, before making its way into the Oval Office and installing its head honcho as the revered President of the United States. During that time, a popular energy drink was released, commercials were filmed and the popularity meter soared to new heights.

From: n4g.com

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Review | Codec Moments

Added: 19.01.2015 19:11 | 14 views | 0 comments

Matt at Codec Moments writes: "I wasnt overly enamoured by Saints Row IV, but little did I know that we were in for a lack of decent and engaging open world action games for the new generation (ignoring GTA V), and that when the info started to appear about what Volition were doing, Id actually get quite nostalgic about re-visiting Steelport and spending time with the mighty Saints again. Ive forgotten about the things that I didnt like, remembered the fun I had, and have been drawn in by the adverts and promo work."

From: n4g.com

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review | Hardcore Gamer

Added: 19.01.2015 19:11 | 2 views | 0 comments

"Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is another ridiculous odyssey for the Saints, but even as an expansion pack, the shadow of Saints Row IV constantly hovers overhead."

From: n4g.com

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell review | Gamesradar

Added: 19.01.2015 19:11 | 9 views | 0 comments

GR: "In Saints Row IV, an evil alien race called the Zin blow up Earth and plonk the remaining humans in a giant Matrix-like mainframe that replaces reality. But forget about all that! While five-hour standalone expansion Gat out of Hell begins where the last one ends - with the surviving Saints travelling the stars in a spaceship - it blasts off in a different trajectory entirely. During a friendly game of ouija board, the President of the United States (you from the last game) is sucked down to the depths of Hell by the Devil, who wants a husband for his daughter, Jezebel. But the Saints dont abide kidnappings or arranged marriages, and by freely switching between Vanilla Ice-alike Johnny Gat and feisty nerd Kinzie Kingston its your duty to rescue the POTUS."

From: n4g.com

What Is... Saints Row IV: Re-Elected?

Added: 19.01.2015 19:10 | 5 views | 0 comments

This time round Dan is the president, and he has superpowers, and a pro wrestler. Only in Saints Row IV: Re-Elected.

From: n4g.com

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Review | Codec Moments

Added: 19.01.2015 19:10 | 5 views | 0 comments

Matt at Codec Moments writes: "I wasnt overly enamoured by Saints Row IV, but little did I know that we were in for a lack of decent and engaging open world action games for the new generation (ignoring GTA V), and that when the info started to appear about what Volition were doing, Id actually get quite nostalgic about re-visiting Steelport and spending time with the mighty Saints again. Ive forgotten about the things that I didnt like, remembered the fun I had, and have been drawn in by the adverts and promo work."

From: n4g.com

Saints Row 4 Expansion, Resident Evil HD And Citizens Of Earth Invade PSN This Week

Added: 19.01.2015 18:51 | 8 views | 0 comments

The 2015 release calendar finally gets rolling this week, with the PlayStation Network offering up a sizable amount of content spread across multiple genres. Expect to revisit the over-the-top antics of Saints Row IV with a massive new DLC update, some microscopic puzzle action, a remade horror classic and even a new RPG that pays homage to the beloved Earthbound.

From: www.cinemablend.com

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | WGTC

Added: 19.01.2015 18:15 | 8 views | 0 comments

Chad from We Got This Covered wrote: Its unlikely that any other fictional gang has gone as far as Volitions Third Street Saints. After all, what started as a ragtag organization looking to take over the streets of the city it called home has since turned into a phenomenon. How so? Well, after achieving its goals of taking out the competition, the group picked up and moved and did the same elsewhere, before making its way into the Oval Office and installing its head honcho as the revered President of the United States. During that time, a popular energy drink was released, commercials were filmed and the popularity meter soared to new heights.

From: n4g.com

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Review (GameWatcher)

Added: 19.01.2015 18:11 | 14 views | 0 comments

From GameWatcher.com: "If there was any doubt developer Volition Inc. could top the crazy happenings of Saints Row IV, which involved an alien invasion of Earth and a Matrix-like virtual world with super powers, then Gat out of Hell is happy to shoot you and your doubts in the face."

From: n4g.com

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Review | StickTwiddlers

Added: 19.01.2015 18:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

Coinciding with the release is a brand new standalone expansion, Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell, set after the events of Saints Row IV and giving fans their Gat back.

From: n4g.com

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