Naughty Dog Will Spill Their Secrets at GDC 2014 with a Whopping Nine Panels
Added: 07.02.2014 14:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
Considering that Naughty Dog won a whoping ten top honors including Game of the Year yesterday night at the D.I.C.E. awards, it's not so surprising that they're considered by the industry as relevant source of information and learning. And the best thing is that they're willing to share.
| Internet Costs Will Spike As Xbox One, Playstation 4 Take Hold: Experts
Added: 05.02.2014 8:15 | 9 views | 0 comments
Like video games? Then prepare to pay more for internet service, analysts are warning. It has to do with a combination of two factors...
| Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z Review | Capsule Computers
Added: 03.02.2014 14:19 | 4 views | 0 comments
After a long and decent run by Spike (developer of the much loved Tenkaichi series), this is the first DBZ game developed by new studio Artdink, who have worked on a number of Gundam portable titles for the PSP. For their first effort at tackling possibliy one of the largest anime licenses of all time, the studio have done a great portraying the series as well as introducing a new style of play to the Dragon Ball universe we havent seen before.
| Blackguards v1.1 German Patch
Added: 28.01.2014 15:42 | 8 views | 0 comments
- Fügt dem Spiel das Feature der Freien Charakterentwicklung hinzu
- Überarbeitete Grafiken und aufgebesserte Videosequenzen
- Bugfixes
| Playstation Now Will the world ever be the same again
Added: 24.01.2014 13:17 | 5 views | 0 comments
"Like many many people out there, I am incredibly excited about the prospect of Playstation Now. Having not played a PS3 last generation I would love the opportunity to catch up on some of the stunning explosive games such as The Last Of Us, check out the origins of the titles I plan to play on my PS4 and to also see some conclusions of the games I loved to play on the PS2. As a Vita owner I have also seen how great playing PS1 titles have been, getting Spiro and FFIX immediately upon turing the thing on. I think that this is very typical for a lot of gamers, especially now that money and misguided loyalty make people stick to one console only. (See how I managed to get all the Sony consoles in there!)."
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