Saturday, 01 March 2025
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13 Surprising Reasons 2015 Will Be Huge For Gamers

Added: 09.03.2015 7:46 | 5 views | 0 comments

1. You’ll Create The Best Mario Level You’ve Ever Played

Nintendo’s inviting you to design your own Mario levels in the upcoming Mario Maker for Wii U. Just imagine: You can spell out the phrase “Suck it haters” with floating tiles of piranha plants.

2. Virtual Reality Hits the Mainstream

After years of buzz, the consumer model of the Oculus Rift will finally hit in 2015. The dawn of the techno dystopia has never seemed more appealing.

3. Fighting Games Rise From the Grave

Every few years someone declares the fighting genre dead, and then some awesome new game resurrects the scene once again. Street Fighter V and Mortal Kombat X arrive this year, and they both look vicious and absolutely vital.

4. Halo Gets Its Act Together

343 Industries shipped The Master Chief Collection with a host of bugs. But to give the devil his due, they weren’t the original developers for those games. Halo 5: Guardians is their baby, so here’s hoping they can deliver.

5. Zelda Finally Goes Open World

“Give us an open world like the first game!” That’s been the constant refrain of fans for the past two decades. This year, Nintendo aims to deliver with their most ambitious title yet. Finally, HD Zelda like you’ve always dreamed.

6. The Great JRPG Renaissance Begins

Where are all the new JRPGs? Well, between a new Xenoblade on the Wii U, and the desperately anticipated Persona 5, two heavy hitting franchises from Japan will release their most impressive entries yet. Relief is on the way!

7. Indie Games Continue to Innovate

Some of the biggest surprises each year come from the smaller studios that work tirelessly to deliver a personal vision. This year we’ll see Cuphead, Firewatch, The Witness, Inside, Hotline Miami 2, Adrift, and many more.

8. Media Molecule Has a Huge Surprise Up Its Sleeve

The company that brought us Little Big Planet and Tearaway has been working on a secret, unannounced game. Their PS4 tech demo showed promise back in 2013. Whatever they’re cooking up, we know it will be creatively unique.

9. Old Classics Will Become Easier to Play

Current offerings for retro games may be paltry, but signs point to more a robust selection throughout 2015. The Wii U recently launched downloads of Wii titles, and Sony’s PS Now will gain steam by year’s end.

10. Handheld Gaming Reaches Its Perfect Pinnacle

For the 3DS and the Vita, the later years in a console’s life usually sees the maturation of the system, along with its best games. Example A: Axiom Verge will absolutely (probably) kick ass.

11. Mirror’s Edge 2 Is Maybe Coming out

We’re getting a sequel to everyone’s favorite rebellious roof top runner! But it’s about more than just one great game. It’s emblematic that publishers are still willing to take risks on inventive experiences in 2015. Have Faith.

12. Two Brand New Nintendo IPs Excite Everyone

Just when you couldn’t stomach the idea of a 25th (!) Kirby game, Nintendo unveiled a pair of promisingly original games. The squad shooter Splatoon and the steampunk themed Code Name S.T.E.A.M. hit this year. Weird Nintendo is back!

13. The Variety of Voices in Games Has Grown More Diverse

While everyone loves to complain about the era of the YouTube Superstar, the medium can only benefit from a growing group of enthusiasts and archivists. Add Patreon and podcasts in the mix, and the culture of games is as lively as ever.


RPGamer Review: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Added: 08.03.2015 10:19 | 10 views | 0 comments

RPGamer: Eat, sleep, hunt monsters, repeat. Such is the life of a hunter in Capcom's Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The latest in the company's beast-slaying series brings with it a polished core from the previous entries, along with a variety of new monsters and features that refine the experience to make it the most approachable games in the series. The game adds a straightforward and entertaining story, combined with refinements to tutorials and early missions which should help new players get past the game's steep learning curve. It's a refined, beautiful, and exceptionally entertaining experience that stands head and shoulders above not only other entries in the series, but most other RPGs on the 3DS.


Heres What Happens When You Pretend to Be Lara Croft on Tinder

Added: 07.03.2015 2:19 | 11 views | 0 comments

Oh, Tinder. Such a lovely playground. Twinfinite's Yami hopped on with a fake account whose name happened to be Lara, happened to love adventure, and happened to look exactly like Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. The results were wonderful.


ZTGD | Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Review

Added: 06.03.2015 16:10 | 0 views | 0 comments

Jae Lee writes: When I was a kid, Dragonball Z was more than just an manga/anime- it was an inspiration. I learned how to draw to some degree just so I could draw the characters from the DBZ universe. Also, I have no qualms admitting that I actually practiced the kamehameha and tried to turn super saiyan at least a few times. Sure this was when I was a little kid under ten but it was a big deal. Even after the series had all but ended (lets not talk GT), I carried a torch for it in my heart and albeit to a lesser degree, I still do today. So you can bet your dragonballs that Ive played my share of DBZ games over the years but after about a dozen or so in the course of two decades, I stopped playing them. They all seemed like the same game with slightly prettier graphics that told the same story Ive seen dozens of times. However, Xenoverse caught my interest not only because its the first DBZ title for the new hardware but because of how they were putting a twist to...

Tags: Evil, When, Sure, Dragon

ZTGD | Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Review

Added: 06.03.2015 14:10 | 0 views | 0 comments

Jae Lee writes: When I was a kid, Dragonball Z was more than just an manga/anime- it was an inspiration. I learned how to draw to some degree just so I could draw the characters from the DBZ universe. Also, I have no qualms admitting that I actually practiced the kamehameha and tried to turn super saiyan at least a few times. Sure this was when I was a little kid under ten but it was a big deal. Even after the series had all but ended (lets not talk GT), I carried a torch for it in my heart and albeit to a lesser degree, I still do today. So you can bet your dragonballs that Ive played my share of DBZ games over the years but after about a dozen or so in the course of two decades, I stopped playing them. They all seemed like the same game with slightly prettier graphics that told the same story Ive seen dozens of times. However, Xenoverse caught my interest not only because its the first DBZ title for the new hardware but because of how they were putting a twist to...

Tags: Evil, When, Sure, Dragon

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