PlayStation Plus Japan will have access to rains TGS Demo.
Added: 14.09.2013 7:22 | 14 views | 0 comments
A lot can say that Playstation Plus Japan is inferior and is getting the short end of the stick compared to its regional counterparts. While the US and Europe get to enjoy games like Need for Speed: Most Wanted, XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Hitman: Absolution, all Japan has been getting for the most part is Playstation One titles. Just recently, Japan is starting to get titles such as Miku Miku Hockey for the PSVita.
Tags: PlayStation, Play, Europe, Jump, Japan, While, Mini, Playstation, Most, Enemy, Enemy Unknown, Unknown
| XCOM: Enemy Within Wont Allow Save Data Import
Added: 13.09.2013 18:19 | 8 views | 0 comments
XCOM: Enemy Within was one of the biggest surprises of Gamescom 2013, and a very welcome one at that. Set for release on console and PC this November the announcement has been met with a great response from both critics and consumers alike, however for console gamers theres a slight sting in the tail: you wont be able to import your XCOM: Enemy Unknown save data.
| The Bureau: X-Com Declassified Review | Press Start Australia
Added: 13.09.2013 6:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
Kevin at Press Start Australia writes: "As much as I love 2K and despite the fear that the studios behind this game will suffer immensely due to its long and turbulent schedule, The Bureau remains a weak entry into the X-Com series. The attempts at introducing actual plot elements into the X-Com universe comes off as weak, the gameplay is fun but ultimately drags and doesnt evolve, and the permadeth element comes off as non-threatening. Enemy Unknown was a gem from 2011. The Bureau isnt so lucky. Maybe as a budget title it wouldve seen a more successful launch and a longer shelf life, but despite this possibly meaning the end of 2K Australia, it just isnt worth your time.
| XCOM: Enemy Within preview | Thunderbolt
Added: 09.09.2013 17:23 | 13 views | 0 comments
Calvin Kemph, Thunderbolt writes:
Last years excellent XCom: Enemy Unknown provides a solid foundation to build upon. Firaxis make finished videogames and so theres nothing to expand on apart from the base experience itself. With XCom: Enemy Within, theyve taken a complete product and sharpened the edges, implementing concepts that expand on the core strategies.
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